Writing is considered one of the fundamental processes of an educated and literate individual. It also give them an opportunity to showcase their individual proficiency in the art. Albeit, this is the generation of Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), e-mail and many other forms of information, communication and technology, you still must master the art of letter writing. You write your parents/guardians, siblings, friend/well-wishers, relations; you write to schools/colleges, institutions, companies and other business organizations.
The letter is one of the most regular kinds of writings. Okenwa (2000) notes:
“Easily, the most popular form of writing is the letter. Surprisingly, this form is also easily the least understood and most abused of all the form of writing. Even literature and non-literate users of this form have been known to by claims to its matery by virtue of the fact that it is more commonly used means of communication.
You do not study the art of writing letters for test or examination purposes only; rather you write for many other reasons: to notify, to keep in touch, to convey greetings, wishes and regards. Thorough letter writings you could send congratulatory messages, invitations, complaints: you apply for jobs or scholarship awards, request. Permissions of all kinds: you order for goods, et cetera.
Many author, of one, Oh Teik Bin, observes that many people love to receive letters but not many have learnt to like letter-writing. It will be of your benefit if you  develop the art of letter-writing. Write to your family members, friend and well-wishers, and other relations. Write to companies/firms, corporate bodies and the press to request for information or to express your views, opinions and suggestions. For so doing, you will learn how to write letters and will learn to love this art in future. For individuals that knows how to write, it is a complete joy to be able to express your thoughts and ideas in writing. A sense of satisfaction it will be seeing your letter in print.
Another choler, Bel-Molokwu (1997, p. 106) state:
“Letter constitute a very powerful means of communication and have become one very important means of record-keeping in business because the writer has an opportunity to organize properly his thoughts while writing a letter, the contents of letters are more reliable. But the beauty of the letter is that it makes for easy referencing. It also makes for more effective communication in business. Consider what business management, organization and control would be without letters.
-Government  agencies

-Business organizations

-Business partners

-Distant relations


-An old relation/friend

Corporate bodies

-An old relation/friend


A person you do not know


You must understand that if the receiver is in any way displaced with your letter, it may not achieve any purpose. No parent (father or mother) will send money to daughter or son who letters offends him or her; an employer is hardly likely to offer an appointment to someone whose application is below the expected standard : a letter writing may cause very serious misunderstanding among friends, siblings or relations. When writing a letter, we must constantly keep in mind the person we are  writing to. The more conscious we are of this, the more likely we are to make our letter just right for that person (Slitton 1981 p.3)

Some Vital Aspects of Letter Writing
1.   Conventions
This  deals:
i)            Writing out the addresses and the date
ii)          Ways of greeting
iii)        Ways of opening and closing

2.   Tone
In  oral communication, from the tone of speakers voice, you could fathom whether he is addressing a friend, an acquaintance, a stranger or an elder. Just like a speech, a letter has tone and it is from this that one could identify the kind of relationship between the writer or transmitter (Tx) and the recipient or receiver (Rx) of the letter.
Tone therefore is largely a matter of words – its use and its arrangement in sentences. In a letter, it can be indicated by the amount of personal detail you include:
1.   If the tone of a letter is informal or familiar, you would expect a lot of personal detail.
2.   If the tone is formal or distant, you expect little or no personal detail.

Grieve and Pratt note that the tone of a letter:
a)   Reflects  the attitude of the transmitter  the receiver
b)   Reflects the relationship between the transmitter and recipient or receiver.
c)   Reveals the transmitters’ awareness of the etiquette of written communication.
When you choose the wrong form of expression, it is very easy to make the tone quite different from what you had intended to write, a bad impression is possible created.

3.   Language
a.    Avoid high-sounding and wordy expressions.
b.   Be straightforward, precise and simple, because in letters you want to be understood quickly and easily. In English, people think that those who use pompous words and phrases in their writing or trying to show off their knowledge.
c.    There are certain fixed rules of grammar, sentence structure and punctuation you must observe to avoid passing  on a different meaning from the one you intended.