The section of this website/blog covers educating articles and information which our editorial team takes time to research. This is intended to increase knowledge from place to place among any interested reader. In Nigeria for example, many people lack information because we don’t have the zeal to read from our books on what our lecturers and teachers teaches in our schools maybe because we are too busy with one activities or the other or maybe we are spending too much time on socials networks and television, so we spend little or no time with our books. But with the information posted on this educational section which appears on the internet, it creates an avenue for everyone to get some of this educating information along-side their social networks. We have sorted and arranged different articles depending on the departments, provided a search area to enable any reader find the desired information.

Education is a general idea that differs from society to society. What is regarded as educative in one society may not be so in another society. Education is normative word and normative words are both explanatory and evaluative. They suggest that the concepts are meaningful and advantageous. Education is what makes a man eagerly pursue the ideal excellence of citizenship, and teachers how rightly to rule and how to obey. In effect, that one is a trained medical doctor, lecturer; trader etc does not make him an educated man. For such a man to be regarded as educated, he must be virtuous that is he must be good, he must be an ideal citizen. Plato’s definition agrees with that of traditional African society in its emphasis on character development as the most important man. A priest who embezzled church funds is not an educated person.

From our own research, MARTINS LIBRARY defines education as the process of transmitting, preserving, developing and advancing the culture of a people of Nigeria. A process of acculturation through which the individual is helped to attain the development of his potentiality, and his maximum actuation when necessary according to the right reason, and to achieve his perfect self and fulfillment.   

There Are Main Component of Indigenous Educations About A Nigerian Child.
1.      Social:  The curriculum should follow the necessary information about the child’s community. The history of the community, the natural environment of the child, the village gods, marriage customs, coronation ceremonies, lustration ceremonies, various festivals, the chroniclers the exploits of the community heroes and warriors and time of celebration and sacrifices of all kinds. In some situation of the ceremony the male child may be required to be seen. In another way some of the ceremonies may require the females of young or old hiding themselves.

2.      Vocational: The child is taught how agricultural activities before ham to any vocation. There are other vocation like black smiting, carving and painting leather works, hunting or fishing. If the boy decides not to be a full time farmer. The girls understudy their mother in the art of buying and selling simple goods in the village market or they learn home marketing learn cookery, do menial jobs in the farm like weeding, planting, cocoyam and vegetable crops and taught special roles of a housewife. It implies that indigenous education is employable except for the lazy ones.

3.      3.    Moral and Character: Here the child will know the beliefs, norms, in the community and how to adapt on it. He is made to know behaviors which attract moral lapses and deviations from the norm. Behaviors, such like fornication adultery, thief, insubordination, poising, attract special punishment. It will make them to inculcate, develop moral character.

4.      4.    Health Education: there curriculum is well develop this expect of curriculum has a sound knowledge of preventive medicine. The forest offered a good resources for various herbal drugs. Tree barks, leaves, seeds roots etc were easily get from the forest for preventive and permanent cues those things used in preventing witch crafts off the compound or antidotes for poison were generally known by the average child. A health and normal child will be would be forced to join his kith and kin in learning the age grade dances, contently as physical fitness exercise and fishing, shooting, expeditions. It will help in performance of good health education.

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