Family health program is a public health and development organization dedicated to improving living standards of the world’s most vulnerable people. Family health programmes has 2,500 staff conducting research and implementing programmes in fifty five countries. It endervours to advance public health initiatives and to improve local capacity to address developed problems.     

            Since 1971, family health programme has been a global leader in family planning and reproductive health after 1986, family health programmes became a leader in the worldwide responds to HIV AIDS.
            Family health programmes also focuses its interest and address problems of malaria, tuberculosis and other infections and chronic diseases.
            Partnership of FHP include: international agencies government, foundations, research institutions and individual donors. United State of America is also one of the nations partnering with family health programmes.

Family health programmes grow from contraceptive research project which begun at the university of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1971. The initial grant from the US Agency for international development (USAID) helped developed the international fertility research program which later became an independent, non-profit organization in 1975. In 1982, this organization international fertility research program changed its name to family health international. Since the, family health international programmes expanded beyond family planning into other areas of reproductive health research and technical assistance

·                    Family health programmes investigate and implement effective ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases
·                    Enhance the quality of reproductive services.
·                    In 1987, due to much efforts and unquantifiable achievements recorded for their work in preventing HIV/AIDS infection they where awarded USAID first five year HIV.AIDS, prevention programmes in developing countries.
·                    They were receiving continuous funding from USAID. This funds enables the family health international to manage some of the largest HIV/AIDS programmes in the world.         
Other important sources of funds are from centre for disease control and prevention, national institution for health, United Kingdom Department for international development and global funds to tight AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria.
            Increasingly, other government, private foundation and private sectors are partnering with family health international to overcome health and development challenges.

            Family health international programmes contributed to a clinical trial called CAPRISA 004 which provided an important breakthrough in the fight against HIV and genital herpes with a vaginal gel that significantly reduces a woman’s risk of infection.

            Areas of focus of family health programmes include:
·                    Family planning
·                    Child and maternal health
·                    Infections diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
·                    Chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases
·                    Nutrition.

Family health programmes works with government and local communities to strengthens broaden health systems and create lasting improvement in the lives of individuals and families.
The family health programmes is one of the leading public health non-governmental programmes in reproductive health, HIV and AIDS prevention, material and child health. The society for family health programmes works in partnership with the federal and state government.   

Family health international/impact HIV/AIDS program with faith based       partners. Gate way nim.nih.gov. retrieved Oct. 18, 2011. 

Macinko James, Cellia Almeida and Poulode (2007) A Rapid assessment methodology for the evaluation of primary care organization and performance in Brazil. Health policy and planning 22(3), 167-77

Macinko, James, Frederico Guancis, and marinade Fatima de Souza (2006). Evaluation of the impact of family health programmes on infant mortality in Brazil, 1990 -2002. Journal of Epidemiology and community health 60 (1) 13-19.

Fernandez Mercedes, Sabatian Galiani and Ernesto Schargrodsky (2006). Targeted intervention in health care: the role of facility placement fiscal studies, 27(3), 373 – 395.

Caldwell John C. (1986). Routes to mortality in poor countries. Population and development review 12(2), 171 – 220.