 Man is a product of design and every design has a designer and every designer has a reason for making his or its design. Man was brought into existence by the Supreme Being who created the entire world and every being in it. Thus man is purpose –oriented being and to discover, pursue and achieve his purpose in life has been his burning desire.
The purpose of this work is to let man know that his success or failure in his efforts to achieve his purpose in life depends on values he has adopted and carried a long his life journey. These values influence his thoughts, actions, habits, character and finally destiny. His destiny is a summary of what he has become in life –a success or failure. The significance of this work is that it will help anybody who is desirous to live a life of purpose to examine his or her values with a view to adopting ones that are relevant to attainment of purposes he or she is pursuing. Luckily for man, the ladder of success with four rugs: commonsense, rationality, knowledge and wisdom is his for the asking. Given the nature of the topic, methods of analysis, criticism and prescription have been adopted in order to leave no relevant stone to the issue unturned.   

Man’s knowledge about the world, himself and his place in the world is limited due to his nature. He arrives in the world unaware of the world, himself and his mission in it and remains in that state until he becomes aware of himself and the world. As he becomes aware of himself, his burning desire has been to find out the purpose of his mission in the world and to achieve that purpose. Experience the great teacher, has been informing him about the world, himself, his purpose and resources at his disposal which he can use to achieve his purpose no matter what it is.

So far; man despite his limited knowledge about himself and the world, he is quite sure of these truths. First, he never brought himself into existence. Second, he is not in the world by accident but by the intention of his Creator- the Supreme Being. Third, as a being of intention of his Creator, he is purpose- oriented being- a being designed to live his life on purpose. According to human nature, confirmed  by common sense, rationality, knowledge and wisdom through the mouthpiece of humanity – Socrates the great philosopher of all ages –the chief purpose or goal of life is happiness, and the only path that leads to this goal is virtue” paraphrased by (Omoregbe, 2003:93). In support of this view of Socrates on happiness, Aristotle, according to Uduma O. Uduma, holds that “happiness is “highest good”. Happiness alone is sought only for its own sake” (2000:273). So happiness is the ultimate purpose and every other purpose pursued by man is seen as a means to attain happiness.
Even God’s two injunctions to man: To keep human stream running from generation to generation and to maintain an atmosphere of peace, harmony, progress and development are two fundamental tasks man is facing in the world with a view to attaining the ultimate goal – happiness. So it is obvious that for man to live well, deliver his services and attain his ultimate goal in life, he has to live a life of purpose. Now the question is what way of living should man adopt in order to make a success story of his life? This question brings about the need for man to think of kinds of values he should adopt to guide him in his purpose –oriented activities so as to avoid distractions that have destroyed dreams, energies, times and opportunities of their victims. No wonder Socrates a friend of humanity says: “Unexamined life is not worth living”.
                  In this work the aim is, since man is living in a society full of values – ideas, dreams, things, events and relationships highly regarded, to help him to see that it is better for him to examine these values and adopt the ones that will help him to achieve his particular and ultimate goals in life. For, it is one thing to have a goal, and another thing to have relevant values that can lead to its attainment. 

Explanation of terms
Man: Man as a term has other synonyms such as mankind and humanity. Each of them is used to describe entire humans or human beings. But when the term man is used with either an indefinite article ‘a’ or a definite article ‘the’ it refers to males of human beings while woman with article or no article refers to females of human beings.
Man is a being among other beings created by the Supreme Being – the Almighty God. God is the Supreme Architect in terms of construction of this wonderful edifice called the universe; the Supreme Artist in terms of beautifying every aspect of the universe and every natural thing in it; the Supreme Manager in terms of managing the affairs of the universe such that there is no loophole anywhere in it; the Supreme Lover in terms of continuous flowing of His streams of  love, kindness, mercy, , compassion, care, etc to all His created beings. For instance, despite man’s frequent transgressions right from the Garden of Eden which made him, according to the Bible, to regret to have created man, He never withdraws any of His gifts of resources to man from him. He even sent His only son in terms of uprightness Jesus Christ to come into the world and re-emphasise in practical ways to man what his human nature has been continuously asking him to observe at all times and in all situations which are: Love your neighbour as you love yourself and treat others as you would like them treat you. The only thing God did as regards man’s disobedience to Him was that He ordered the first human parents –Adam and Eve- to live the rest of their lives in the world on the fruits of their sweats from generation to generation (Genesis 3:16-19).
Man is a highly valued being by his Creator; for he is the only being among other beings that is bearing the image and likeness of their Creator. This image and likeness of the Creator man is bearing appears in the form of rationality.  Rationality has given man an edge ever other beings. Due to this outstanding gift, man has succeeded in subduing, dominating and controlling the rest of beings as each of them surrenders to his will. In support of this view about man, Habu Dawaki says:           

Man is the only thinking animal other animals don’t go to school, they don’t invent, carry out researches, build  hospitals, police stations, plan coups, organize elections, dance, celebrate birthdays, honour their outstanding citizens or bury their dead. These and many more are all products of thoughts (2005:81- Shake Hands).
Despite these wonderful things man has done in the world through creative ingenuity in arts, sciences and social realm which has enabled him to bend the nature to do his will, man is yet to bend or control himself. His failure to do that has made him a paradoxical being. A being who is purpose –oriented and yet often found  loafing about; a  being who loves and as well hates; who builds and as well destroys; who  craves to become an asset in the world and yet always found in the realm of liability; who desires to be among great minds who discuss ideas and yet he is always  found among people who discuss events and gossip about  people; who is aware that thinking is a ladder that leads to success avenue and yet always found displaying passions; who desires that his life be guided by positive values and yet he is often found in the school of negative thoughts that result in negative values; etc.
No wonder Cicero a man of great thought says: “man is his own worst enemy” (Dawaki, 2005:152- there is …).  That is to say man may have other enemies such as ignorance, hatred, fear, doubt, poverty, laziness, superstition, procrastination, corruption, imitation, inferiority, etc, but the worst of all is he. This is because it is him who opens the door for these wreckers of his thoughts, actions, habits, characters and destines to enter his house and perform their works. So everyman is the architect of his own fortune or misfortune.

