(1)  The university relies on the containing good sense  and devotion to duty of event employee to ensure that cases which may required disciplinary action are reduced to the barest minimum.
(2)  A head of department shall be responsible to the vice-chancellor through the provost and dean where applicable, for the maintenance of the day-to-day discipline of and among the staff assigned to the department/unit in all matters relating to the department/unit.

(3)  It shall be the duty of every head of department/unit as soon as he observes any show coming in any employee subordinate to him, to bring it to the employee’s notice with view to improving the staff employee’s usefulness and efficiency in the service.

Subject to the section of the university law on discipline, the following disciplinary measures shall apply:
(1)    Disciplinary action may be taken against member of staff for proven misconduct
(2)    Without prejudice to section 13.1 above, the power to exercise disciplinary control over junior members of staff is vested in the registrar   
(3)    the following are disciplinary measures which may be invoked against employee
(a)    Warning                                    (g)       Withholding of promotion
(b)    Reprimand/Rebuke                 (h)       Demotion
(c)    Withholding of salary            (i)        Interdiction
(d)    Deferment of increscent        (j)        Termination
(e)    Withholding of increment     (k)       dismissal
(f)     Suspension                               (i)        surcharge for loss of or damage                                                                                to university property  
Note: The list of disciplinary measures is not exhaustive. However, any of them shall invoked by the university disciplinary committee in correspondence with the allege offence. Below are

(1)       Warning
(a)   The warning process for minor offences or inefficient      performance of duties shall involve drawing attention to the short-comings of the employee through informal talk; oral     warning and where the employee fails to improve his            performance/conduct, a formal or written warning which shall      be preceded by a quarry should be given.
(b)  An employee whose conduct or work appears unsatisfactory shall be given a query. If his excuse is considered by the Head of department/unit as adequate, no further action shall be taken. Where the employee is not able to exculpate himself, a formal warning may be issued to him, copying the vice-chancellor and registrar and other relevant officers so that this can be entered in his record of service.
(2)       Reprimand/Rebuke   
(a)   In case of further misconduct after a third warning by the head of department/unit, the registrar shall notify the vice-chancellor who after considering all the papers in connection with the employee concerned, may issue a letter of severe reprimand to the employee.
(b)  In any serious case of misconduct which may involve indiscipline, theft, loss or damage to university property, it shall be immediately reported to the vice-chancellor who may act as he deems necessary.
(3)       Withholding of Salary
If after a couple of reminders, warnings, reprimand or rebuke, a staff member is found to shy away from carrying out his obligatory function, the vice-chancellor may order that the staff’s salary be withheld until he does the appropriate thing expected of him.
(4)       Deferment of Increment 
(a)   If the work and conduct of an employee are continually unsatisfactory, A &PC may defer his increment on the recommendation o f the Head of Department/unit provided always the employee concerned has already been given notice in writing by the Head of Department/unit on his short-comings and his increment will continue to be deferred until evidence of improvement is shown.
(b)  The period of deferment shall be fixed at the time the increment is deferred and shall not normally be more than 3 months in the first instance. It may, if necessary because of continued bad performance, be extended for another 3 months.
(c)   A deferred increment may not be subsequently granted except with the approval of the vice-chancellor given in writing and it shall not become effective until the day following the expiration of the specified period of deferment.
(d)  No change in the incremental data for an employee shall be made on account restoration of deferred increment.
(e)   A deferred increment cannot be granted retrospectively because of improved service later.
(5)       Withholding of increment
(a)   An increment may be withheld where, because of an   employee’s short-coming, it decided not to grant it and that                    he shall not be eligible for it until his next incremental date.
(b)       No increase shall be withheld the written authority of the vice-chancellor. 
(c)       An increment that is withheld shall not be re-instated retrospectively on any grounds.

(6)       Suspension
(a) Suspension shall be imposed by the vice-chancellor based on report from the dean/head of non-academic department unit. The vice-chancellor’s action regarding suspension shall however be subject to the provisions of the university law on disciplinary action.    
(b) Whenever in the opinion of the registrar misconduct which is of such a nature as not to warrant termination of appointment or dismissal has been committed by an employee, the registrar may recommend suspension of the employee for a specific period, to be determined by the gravity of the offence.
(c) Whenever in the opinion of the registrar, a prima facie case of misconduct his been made against an employee and it is necessary to investigate the matter further with a view to determining the guilt or the appropriate disciplinary action, the employee may be suspended pending the determination of his case. The period of suspension shall not exceed 3 months in the first instance.
(d) When an employee has been suspended, he shall thereupon be forbidden to carryout his duties and visit his place of work unless with the express permission of the registrar. He may also be called upon to hand over any uniform, account book records and tools and any other property of the university in his charge to such other employees as the head of department/unit shall order, and he shall be place on half salary for the period.
(e) Notice of suspension and be conveyed to the employee concerned in writing by registrar.
(f)  If found not guilty of any misconduct, the suspension shall be lifted forthwith and the employee reinstated with full salary including the arrears of his salary.

