The maasai people are mostly found in Kenya and Tanzania while the maradun are found  in Zamfara,  Stokoto and  in Imo State in East  of Nigeria Orlu, they are  human beings with their own specified  traditional  lifestyle which  seems as their culture and  customs from their ancestral  origins.

These people exist since, their way of tradition remains intact without change  in respective of the western  civilization today famiously  in all part of the world. 
The maasai and maradun  are mostly to be seen in different autonomous tribes  and communities with distinct  cultural heritage in their  land,  maasai and maradun makes their living in  through  cattle, sheep, goats  cow in Kenya Tanzanian and  zamfara, Sokoto  were they are found .  they are mostly artisans  and  tourist economically  based areas for strangers .
The maasai and  manadun people circumcised their children at the age of l4 years and left their youth as warriors to care for their live stock for the period of  8 years before coming back to village  marry as man, 
They most  lived in hut  houses,  that is made from a bunch of branches,  they use cow-dung  to stick the branches together both in Kenya and northern  Nigerian. Their tribe has been noted  of their different types of  village caravans and  strange object  of their  origins and  hils of nature ,  maasai people do not  till their  soil for farming  rather for grazing of their live stock, than  depend on cultivated farm  product  for purchase  but maradun farm  in desert land and scrub land,
The maasai  peoples believes  that the richer or influential of one traditional society depends on the multitude of  his cattle,  while  the maradun in  Zamfara and Sokoto  believed  the office of the traditional ruler or their chiefs depend on hereditary.
The maasai people mostly warrior at period of grazing  time for their livestock, but maradun goes warrior  as king coronation with  different  title hood, people of maradun  were mostly on hides as  skin of animal, Zamfara  but  the  maasai  people wore blanket  beaded hairs.
 Maasai  traditionalist do not kill lion when it  attack their cow because of  the wildlife organization which stipulated that the   head of the cow must be buried in the sand but the people maradun  do kill lion as warrior  in their own tradition.
The mardun report  their cases to their traditional ruler while the maasai report theirs to  their council of elders, maasai people ppractise honeymoon  while  the maradun do not do such but voluntary through  the emir practice  lesbian in their tradition.
Maasai people feed with milk and  blood  as protein source but maradun people of zamfara and sokoto feed on milk  and  other foods for their survival, 
Maasia and maradun  marry their wives  through using cow heads to get their wives,  thereby  as many wives  as many cow head you present to the family .  maasia  and maradun consult their deities  and gods before embarking  on any mission both on   security politics marriages  etc.
The marriage tradition are the same  like marrying of many wives and bearer of many children and keeping of livestock,  maasai people and maradun owing their birth stage  after  delivery before they  will recognized the  person  as baby they  will expose it to three  moon  age traditional before taking it  as their son, 
Meanwhile maasai without culture is as a zebra without stipples, this is still associated with maradun people way  of life.  Maasai traditional lifestyle of judging issues  are patriarchal in nature,
They decide matters  on a full body house made of oral law covers with many  aspect of their  behaviour,  they pays in cattle’s to settle matters, they had their own court for peace and reconciliation  arena,  while  maradun people execute tyrant by convicting their people if found guilt of an offence, and settle  their cases through  their  traditional ruler or the emir by their law in the  court,  palace of  their (HRH)  emir,
The traditional maasai do not bury their dead ones either left them for scavengers,   the only person meant to give burial ceremony was their chiefs, the maradun people  custom demand  that bury will be giving to every one but not ceremonies unless their chiefs.
Infant, this  two comparison are obvious people with different and similar cultures of their  way of life valued tradition and culture like people of maradun in Orlu in Imo state as they performed series of traditional life styles.   
  In coronation of their Chief i.e Igwe and Lolo titles, the throne of Igwe  remains primogeniture   in  nature and legendary this people king remain  king until his death after death  of Igwe they hand over to next king with historic land mark if the person in hierarchy to became the king is still in political position or  appointment   should be named awaiting king  after his retirement  confirmed the  igweship.
The day all this traditional rites will be performed  the chiefs and villages,  traditional priest, Catholic  Bishop of Orlu Igwe ‘s  royal  emergence form his obi was marked with pomp and ceremony like a  warrior king his men was stern.  A royal staff bear led the way even as his admirers Jostled to catch a  glimpse of the young Igwe, Intermittently gunshot kent the air and shouts  of Igwe dikikadi were the   tumultuous applause from the lips of the people, after the king  was ushered in the place court room he will joined by his queen,  note that people of maasai  and maradun practice courtroom  in common.
But  they do not marry or have sex with each  at the same way  of maradun people, both of this tribe circumcise their  children but do  not live the same wildlife  as found in  Kenya, Tanzania  and north Nigeria.
Maradun of Orlu Imo State do not live wildlife like  other maasai and maradun in  Kenya and Tanzania, Northern Nigeria.
People of  maradun traditional culture based their sources of living on farming and observe western life but remain intact with  their culture   and traditional origins   presently (HRH)  Alhaji Garba Muhammed  Tambani  FICEN, MFR and maradun chairman  first class Emir,  are  hereditary but  the maasai people royal hood bsed on riches of the cattle and children
Maradun people traditional life assume kingship both  in north and eastern Nigeria  like a successors to throne,,  but  the people of maasia in Kenya and Tanzania they depend on their leadership stages on l the orignisation of the  wildlife  law and their council of elders to  ascend to throne  not in wise reputation like  maradun but depend  on the large expense  of ones cattle, sheep, cow etc, before one  could be confirmed  chief titles,  massai  and maradun  people has spirit of loyalty and honesty in their common tradition to their chiefs  or Emir, that any person confirmed titles must be respected home and  outside  than  tribe by their people as one  chosen to represent them.  
They are  monarchial  both the people of maasia  and  maradun both in politics and other social issues, their security are not exposed  to government but are  been intervening through  their chief or emirs,  like the people of maradun  in respect of the  security of Nigeria  in  the  problem of Boko Haram  meance are been consulted through their  emir of zuma salisu and  the news will be  circulated to his people through their custodian of their laws and customs,  but the maasai  people are hardly communicated but they are people lovely people unless  through their council of elders but their culture are  complicated to one’s   understanding because they live in the desert.
However,   people of east Africa has been finding it difficult  to live with them because of their distinct life style and  traditions, 
Maasia people plays their  traditiojnal activities in their home maasai house (Enkang)