Life: What the term life means and connotes is understood in several senses. First, it is seen as ability to function and grow in a manner which distinguishes animate beings such as humans, animals, birds  plants and so on from dead ones and from inanimate beings such as rocks, soils, metals, etc; second, it is seen as living things; third, it is seen as a state of being  alive as a human being; fourth it is seen as qualities; events and experiences that characterize existence as a human being;   fourth, it is seen as qualities, events and experiences that characterizes existence as a human being;  fifth  it is understood as a period between birth and death, a period  between birth and the present,  a period between the present and death; sixth, it is understood  as pleasure, business and social activities  in the world.

There is no doubt that these senses in which life is conceived will help an objective and critical inquirer to understand and appreciate the real meaning of life. But in this work the sense in which life is seen as qualities, events and experiences which characterize existence as a human being is its focus. This is because such qualities, events and experiences combine to define man and as well assist him in his efforts to achieve his ultimate goal which is happiness. Happiness is a feeling of self- fulfillment arising from a person’s successful attainment of his or her personal and collective needs.
Purpose: Purpose as a word has other synonyms such as aim, intention, target, object, end, determination, destination etc and they are exchangeable with one another. Purpose means what a person wants to do; get or be. As well it means an ability to form plans and carry them out. For example, these hypocritical persons-  Okoro Balogun Usman is working to build united Nigeria where the joy or pain of one is the joy  or pain of all Nigerians. Eze Oladikpo Sani wants to be a great farmer. Okoye Dalandi Kein’s plan is to become anything- no target. So purpose in life is what one has chosen or resolved to pursue, live for and die for. For a man to achieve his purpose in life as the world is full of distractions here and there, he has to cultivate a certain attitude and maintain it with a view to attaining the purpose.
Values: The term values, refers to things, which may be abstract or material, seen as having qualities that are very useful, important or worthwhile. In other words, values may be in form of ideas, principles, positions, jobs, power, knowledge, properties, character, behaviour, ways of life, etc; highly esteemed and treasured so much by people because of their inestimable worthiness to them in their spheres of life. Values could be means such as principles; beliefs, determination, dedication, diligence,  education, money, friendship, statements, structures, infrastructures, food,  health, advice, books, building materials, associations, governing bodies, etc, used by people to achieve their individual or collective purposes. Or they could be ends or goals people want to achieve such as peace of mind, happiness, house, wealth, a just society, a successful life etc.
In his bid to throw more light on what value means and connotes, Jim Rohn who says:” The major value in life is not what you get. The major value is what you become” (2005: 211 –There is …). That is to say properties – material or non –material –one has acquired could be seen as a value but what matters is what one has become as a result of the acquired properties is  what matters. For example, Adolf Hitler, one time president of Germany, seized power and thus presided over the affairs of his country. But as a result of his abuse of that power which led to the destruction of uncountable number of lives and properties during the Second World War he has become a reference point in history of anything wrong with human beings.
Whereas Thomas Jefferson, one time American president, in position of power to preside over the affairs of his country, made an immortal statement  that has earned him a place in history and a membership in the school of all ages. In his words:
We hold these truths to be self –evident, that all men are created       equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted. Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government (MCMichael, 1974:468).   

It is obvious to great minds who discuss ideas that Jefferson was the mother of universally accepted political system called democracy. Democracy, product of human nature, was popularized with a standard definition by another great mind Abraham Lincoln, one time American president. In total agreement with his predecessor – Thomas Jefferson’s views on human nature and government, Lincoln defines democracy as” … government of the people, by the people, for the people” (Mc Michael, 1974:1746).
Habu Dawalu in his own contribution towards explanation of meaning and roles of values to man says:
In life people do what they value and value what they do. Values are personal beliefs that propel us to action or to a particular kind of behaviour and life style. Values are emotional anchors that determine where we go; the things we do and the company we            keep. Values determine our interest, our preferences, our commitment, the things we respect and the principle we adhere to. Values clarify purpose, they enable us to see things worth living and dying for (2005: 211 –There is place …).

It is obvious that no man is destitute of values as value of all values is life. Life itself in the region of success flowers in happiness to the bearer, who thanks his Creator, shakes hands with himself and with those men and women who helped him to achieve his purpose. While life in the region of failure radiates sadness to the bearer who blames Satan (a make -believe), his real or false enemies and competitors who have blocked his way and thus made him to fail in life.

Values and their Roles in Man’s Life
Our understanding of meaning of values and their relevance to man in his efforts to accomplish a goal he has set for himself, has left us with an obvious impression that values have important roles to play in man’s attainment of  success or failure in life. For this reason, values appear in two ways: positive values and negative values. The former lead their observers to Success Avenue; while the latter lead their observers to Failure Avenue. As it is, let us begin with an explanation of roles of positive values in man’s quest to make a success story of his life.
Positive values:  Positive values are many but only ten will be discussed. First is life of purpose. Human society is full of values but the value of all values is life; it is as well full of distractions, setbacks and problems. Therefore, for anybody to succeed in his field of endeavour, he must set up a goal, treasure it and focus his attention on it and pursue it single –mindedly. It is only when he remains totally committed to it that he can become free from any distraction, setback or problem. Once he pursues his goal in that attitude, his success as regards attainment of his goal is already a foregone conclusion. In agreement with this view on how to succeed in realizing one’s goal, O. A Battisto, says;  “If you want to be successful, it is simple: know what you are doing, love what you are doing and believe in what you are doing”,  (Dawaki, 2005: 209 –Shake Hands ….).
In addition, since man is a social being who lives in the midst of others, interacts with others and seeks  their  support concerning attainment of his goal, his goal must be in harmony with common goals in a society. Whatever goal a man is working to achieve must contribute towards creating and maintaining atmosphere of peace, harmony, security, progress and development which are among the elements of common goods. It is when his goal is supportive of the common goods that it can be described as positive.

Second is education. Education as a value, is training meant to prepare its recipients to acquire knowledge and develop skills and use them to attain their individual and collective goals which they have set up for themselves. Education becomes a positive value if knowledge acquired by its recipients helps them to understand that they are social beings who live and interact with their follow human beings. To understand that most of their needs can only be attained successfully through the helping hands of others. To understand and appreciate the importance of moral principles such as, love your neighbour as you love yourself; treat others as you will like them to treat you; united we stand, divided we fall; what belongs to all must be shared by all; man is what he thinks about at times; law should be no respecter of persons; recognition and respect for the dignity of human life, etc. Also moral virtues such as love, truth, justice, honesty, sincerity, patience, commitment, perseverance, compassion,  sympathy, kindness, gratitude and so on.

