Meaning:- Traditionally, the concept of labour productivity is associated with visible, tangible outputs, Olaiyan (1999), an economist; fore restance define productivity as the ratio of firms’ total out put to total input. This definition presents some difficulties when such service organization as considered. 

This is because whereas the output of manufacturing concern tangible and measurable, those of service organization are not, thus making it difficult to measure. In view of this limitation, a broad concept of productivity that incorporates all segments of work life is therefore necessary for our propose. Mali’s definition seems to provide this. Mahi (1998:58) defines productivity as the measure of how well resources are been brought together in an organization and utilized for accomplishing self of results. It is reaching the highest level of performance with the least expenditure of resources”. These resources may be money, land materials, plants, machine, or tools and the services of man (labour) it is interesting to remark here that increase production does not only by itself indicate an increase productivity. Higher productivity means that more is produced with the same cost expenditure of resources ie at the same cost in terms land, material, machine, time or labour.
            On the other hand, productivity according Ogebre (1992:9) Nwachukwu (1998:66), refers to achievement, accomplishment, result, performance obtained by person, group and organization.
            The concept of productivity according to Koontz (1988:367) is very much related to overall performance of an individual or an organization. Performance refers to how well a worker, manufacturer or organization is doing in relating intending purposes, objectives, targets and intended accomplishments. It relates to whether the target problem has been resolved, whether the destined needs have been satisfactorily provided in terms of quality, quantity and frequency.

            The nature of productivity in Nigeria pubic service entails the efficient and effective mobilization/utilization of resources at the disposed of government.
            Efficiency means that the operation, activities and resources are so structured and managed such that output or achievement is maximized or optimized while effectives on the other hand refers to the level of attainment or realization of goals and objectives. It answers the question of whether male, sated intentions planed or projected output and objectives are realized or not.
            Thus, the immediate past democratic government led by Olusegun Obasanjo has since the assumption political power in May 1999 put in place certain policy measures to revamp the national economy. The policies, which will enhance higher productivity when efficiently and effectively mobilized monetization policy, privatization, tax reforms and local government reforms. These reforms are being introduced to take Nigeria into a class of middle income earning nation and to increase her gross national product from its present level to a higher one (Faloseyi 2003)
            In addition, the achievement of these laudable objectives mapped out by the government is dependent on the employees, the infrastructure and the work environment. It is in the light of the above that government employed the use of incentives and fringe benefits to solicit for desired behaviour from the employees thereby increasing their performance, which will at the long-run, promote higher productivity.
            Finally, to achieve higher productivity in public service, the objective above which are quite laudable can be attained if appropriate machinery of public implementation, monitoring, and strategy is put in place.

            The researcher having looked at the aims and objectives of monetization as enumerated by Aluko (2003), observed and wants to argue that equitable provision of amenities as one of the aims should not be inclusive as an aim to be pursued as those amenities were actually what monetized and given to our civil and public servant in money form.
            The researcher also deem it necessary to add that monetization was not only aimed at cutting down cost and wastages as declared by Njoku (2003), but also geared towards motivating workers to achieve efficiency and effectiveness, which was not noted by the different scholars.
            Finally, the researcher observed that different scholars aimed their views on what monetization is all about, its aims and objectives, and its effects, but failed to acknowledge the fact that it has some accompanied problems.
            These problems as observed by the researcher includes that, monetization brought about a situation of infernality complex, where the low cadre officers who could not benefit well from the policy, look down to themselves, thereby performing very little in the field of civil service. The researcher also observed that through the policy of monetization some workers were retrenched from the down for monetization.
            It is also observed that one of the main reasons of monetization policy was to help the workers to prepare for life after retirement through encouragement of a saving and investment culture; them the higher cadre officers having bought those government houses, after renovation will increases there rent which will be hardly to afford by the lower cadre officers talk more of saving and investing for life after retirement.
            Generally, monetization creates a situation where government will further enrich those that were already rich in the service; thereby widening the gap between the rich and the poor.

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