Order xiii rule 97 (3) of the senate standing orders 2007 as amended states that there shall be a committee   to be known as senate services appointed at the senate commencement of the life of the senate
The jurisdiction of   the committee shall include:

a.      Welfare of senators
b.      Budget and appropriation of the senators 
c.      Maintenance of the senate chamber and premises including offices and accommodation
d.      Residential and office accommodation for senators
e.      Provision of equipment and materials for senate premises
f.       Provision of motor vehicles for senators
g.      Monitoring   of the finances of the senate
The committee on senate services is chaired by Sen. Suleiman Asonya Adokwe and deputized by Sen. Chris Chukwuma Nwankwo

Senate services committee on human services

jurisdiction: Bill relating to Cal Works and other welfare programs, food stamps, now called state nutrition assistance program, child welfare and foster care, services to persons with disabilities, including those provided by  regional  centers  and the states developmental centers; in  home  supportive  services (IHSS) community care licensing, and , social services  and rehabilitative services, in general.

Senator Carol Liu (Chair)
Senator Bill Emmerson (Vice Chair)
Senator Tom Berry hill 
Senator Loni Hancock
Senator Tony Strickland
Senator Roderick Wright
Senator Leland Yee


The National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is a bicameral legislature established under section 4 of the Nigerian constitution. It consists of a senate and a 360 member House of Representatives. The body, modeled after the federal congress of the United States, is supposed to guarantee equal representation of the states irrespective of size in the senate and proportional representation of   population in the house. The National Assembly, like many other organs of the Nigerian government, is based in the federal capital Abuja.


The senate is chaired by the president of the Nigeria senate, the first of who was Nnamdi Azikiwe, who   stepped down from the job to become the country’s first head of state. The Speaker of House of Representatives chairs the House.  At any joint session of the Assembly, the President of the Senate Presides and in his absence the speaker of the House presides.
President of the senate
David Mark
06 June 2007 – present
Speaker of the House of Representative
Aminu Waziri Tambuwal
06 June 2011 – present


The assembly has broad oversight functions and is empowered to establish committees of its members to scrutinize bills and the conduct of government officials. Since the restoration of democratic rule in 1999, the Assembly has been said to be a “learning process” that ha witnessed the election and removal of several presidents of the Senate, allegations of corruption, slow passage of private members bills and the creation of ineffective committees to satisfy numerous interests.
In spite of a more than two – thirds majority control of the Assembly by the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP), the PDP government led  by Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’Adua and the assembly have been known more  for their disagreements than for their cooperation. President Yar’Adua has been accused of being slow to   implement policy. Many bills, some from as long ago as 2007, are still awaiting the Presidents assent. While  the Assembly has made strong and often popular efforts to assert its authority and independence against the   executive, it is still view generally in a negative light by the media and many of the Nigerian people. The   Assembly sits for a period of at most four years, after which time the president is required to dissolve   it and call a new Assembly into session.
The senate has the unique power of impeachment of judges and other high officials of the executive including the federal Auditor- General and the members of the electoral and revenue commissions. This power is, however, subject to prior request by the president. The senate also confirms the president’s nomination of senior diplomats, members of the federal cabinet, federal judicial appointments and independentfederal commissions.
Before any bill may become law, it must be agreed to by both the House and the Senate, and receive the presidents assent. Should the president delay or refuse assent (Veto) the bill, the assembly may pass the law by two –thirds of both chambers and overrule the veto and the president’s consent will not be required.  the  present assembly has not hidden its preparedness to overrule the executive where they   disagree.


            The National Institute for Legislative Studies (NILS)  is an organ of the national assembly established by an Act  of parliament. President Goodluck Jonathan signed into law the National Institute for Legislative Studies Act 2011 on March 2nd 2011 following the passage of the same by the Senate and the House of Representatives. NILS builds on the successes of the Policy Analysis and Research Project (PARP), established in 2003 as a capacity Building institution of the National Assembly with the Financial Support of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF). NILS has as its core objectives to provide quality academic and professional research, policy analysis, training, documentation and advocacy on democratic governance and legislative practice and procedures. The   functions of NILS are similar to the services offered to the US congress by congressional research service, congressional budget office, library of congress only on a lesser scale as the institute was just established.


The committee on armed services is a committee of the united states senate empowered with legislative oversight of the nations military, including the   department of defense, military research and development, nuclear energy (as pertaining to national security), benefits for members of the military, the selective service system and other matters related to defense policy. The armed services committee was created as a result of the legislative reorganization Act of 1946 following U.S victory in the Second World War. It merged the responsibilities of the committee on naval affairs (established in 1816)  and the committee on  military affairs (also established in 1816)  considered one of  the most powerful senate committees, its broad mandate allowed  it to report some of the most extensive and revolutionary legislation during the cold war years, including the  national  security Act of  1947 . The committee is   highly influential.

 According to the senate rules committee, all proposed legislation, massages, petitions, and other matters relating to the following subjects are referred to the Armed services committee.
1.            Aeronautical and space activities pertaining to or primarily associated with the development of weapons systems or military operations
2.            Common defense
3.            Department of defense, the Department of the Army, the department of the Navy, and the department of the Air Force, generally.
4.            Maintenance and operation of the panama canal, including administration, sanitation, and government of the canal zone
5.            Military research and development
6.            National security aspects of nuclear energy
7.            Naval petroleum reserves, except those in Alaska
8.            Pay, promotion, retirement, and other benefits and privileges of members of the armed forces, including overseas education of civilian and military dependents.
9.            Selective services system
10.       Strategic and critical materials necessary for the common defense
The committee is chaired by demarcate Carl Levin of Michigan, and the ranking member is republican John McCain of Arizona
Carl Levin, Michigan, chairman
John McCain, Arizona, ranking member
Joseph lieberman, Connecticut
James inhofe, Oklahoma
Jack red, Rhode island
Jeff sessions, Alabama
Daniel Akaka, Hawaii
Sexby chambliss Georgia
Ben nelson, Nebraska
Roger wicker, Mississippi
Jim Webb, Virginia
Scott brown, Massachusetts
Claire mccaskill, Missouri
Rob Port man, Ohio