These moral principles and virtues are essential blocks required to build a successful personality and a progressive society. Receivers of educational training on morality who strictly observe these moral principles and virtues in theory and practice and thus allow them to inform their thoughts, actions, habits and characters are abound to reach their chosen destination in life. Such people will see the need to become assets to themselves and to others, the need to help others to help themselves, to become problem –solves, to raise their voice of  protest in the scene of injustice, to see the joys or pains of others as their own joys or pains and to work for the reality of universal brotherhood. No wonder a great philosopher of all times, Plato emphasising on the inestimable values of education, says: “No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in there nurture and education” (Ocho, 2005:20). In agreement with Plato on the importance of education, Lawrence Office Ocho, says:
Education is central to human survival, growth and development …. It is education that makes man a moral agent capable of living in society. Without morality man cannot live in society or in communities. Morality is therefore, he most important aim of education because it determines how man will relate to one another, what should be regarded as sacred, and rights, privileges, duties, norms and expectations (2005:120).

Thus education as a positive value through moral instructions helps its recipients to understand themselves and their potentials which give them self –confidence, help them discover a purpose, focus on that purpose and continue striving until it is achieved.   

Third is character. Character as a value is mental or moral qualities that make a person, group, country, etc, different from others. It is a moral strength. It is a report card of a person’s mental or moral activities in the world. Character is the only property a person has which is not man’s property. This is because the owner does not have the power to give it to another person or any person has the power to take it away from the owner. Also character is the only property a person who has completed his or her life- journey and travels to the Great Beyond carries along to present before is Creator the Supreme Being.

Character is seen as positive value if it contains reports that are in harmony God’s will. For a person to obey God’s will, he must live a life of purpose since every man is purpose –oriented being. He must love others as he loves himself; treats other as he will like them to treat him; works for peace, harmony, security, progress and development in the world; lays good examples for others to emulate; lives an exemplary life; sows seeds of kindness and compassion; helps people to discover their purposes in life; see their potentials and how to develop them; becomes a house to the homeless; light to those in darkness; hope to those who have given up the battle of life. A man of good character is a role model, a beacon light, a ladder of success, etc. in the world.  Habu Dawaki, in support of this view about character, cited someone who says: “When wealth is lost nothing is lost. When health is lost something is lost. When character is lot, all is lost” (2005: 96-97 Shake Hands …). Lost of character in this sense, does not mean that the bearer is not in possession of it. What it means is that reports in the person’s character are negative to the extent that he or she feels ashamed to be associated with it. Such a person is a disappointment his Maker and black sheep to humanity and a misery to himself.
Fourth is craving. Craving as a value is a strong desire for something, to become something, to achieve something. A strong desire for something arouses creative thought in a person, helps him to see his resources both dormant and active, expands his vision and makes him remain focused, determined, courageous, diligent and consistent no matter problems and setbacks he encounters in the process to get what he is pursuing knowing quiet well that one day rain of success will still fall on him. For example, Abraham Lincoln due to his strong desire to be in a position of power in order to stop slavery and encourage right of  freedom to all Americans especially black Americans who have suffered slavery for many centuries  and also build a kind of America Thomas Jefferson visualized where citizens are treated equally and supported to enjoy inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of  happiness, he suffered more their eighteen failures in social, economic and political spheres.  But he remained committed to his goal and finally became an American president through successful election and used the power gained with the support of others to achieve his goal. Now America is a reference point in anything democratic, progressive and developing in the world.
Fifth is resource. Resource as a value refers to a thing or things –material and human –which can be turned to for help, support, advice or consolation when needed usually during a time of sudden emergencies. When a person is pursuing a goal he has set for himself, from past experiences he is likely to encounter complications, obstacles, unexpected disruptions, etc, which appear to block his way. In anticipation of such circumstances, he needs to be well equipped with resources such as creative mind, critical thinking, calm nerves, sound reasoning, advice of a good friend, services of an expert, patience, faith, hope, etc, in order to solve problems and overcome the setbacks whenever they arise and continue on the course of his purpose. Of all these resources, creative mind is the mother and coordinator of other resources in terms of helping man to solve his problems. No man can ever attain his goal without the support of creative mind. Creativity is a key needed to open a door to the realm of resources and make good use of any of the resources. In support of this Habu Dawake says:
The functioning mind is what gives a man a place of relevance and               worth on this planet called earth. Without the mind, a man is
grounded. To be mentally frozen is to be totally useless and worthless. A man’s destiny can never be separated from his thoughts.  The size of your thinking determines how far you go in life (2005;8 -82- Shake Hands …).
So, it is obvious that nobody can dream of a goal, discover it, pursue it with religious zeal and finally achieve it without the support of sound and creative mind. It is a wind one needs to fly to anywhere in the world.

Sixth is health. Health is a condition of a person’s mind and body. It is ability of a person’s mind and body to function effectively and efficiently. Simply put, it is a condition of being well and free from diseases and sickness. Health as a value is highly esteemed and treasured.  Hence a desire to be healthy is a strong and over ruling hand in the life of every man.

Health is first among the rungs on the ladder of success. For it is a healthy man can be aware of himself, thinks of his needs, draws a plan on how to attain his needs, works according to his plan, remains focused and active on his duty post.; not minding some distractions and setbacks  and continues with that attitude until his needs are attained. So, it is obvious that no person can think of a goal let alone achieve it unless he is healthy. For it is only when he is healthy that he can resist successfully anything that attempts to hinder effective and efficient functioning of  mind or body.
Good, effective and efficient management of one’s mind and body is what results in good health which is an asset a person needs among other vital values to succeed in life. For him to make a success story of the management of his mind and body he has to understand and appreciate the nature of his mind and body. The act will enable him to know things-material and abstract- needed to maintain them and things to avoid. As experience has shown, for a person to maintain a healthy mind he has to feed his mind with positive ingredients such as feelings of love, self –confidence, comfort, faith, hope, work, rest, etc. This state of his mind will enable the mind, being a driver, to drive his body well. About his  body, he needs foods that contain adequate not less or excess –minerals and vitamins and also clean environment free from ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, lizards, etc. It is failure to observe these things that lead people to suffer diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, kidney diseases, headache, malaria, stroke, blindness, etc.

