5.1             SUMMARY OF FINDINGS.
It is important to note that many developing countries, for example Nigeria depends very much on small-scale enterprises for their economic growth, this is because the industrial sector and government, the world are appreciating the fact that small business which in totality has been neglected could contribute substantially to economic growth, employment generation, local and value and also technological development.

Generally speaking, however, the performances of this sector have not measure up to expectations. In the last chapter, the data which was collected from the study, was presented and analyzed with the use of chi-square.
Chapter four give the chi-square analysis of data, which establish the relationship between small-scale enterprises, major problem are source of finance, financing the business and high rates of interest on loan. But virtue of testing the parameter, we conclude that sources of financing small-scale enterprises and high rates of interest on loans are major findings from various review of analysis, it must be noted that findings are not necessarily in order, which they are made.
In this hypothesis, it was discovered that sources of finance, financing of the business and high rates of interest on loan are the major problem of small-scale enterprises in Nigeria in general and in Bida Local Government Area of Niger state in particular.
5.2             CONCLUSION
Naturally, for every hundred novice, begging new business ideas; many are giving up some will liquidate their business; a handful will even go bankrupt. Most will simply accept it as inevitable. It was recalled but specific hypotheses were postulated in chapter one, the result from the survey did indicate that source of finance, financing of the business, and high rates of interest on loan are a major problem of small-scale enterprises. For these reasons therefore, the prospective entrepreneurs should make through study of the past, present and future of his business environment by asking himself some of these important questions: what business am I really in?, what has motivated me to go into such business?, what financially and emotionally prepared are my?, what are sources of my raw materials and of course, how well am I connected in this business?.
            It look like an intellectual exercise in an attempt to answer these questions but at the expense of the success of any business to analyze and study the past, present and future of your business environment, either when beginning a new business or already in existence.
5.3             RECOMMENDATIONS
The advantageous derived from small-scale enterprises in Nigeria are numerous, this includes increase in private participation in the economy, increase in the total gross domestic product (GDP), decrease in importation of manufactured goods. It is necessary that small-scale enterprises should be financed adequately for it to achieve it desired goals.
This project revealed that the federal government employed several instruments in order to encourage small-scale enterprises among are credit guideline, rural banking programmes and industrial development.
The most vital and prominent constraint to the growth of enterprises in a developing country like Nigeria is finance. In the view of this, the researcher is recommending that financing of small-scale enterprises in Nigeria should be improved. And also recommends the following:
a. Adequate attention should be given to staff development and training programmes, for managers and supervisors as this goes a long way in increasing productivity.
b.  Small-scale enterprises should as far as possible go into partnership so that it will be easier to obtain loans from banks and also meet the security requirements of lending institutions. In the long-run it will increase the capital base of the business, which allows for corporate growth and development.
c. On the part of government, it should use all possible means to compel commercial banks and other lending institutions to increase the measures in which there issue financial assistance to small-scale enterprises by making it easier for credit worthy ones to enjoy their credit facilities. Also, the small-scale industries credit scheme should be made meaningful by the government, this it can do by processing loan application without much delay and by increasing the funds for business in order to extent loans to a large numbers of intending borrowers and in view of rising cost due to inflationary trend in the country.
d. Government as a matter of necessity should establish a special bank for small-scale enterprises like the establishment of Nigerian Agricultural loans.

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