Seventh is attitude. Attitude is way of thinking or behaving towards any aspect of life be it a person, a thing, an event, an idea, a purpose, A work, etc. For a person to succeed or to fail in achieving his purpose in any field of human endeavour developing knowledge and skills relevant to attainment of it, pursuing it with religious zeal, remaining determined, focused, devoted, active, diligent, courageous and single minded, certainly he will achieve his goal at the appropriate time.
As it is observed, hard work, determination, dedication, discipline, patience, persistence, follow feelings, etc, are among the elements that constitute positive attitude.  But among them the heart beat is hard work. Through hard work, a person discovers his potentials that have been lying dormant, obtains knowledge and skills and becomes aware of how to use them to achieve his goal. Unlike manna that falls from heaven, attainment of any purpose in the world cannot be wished but worked into existence, Habu Dawaki throwing more light in this says:   
                        Hard work promotes and opens doors of favour Hard work means                                        total commitment to the dreams and goals you set for yourself.                                              Those who are totally committed see work as a hobby. Hard work                                        has never run out of fashion but laziness does (2005:32- There is                                          ….).
So an extent a person reaches on the ladder of success in his chosen field of endeavour, depends on his attitude to work if he has resolved to work hard and observed it in practice surely an attainment of his goal is a foregone conclusion.
Eight is time. Life is a big project and to achieve its purpose is what every man is pursuing with religious zeal. In man’s blueprint concerning how to achieve the purpose of his life project time is an invaluable value.  Whether a person will succeed or fail in his attempts to attain his goal depends on how he uses his time. Time is a network of all the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years of the past, present and future. Sixty seconds is equal to a minute, sixty minutes is equal to an hour, twenty –four hours is equal to one day, seven days is equal to a week, four weeks is equal to one month and twelve months is equal to one year. All these segments of time count very much as they are interconnected. To utilize even a second very well or waste it equally affects a minute and the rest positively or negatively.

Everything about man’s life in the world is under the influence of time.  As person appears in the world through birth, his or her life span a period he or she will live on earth as a human being before his departure to the great beyond is already determined depending on his character. So, he has a time to live his life and time to leave the world, time to make his own contribution toward keeping human stream running, time to plant a seed and to reap its fruit, time to go to school and to graduate, time to work and to rest, etc. To make good and wise use of one’s time puts one on a vantage position to become an asset in the world and to be worthy of mention among people and to waste one time is to  become a liability and to be treated as a reject among his fellows. In support of this Habu Dawaki says:
The wise use of your time can earn you respect, dignity, and honour. You can enjoy good health, have friends and build health relationships…. Through the proper use of time you can acquire wealth, become more knowledgeable, better skilled and increase  your value. Don’t waste it as it is suicidal. You can’t build an enduring legacy without it … those who kill time, abort destinies and that are a tragedy. Time is more than money. Time is life. Use it wisely don’t waste it 2005; 122- there is …).
Dawaki’s view about time is shared by Jim Rohn when he says: “time is more valuable than money. You can get more money but you cannot get more time (Dawaki,  2005:122 –There is …). It is obvious that  time is to man what air is to life. No life can exist without air and no man can make it in life without wise use of his time. Also, time like a law is no respecter of persons; it does not wait for anybody; and once it is gone it cannot be recalled, once it is wasted it cannot be restored. Like life, time has no duplicate, once it is lost it is last forever. So since man is in the queue of death in the world and his days are numbered, the earlier he makes maximum and wise use of his time, better opportunity he will have to fulfill his purpose in life.

Ninth is thinking: Thinking is a tool placed in man’s hand by his Creator with which to use and manage his life affairs in the world. It is a key he needs to open the door of gold mines of resources God provided in the world. Thinking is a bridge between the world of ideas and the world of materials. Everything in the material world first existed in the world of ideas before thinking enabled it to appear in a concrete form in the world of matter.

Thinking is God’s image and likeness man is bearing. If for any reason a person allows his thinking to remain dormant, the difference between him and a beast is like the difference between six and half a dozen, difference in name but the same in substance.   It is thinking that gives man an age over other beings. Man is a being of possibilities always dreaming and working to actualize his future self-projections. Without exercise of the faculty of thinking, man’s presence in the world is as good as his absence as his thinking usually determines his actions, his actions cultivate his habits, his habits mould his character and his character shapes his destiny.

Wonderful things man has introduced in the world are due to positive exercise of his thinking facility. Due to thinking, man is the only being that improves on his living conditions. He is the only being that builds schools where his young species are prepared to face challenges of life; builds hospitals where his fellows that fall sick are treated; builds communication facilities like radio, phone, internet, etc, that have reduced the world to global village; builds a world where peace, harmony, justice, progress and development are reigning; build farms that produce food ingredients that sustain life. Buddah in agreement with this, says: “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world”. In support of Buddah’s view Dawaki says:” Good thinkers are problem solvers. They think in terms  of upgrading lives, helping others, and making this world a better place to live”(2005:117). It is obvious that to think positively is to live and to avoid it is to die.

Tenth is fear of God. Fear of God means loyalty and respect to God; it means absolute submission to the will of God  it means to worship God, to live and die  for him. Fear of God –the Supreme Being – who created everything including man in the world is vale of all values.  It is a value that gives meaning and purpose to other values and guides them to attain their respective purposes.

To live in fear of God; to be loyal and respectful to him to submit to his will; to worship, live and die for Him. In summary, it means to love others as we love ourselves and to treat others as we will like them to treat us. This message pasted everywhere in the world and popularized by Holy Books especially the Bible is what living in fear of God means and connotes in all its ramifications. This is a message our human nature has been telling us every time and every where. Jesus Christ and other great minds in human flesh came into the world solely to emphasise on the importance of this absolute value. It is abuse of this value has dehumanized the face of humanity and the world and makes the world to look like hell. If mankind make this value their way of life by allowing it to inform their thoughts, determine their actions and formulate their individual and collective goals in life, they will be agreeably surprised to notice that earth is a part of heaven.

Negative Values: Man is a being of contradictions as he craves to live well, comfortable and happy in he world and at the same time entrains thoughts and engages in activities that make him to live miserable, uncomfortable and sad in the world. Man is a being who loves and as well hates, builds and as well destroys, seeks to acquire knowledge and as well hugs ignorance, signs treaties for peace and  as well campaigns for war, admires beauty and as well creates room for ugliness, craves for good health and as well entertains negative thoughts that make him suffer diabetes and kidney diseases, etc. These contradictions have made him to engage in and treasure negative values.

Among these negative values are: First is a purposeless life. A purposeless life as a negative value is a life without a purpose. This means that the bearer of that life has nothing worthwhile he or she intends to do, to get, to be, to contribute, etc.      The person has allowed his creative thinking or rationality to remain dormant and prefers to live on his animalistic instincts. Living only on his instincts, he has joined the club of animals, birds and ants even though he is still wearing the clothe of human flesh. Like animals, birds and ants, he lives his life to day as it was lived yesterday, a month, a year, twenty years, etc, ago. He eats food, drinks water, drinks alcohol, smokes cigarette, gossips about people, sleeps, shouts, smiles, cries, etc and beyond these natural instincts and the likes he does nothing. His contribution remains his daily output which is what he produces in the toilet. Such a person has abandoned his purpose of life as a human being and now living a life of an animal. He or she is a disappointment to God, a disgrace to humanity, a distraction to animals and the worst among his enemies.      

Second is ignorance. Ignorance is lack of knowledge or information about something. An ignorant person may not know where is coming from, where he is and where he is going in life. He may not be aware of himself, his place in life, his potentials, his purpose in life and let a lone how to live his life well in the world. An ignorant person is bound to fail in whatever field of life he finds himself. An Ignorant person does not know what life is let a lone how to manage it well. He does not know the roles of moral principles such as love, truth, honesty, respect, fellow feelings, compassion, patience, perseverance, etc, and let alone to observe them. For that he does not know how to live well with others. Of all the urges of human nature, the one he observes is self–interest.  But due to his Ignorance of human nature, he mishandles his self– interest and it thus degenerates to selfishness which wrecks his life and makes him feel ashamed of what he is in the world.

Throwing more light on the danger of ignorance, Socrates, according to Habu Dawaki, says: “There is only one good that is knowledge and one evil that is ignorance” (2005:51-There is place…). For Confucian “Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star “  (2005:133-there is…). According to Joseph I. Omoregbe, Socrates.
“… believed that ignorance was the cause of wrong doing, for no man in     his view who really knows what is wrong would do it. Wickedness is due to ignorance’s; if a man knows what is right he would do it, and if he knows what is evil he would refrain from it, for no one ever does evil knowingly    2003:93).

Habu Dawaki is of the view that ignorance is the genesis of most of problems people are suffering in life. It has made its victims to suffer various predicaments such as deformity, impotence, senselessness, liability, misery, pains, shame, poverty, embarrassment, reject, etc. In his words:
                        To be uninformed is to be deformed. Ignorance is very expensive. It                                     makes man impotent, senseless and liabilities (Sic). The destiny of Mr.                                Ignorant is poverty, shame, reproach, pain, embarrassment and                                         irrelevance. It is  impossible to be senseless and be attractive and                                                useful             at the same time (2005:150 – Shake Hands….).

Therefore, ignorance as a negative value, is a disease in matters of sustenance, hatred in action, an embarrassment in a social gathering, a setback in matters of development, a poverty in material acquisition, roadblock in human relations, mouthpiece in school of gossip, a mother in the realm of wizards and witchcrafts, a prison without walls, darkness in the realm of knowledge, etc.  To register in the school of ignorance is to say good bye to peace of mind, confidence, progress and development in the world.

Third is bad character. As already explained, character is mental or moral qualities that distinguish a person, a group, a nation, etc, from others. It is a moral strength. It is a report card of a person’s mental or moral activities. As a value, character is described as bad if its moral qualities instead of being virtuous become vicious, harmful, destructive, retrogressive, etc. It is seen as bad when the bearer’s behaviour becomes a reference point in anything wrong with man, a roadblock to development, a malice to humanity, discouragement to others, a wrecker of people’s lives, homes and destinies and spreader of corruption.

Bad character is cultivated when the bearers ignore moral standards and values in preference to expedience and convenience, easy and shout way to success, dividends of corruption, ill-gotten wealth, etc. They are ever ready to engage in any kind of corrupt acts provided they achieve the selfish ends they are pursuing. It is for this reason that moral vices such as crime, lying, stealing, cheating, dishonesty, injustice, fraudulence, deception, blackmail, embezzlement of public funds, robbery, examination malpractices, are gradually becoming common practice. In support of this view Habu Dawaki says:
                        Weakness of character more than anything else has been responsible                                   for our woes. It is impossible to build a great society without values. It                           is disastrous when wrong thinking shape both the virtues and failings of                           men. Take for example,  the cancer of self-centredness, the virus of                                 mediocrity and the culture of corruption that has invaded  and eaten                               deep into every fabric of our lives be it business,  industry, politics,                                     family … government and sadly even in our mosques and churches                                     (2005:94-Shake Hands …).
Bad thoughts lead to bad actions; bad actions lead to bad habits; bad habits lead to bad characters, and bad character lead to collapsed destines and their victims will pass through this world unnoticed by the present and future generations.
Fourth is negative craving. Craving as a value is a strong desire by a person for something, to acquire something, to become something or somebody. The desire is so strong to the extent that the person sees what he is desiring to get or to become as a goal for one to concentrate on a what one has decided to acquire, get or become provided that is good to him and to others in the long run.
Craving is seen as negative value when the thing one is struggling to achieve is harmful to him and to others. Man is a social being, a being who lives with others. For that reason, any action of his which promotes or demotes his interest equally promotes or demotes the interest of others. Because many people due to ignorance and shortsightedness they look for easy ways and shortcuts to achieve their goals in life. Such negative craving has made some people steal others’ properties, embezzle public funds, corner for their private use what belongs to all, engage in manufacturing fake drugs, sell countermined food ingredients, rig election, rob people of their lives and properties, destroys characters, homes and destines of a thousand and one people.

Negative craving as a value does appear in several forms. When a man ignores the demands of his health because of what he values so much like smoking cigarette and Indian helm which makes a victim to live a spent life, taking food that contains excess sugar, etc, such a man has engaged in pleasure that does not lead to a greater one, instead a greater harm. When a man, because of the important role money plays in solving some problems, seeks a means to acquire money at the expense of other people’s interest and disrespect to moral values, he is an obstacle to progress. In the long run he would regret what he has done as he has earned for himself, peoples’ hatred, for himself a bad name and for himself a place in the dustbin of history. When a student, for example, has preferred a school of gossip where people are discussed; preferred watching televisions 24 hours where films of all types including blue film are shown; preferred engaging in examination malpractices of all sorts, etc, to reading his or her books – treasury of ideas-which will help him or her to acquire knowledge about issues in his or her course, he or she is already registered member in the school of failure. When a politician desirous to find himself in a seat power, rigs election results and thus finds himself in the seat of power. Then uses the opportunity to embezzle public funds; shows disrespect to the laws of the country; converts some public properties to his private realm; influences peoples’ appointments in the basis of candidacy instead of merit and competence; ignores pursuit of common goods in preference to personal and ethnic goods, such a politician will be ashamed of his place in history. For he has become a disappointment to God, a point of reference in anything wrong with humanity, a disgrace to his family, a misery to himself and a virus to all those who encouraged him to act the way he did.

Fifth is abuse of resources. Resources as a value, refers to a thing or things-material and human- a person, a group of persons, a country, etc, can turn to for help, support, advice or consolation when needed especially in a situation of emergency. For example, things such as capitals, funs, income, money, property, reserve, supplies, wealth, constitution, moral principles, patience, hard work, fear of God, courage, creative thinking, ingenuity, quick-wit, initiative, instrumentality, books, experts, friends, people, etc. No one can set up a goal and succeed in attaining it without a helping hand of any of these resources mentioned. Among these resources the first rung on the ladder to success avenue is creative thinking. Creative thinking is a key to open the door of the house of resources in the world. Everybody has this key but to use it and use it well depends in him or her. Shakespeare is at home with this view when he says: “it is thinking that makes a man “, and William James when he says: “ you are what you think about most of the time “ (Dawaki, 2005 :74, 81 – Shake Hands…..).
While Habu Dawaki in agreement with the views of these great scholars says: “Your thoughts determine your beliefs, your beliefs control your attitudes, your attitudes expose your decisions, which ultimately determine your destiny” (2005 : 73 – Shake Hands…).

Analogically speaking, man as an organism is made up of many parts among which is a creative thinking (mind) which is the head. It controls and co-ordinates other parts in their respective and collective functions towards their general well-being. As it is, what affects the head positively or negatively equally affects others the same.
So, creative thinking as a co-co-coordinator of other resources, if it degenerates to negative thinking, other resources will be affected too.  A victim through the exercise of negative thinking will begin to abuse and waste other resources. He will see himself as self-sufficient as such does not need help of others. He will change his friends to his enemies and call them wizards and witchcrafts. His capital, funds, income and money, will become a consumable bread and not bakery – a place where bread is produced. He will see observance of moral of values such as love, truth, honesty, compassion, kindness, etc, as a waste of time and go on to satisfy his selfish interests. He will ignore the view held by Theodore Parker that “The books which help you most are those which make you to think “(Adinnu, 2003 : 8) and use books to decorate his seating room. He reads only those that discuss events, gossip about people and expose small talks and strictly avoid those that discuss ideas, great minds andtheir activities. He will ignore the view that man is a social being who interacts with others and need their helping hands in solving his problems and goes a head to build fence between him and others and thus lives a lonely life. A lonely life for man is a prison without oxygen and hydrogen. It is wasted and lost life.
Sixth is negligence of health. Health as a value refers to person’s condition of mind and body. A person is said to be healthy when the systems of his mind and body function effectively and efficiently. He is said to be sick when the opposite is the case with his mind and body systems.
Health is a value highly esteemed and treasured by people. But due to ignorance, haste and shortsightedness some people forget that wealth of all wealth is health. Health is sustenance of life. It is person who is healthy can live, pursue, attain and render services expected of him in life. According to someone cited by Habu Dawaki,, hammering on the importance of health\ says: “When wealth is lost nothing is lost. When health is lost something is lost. When character is lost all is lost” (2005: 96-97-Shake Hands….). The person is right to say that when character is lost all is lost. This is because it is like a bank where saving from wealth and health are kept for security reasons. Character is a report card where everything man thinks about, does and attains is recorded and it is the only property he leaves the world with as he heads to the Great Beyond.

But after character, is health in the order of importance. It is a health person that is at home in the world. It is a healthy person can discover his potentials, can work to harness, enhance and creatively use them to achieve his goals in his fields of endeavor. It is a health person will interact with his fellow human beings and exchange services with them. Health increases a his interest in life and sickness reduces it. The more he is sick, the less his interest in life.
Some people in haste to accumulate much wealth have neglected their health. Some of them who are in business enterprises focus their attention on making money and do not have time and interest to go and check their blood pressure to know whether it is high or low; To check their body system through test to know whether there is any foreign body. Some due to the same reason do not have time to eat food at the appropriate time and in the clean environment, rest and sleep at the right time. Health is seriously neglected and that is why hospitals are full of patients suffering myriad of avoidable sicknesses and diseases.
Seventh is abuse of attitude. As already stated, attitude is a way of thinking or behaving towards any aspect of life be it a person, a thing, an event, a position, an idea, a principle, relationship, leadership, work, reading, business, etc. Success or failure, progress or retrogress of any person in his or her field of endeavor depends on his or her attitude. Throwing more light on attitude, A.G. Oyesiji says: “Your world is what you make it, whatever you create in your personal world. Attitude is the sum total of one’s acceptance, values and beliefs. To succeed, you must include in your attitude the belief that it is possible” (2000: 14.), and to fail you must include the belief that it is impossible.
When attitude becomes “foresight in the field of one’s endeavor, morally right in choice of purpose, a focus on the chosen purpose, creative thought in arranging materials, determination in the face of problems, patience in working and waiting for the prolonged time of the expected fruits, kindness and consideration in dealing with others in matters that affect attainment of one’s goal, etc, one’s success is already foregone conclusion. But if one’s attitude is abused, distorted and negatively influenced, one attitude becomes a shortsightedness in one’s chosen field of endeavor, morally wrong in choice of purpose, emotional display in arranging one resources, impatience in working and waiting  for the prolonged time of the expected fruits, wickedness and inconsideration in dealing with others in matters that affect attainment of one’s goal, etc, one’s failure is as real and obvious as after day comes night, after rain comes sunshine.
So, abuse of one’s attitude, badly affects one’s thoughts, actions, habits, character and finally destiny. It leads one to experience predicaments in everything one does and finally failure. A person who has included in his attitude, blackmailing of others, finding faults in others, gossiping  about them, blaming God who created him, accusing his parents for giving birth to him in a poor family and so on, hardly knows that what he says about others gives a true picture of what he is right from inside to outside. A person of positive attitude sees a good man in a bad man, a man in a boy, etc. while a person of negative attitude sees a bad man in a good man, a dictator in a statesman, poverty in wealth, hell in heaven, failure in success, a lazy-born in a hard working person, hatred in love, falsehood in truth, etc. A person of positive or negative attitude is what he thinks about at all time.
Eight is waste of time. Time as a value, is already seen as a period measured in units such as seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months and years. In other words time refers to all the years of the past, present and future. Man knowing quite well that his life span is limited, he has been conscious to base every work of his on time frame. Thus he maps time to prepare for future work, time to work and time to retire from his work and rest. Man by being time conscious, enables him set up a goal at the right time, focuses on it and pursues it with religious zeal so as to achieve his goal at appropriate time. He adopts this attitude about time knowing quiet well that loss of some other values such as money, wealth, moral principles, training, minerals, power, etc, is not beyond recall, once the person in question is determined to do so. But the loss of time is lost forever. Yesterday has come and gone with its 24 hours and never to be recalled back.
Despite the fact that man is aware of the nature and value of time, he still thinks and acts in a way that wastes his time, wrecks his resources, his values and finally his purpose. There are several ways a man has wasted and still wasting his time knowingly or unknowingly. Among them are, first, his continuous remembrance and discussion of losses and injuries of the past instead of closing the gaps in his life that lead to such losses and injuries. Second, living his life in the present as it was lived in the past because he is afraid of change. Courtesy of rationality and craving for improved living conditions, one day he will go back to start afresh. Third, procrastination which is a thief of time, he has included it in his attitude. For that he leaves till tomorrow what he can do today. A person he can pay condolence visit today, a book he can read today, phone call he can make at this moment, he postpones till tomorrow. This because of television he is watching, because of the small talks he is the co-coordinator, because he has lost his strength and zeal due to excess alcoholic drinks, praise singing and blackmailing for his friends and enemies. Fourth, his continuous drifting movement in life because he does not have a purpose he is pursuing, has made him  not to know when to sleep or when to wake up; when to work or when to rest; when to talk or when to keep quiet; when to think or react with voice filled with emotions.
These among other things he does have made him waste his time. To waste one’s time is to destroy one’s life. For experience has shown, those who waste their time because of their ignorance of its value are victims of distractions and procrastination who hardly live a life of purpose. Even when they try to set a purpose for themselves they hardly achieve it since they have not left the school of time waste. To live the school will help them, according to Cheserfield, to “Know the true value of time; snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today” (Adinnu, 2003:88). Their ignorance of the nature of time has made them not to understand that an hour begins from seconds to minutes and to an hour. So seconds and minutes count let alone hours.  For one to waste one’s seconds, affects one’s minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and finally one’s life span.
Ninth is bad leadership. Leadership as value, as already stated, is an exercise of authority or power in controlling and managing people’s affairs with a view to enhancing, improving, promoting, advancing and preserving their well-being. A leader is a person who is in a position of authority to guide people on how to carry on in life in order to achieve their individual and collective aims. He is expected to be a role mode in theory and practice, to show light for people to find their way. His first and last project is to create an atmosphere of peace, harmony, security, law and order, progress and development for people to live in and work for the attainment of the goals of their well-being. His people’s joys or pains are his too. A person in that position who works for their attainment is a good leader.
While a bad leader is a leader who feels that he is in a position of power primarily to promote his personal interests and secondarily to promote people’s interests. But knowing the nature of man as a being of insatiable needs, he can hardly satisfy his personal needs let alone his subjects’ needs. More often than not his subjects depend on crumbs that fall from his dinning table for their living. A bad leader is a great setback to his people in areas of progress and development. A leader as a man in authority seen as a role model, little and average minds see him as god for that imitate his thoughts, actions and even mannerisms not minding whether they are positive or negative. Only the great minds have the courage to question his thoughts and actions that create problem to the people not minding his threats to their lives.
Concerning a bad leader, A.G. Oyesiji says:
A negative leader is a tyrant, an autocrat. He is sometimes a bully. He does not care for the progress of the people surrounding him except those who worship him as god. He enjoys being defied and likes to see himself as a tin-god. Most negative leaders are greedy and selfish. They discriminate against races, religions, nationalities, ethic, cities, colour , ideologies history and are always despotic. They are noted for hatred, wickedness, uncooperativeness, insincerity, dishonesty and sometimes irresponsible (2000: 148)
It is obvious that actions of bad leaders are obstacles to life, peace, security, progress and development in any where they are in the world. They have made many people to commit suicide and some to wish they had died a stillbirth. They have destroyed millions of lives, caused wars and crises, insecurity of lives and properties, retrogress and under development in all spheres of human existence. Bad leadership is a hell in the world.
Tenth is bad thinking. Thinking as already indicated is one of God’s endowments to man. It is the image and likeness of God he is the only being bearing it in the world. Man is equally endowed with a free-will by his Creator, which means even though he is created and sent to the world to live, he is not there to act as a slave to anybody, anything and even to his Creator. He is free to think his own thought, dream his own reams, sets up his goal, determines the colour of his life, etc. But, although he has free-will to choose how to live his life, he must comply with natural laws governing his human nature. His activities that comply with laws of nature are positive and attract gains and joys to him while those that do not attract punishment of pains, miseries and sufferings.
            Bad thinking is a great disaster any person can inflict on himself or others. Bad thinking has made its perpetrators to block their own way to success, destroy people’s opportunities, and wreck their lives, homes, properties and destinies. It is the genesis of everything wrong with man. It is the cause of hatred, injustice, dishonesty, murder, quarrels, violence, segregation, suppression, oppression, dictatorship, wars, poverty, backwardness, laziness and hell in the world. Bad thinking makes its perpetrator a living dead and its victim to wish he or she had died a stillbirth. Herod a bad thinker and king during the time Jesus was born eliminated all the children born at that time in order to kill baby Jesus. He killed his wife and his son as he doubted their support for his kingship Adolf Hitler afflicted on humanity the second world war which destroyed millions of lives and a legion of properties. Mobute Sese Seko, as a bad thinker and president of his country Congo was richer than his country at the expense of citizens of his country whom he made victims of underserved poverty. Bad thinking destroys fortunes and promotes misfortunes.
Eleventh is abuse of God’s will. God is the Supreme Being who created the entire world and every being in it. He is the Supreme Value –the Value of all values. The first and last aim of man is to live and die according to His will in the world. His will to mankind is for them to love their fellow human beings as they love themselves; to treat others as they will like others to treat them; to keep human stream running from generation to generation and to live co-operative life in an atmosphere of peace, harmony, progress and development. This is what God’s will to man means and connotes in all its ramifications.
To abuse the God’s will by any man begins when he is ignorant of who, whom, what, where, why and how he is and how to use what he has to achieve the purpose of his life. Being ignorant of these relevant aspects of his life he often hates his fellow human beings and treats them as rejects. He often finds himself entertaining thoughts and engaging in activities that dehumanized the face of the world and thus cause wars, crises, retrogress and under development in human societies.
                       As a result of abuse of God’s will, he applies and gets admitted and registered in the school of make-believe. In that school given his excellent performance in his courses such as superstition, mystery, assumption, belief, etc, he sees himself as a tin-god initiating and co-coordinating actions of satans, wizards and witchcrafts which are the graduates of his school. Such a man very much concerned with these activities has no time to listen to his conscience, a true God’s representative which is meant to guide him on what he is to do because it is good and what he is to avoid because it is bad. This failure to listen to his conscience has made him to abuse God’s will and thus destroy the purpose of his life- journey in the world.

The analysis of a being called man, his desires and living conditions in the world has shown among other things that man is not in the world by accident but by intention of his Creator . Man, being sent into the world by his Creator, it means that he has a purpose to fulfill. For him to be satisfied with himself and with his Creator he has to discover his purpose, identify himself with it, draw a plan on how to achieve it, cultivate attitude relevant to its attainment, focus his attention on it, think about it always and work continuously with a view to achieving it.
As a person, who does not know where he is coming from, will not know where he is, let alone where he is going. Man is already aware that he is a being of another Being sent to the world to fulfill a certain purpose. This purpose that man has come to achieve, according to Socrates, is happiness. Happiness is a feeling of pleasure, contentment, satisfaction, etc, resulting from successful fulfillment of certain task or tasks. Man’s fundamental tasks, according to human nature supported by the Holy Books are first, to keep the human stream running from generation to generation and second, to create and maintain an atmosphere of peace, harmony, security, progress and development.  Successful fulfillment of these tasks by anybody will result in the attainment of his or her chief goal in life –happiness.    
Experience has shown that for anybody to succeed in achieving his particular or overall goal of life he or she has to be guided by certain values. Man as a social being, who interacts with others and needs their support to succeed in what he is pursuing, he must observe moral values such as love, truth, justice, honesty, mercy, fellow feeling, compassion, trust, integrity, patience, hope, etc. Strict observance of these values will help him to live in peace, harmony and co-operation with his fellows whom certainly he needs their help and they two need his too. He needs also to observe mental values such as acquisition of knowledge and its right application which is wisdom, dreaming, creative thinking, foresight, time, consciousness, punctuality, becoming a success already in mind, sound mind, being at home with ideas, etc. whatever man becomes in the mental or physical world he first of all becomes that in the mental realm of ideas, that is, mind. Also he needs to esteem highly material values such as food, clothing, housing, job, equipments, money, books, communication, tools, etc. as they are necessities in his general health.
For man to thrive in his filed of endeavour he needs food to sustain his existence, clothing and housing for security and protection, he needs job to provide the preceding needs and help others as a social being. Books are a custody of ideas of great minds and other values and they  help anybody who seeks their support to interact with great minds who will help him to discover seeds of greatness in him. Books also serve as a bridge between the past, the present and the future. Money is a very important resource in achieving some of man’s needs. But money no matter its role in the realm of success should be seen and treated as a means and never as an end. Anybody who treats money as an end and worships it is bound to engage in corrupt acts which will damage his image among his fellow human beings.
So for a man to succeed he has to know that he is the architect of his own success or failure, his own fortune or misfortune. It is left for him to choose to succeed or to fail. If chooses to succeed,  he has to estimate, internalize and make his way of living those positive values listed in the preceding  part of this work such as love, truth, honesty, trust, sincerity, compassion, mercy, kindness, purpose-oriented life, knowledge, education, good health, creative thinking, patience, hope, perseverance, punctuality, resources, God’s will, etc. His strict observance of these positive values by anybody will ensure that his or her name is in the list of successful people in the world. But if he chooses to observe the negative values such as hatred, lie, dishonesty, wickedness, ignorance, abuse of his resources, abuse of God’s will, laziness, idleness, blackmailing, gossip, procrastination, purposeless life, shortcuts to success, crimes, corruption, shortsightedness, selfishness, greediness, easy life, blaming of others, fear, lack of self confidence, worship of money, etc, his name is already in the list of failures in the world. So it is left for him to choose to make or to mar his life- journey.
It is obvious that among the existing beings in the world man is the most favoured being. This is because he is the only being wearing the robe of image and likeness of the Creator of the world and every being in it. While he shares with other animals the gift of instincts which help them to sustain their existence in the world, man equally has another gift –rationality which other animals do not have. This rationality being the image and likeness of the creator in him has given him an edge over other beings.
While other animals which depend on instinct alone live a fixated life –living their life today as it was lived in the past, man due to this special gift has been innovative in his living conditions in the world. He has used it to discover his purpose in life –happiness, to discover ways of living necessary to realize it. Through it, man has discovered that all the resources he needs to live well and successfully are at his disposal. So it is left for him to make good use of them and succeed or bad use of them and fail.
It is clear that success in life is not something to be wished into existence but something to be worked for. For that man has to adopt positive values which experience has confirmed as necessities which must be strictly observed by anybody who wants to succeed in life. He has to avoid negative values which lead man to the avenue of failure. Success produced by positive values is ever lasting while success produced by negative values is a failure in disguise which the person concerned will feel ashamed to be associated with.
From experience strict observance of these positives values such as life of purpose, education, health, morality, etc, is very hard due to social contaminations and distractions. But a man of principle who has chosen a positive goal to live and die for must surely overpower them and reach his destination. While negative values which  emphasize short cuts to success such as cornering what  belongs to all, stealing, robbery, blackmail, corruption, etc, are easy to be observed. But they are wreckers of lives and destroyers of destinies. So adopt positive values and succeed in your chosen field of endeavour or adopt negative values and become a reference point in matters of failure. Happiness which is the chief goal of life, is not something to be had on a platter of gold nor a manna to fall from heaven but rather a fruit of man’s sweats to be had through strict observance of positive values in all spheres of life.

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Dyesiji, A.G. (2000), How to succeed in life, Ibadan: Ago Publishing Company Limited.

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Omoregbe, Joseph I. (2003), Knowing Philosophy, Lagos: Joja Educational Research and           Publishers Ltd.

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