(7)       Withholding of Promotion 
(a)    An employee with adverse report on disciplinary case shall not be eligible for promotion in the appraisal year under             consideration. He shall have his promotion withheld till next   appraisal year on condition that he meets the appraisal            requirements of these regulations.    
(b)  No promotion shall be withheld without the approval of A&PC
(c) A promotion that is withheld shall not be re-instated retrospectively on any ground.
(8)       Interdiction
(a) An employee may be reduced in rank (demoted) if by misconduct or incapability, he shows himself to be unworthy of his rank. This step should be considered as a very severe measure and second in severity to dismissal.
(b) If the employee resigns as a result of this action, he resigns at this degraded rank. The effective date of reduction in rank shall normally be that recommended by the Head of Department/unit, and approved by the vice-chancellor.
(9)       Interdiction   
(a)   Where an employee is charged with a criminal offence whether or not connected with the university, the vice-chancellor, on the recommendation of the registrar, may interdict from his duties forthwith.
(b)  Formal notice of interdiction shall be given to the employee concerned in writing the notice shall state the date from which the interdiction takes effect and the reason for such interdiction. Such a notice is given to the day numerically corresponding to the day in the following month less one day.
(c)   where an employee has been interdicted, he shall be entitled to receive half of his salary, and such interdiction should be reported to the council forthwith. He shall not be entitled to leave or any allowance.
(d)  An employee who is under interdiction shall be required to hand over all university property in his charge to such person as the head of department/unit shall order, and he shall be forbidden to carry on his duties and to visit his place of work except with the permission of the registrar.
(e)   Where an employee under interdiction is found not guilt of all charges, he shall be reinstated and shall receive the balance of his salary for the whole period of his interdiction. The vice-chancellor may however, review the circumstances of the case with a view to determining the desirability of his continuation in the service of the university, otherwise his appointment may be terminated forthwith.
(f)   Any employee under interdiction may not, without permission of the registrar in writing, leave his station during the period of interdiction. Any contravening of this regulation renders the employee concerned liable to dismissal. If the employee’s whereabouts remain unknown the dismissal may be made by council without further formality.
(10)     Termination  
(a)   An employee’s appointment may be terminated for general inefficacy in the performance of his duties, criminal offence, and misconduct or for other offences as may be decided by the university council.  
(b)  A confirmed employee whose appointment is terminated shall be given one calendar month notice or alternatively paid one month salary in lieu of notice. Any leave entitlements accruing at the time of termination may be granted to run concurrently and terminate with the notice or if being terminated without notice such leave may be commuted to cash. Such notice of termination of appointment may be given on any date of the month and he calendar month shall be calculated from the date on which the notice is given to the day numerically corresponding to that day in the following month less one day. 
(c)   An unconfirmed employee may have his appointment terminated with one month notice or one month pay in lieu of notice at any time during his probation.
(d)  An employee whose appointment is terminated for inefficiency may be allowed to continue to stay in university quarters for a period not exceeding one month.
(11)     Dismissal 
(a)   An employee whether or not under interdiction or suspension, who             is found guilty of an act of gross misconduct severely prejudicial to        he interest of the university, shall be summarily dismissed an shall    not be entitled to receive any emoluments from the date of his           conviction nor shall he receive accrued pay including retiring       benefits and traveling expenses.
(b)  An employee of the university shall be summarily dismissed   
(i)   If he corruptly accepts or obtains, or cause any person to accept, or attempt to obtain from a person, for himself or for any other person any gift or consideration as an inducement or reward for doing or for failing to do any act in relations to the university’s affairs or business; 
(ii)  If he falsifies testimonial or personal records;
(iii) if whilst he is employed in the university on a full-time pay-roll engages in full-time studies without approval of the university authorities.
(iv) If whilst he is employed in the university on full-time or part-time capacity, acts as an attorney or agent against the university in any matter;
(v)  For misconduct whether or not in relation to the performance of his duties;
(vi) For failure to disclose any previous conviction for a criminal offence;
(c)       In the event of any acquittal on appeal, the question of continuation in service and payment of arrears of emoluments shall be determined by the junior staff disciplinary committee with the approval of the council/ provost.
(d)       Upon conviction of an employee on criminal charges he shall be dismissed or have his appointment terminated with effect from the date on which he was convicted.
(e)       No notice or salary in lieu of notice shall be given to an employee dismissed under the provisions of these regulations but dismissal shall take effect from the date on which the employee concerned is officially notified that he has been dismissed.
(f)        Any employee dismissed for misconduct shall not be eligible for leave and shall immediately vacate university premises and before doing so, shall hand over any uniform, account books, records, keys, tools and any other property of the university in his charge to the head of his department/unit or to such other person (s) as the head of his department/unit shall designate.
(g)       An employee shall not be dismissed in accordance with these regulations until
(i)      He has  been told in writing the grounds on which he is being considered for  dismissal;
(ii)     He has been given an opportunity of submitting representations to the registrar through his head of department/unit.
(iii)        The appropriate committee has considered his representations and the recommendations (if any) of the head of department;
(iv)        He has been heard by the Junior Staff Disciplinary Committee;
(v)           He has previously been supplied with or given access to a copy of any documentary evidence against him;
(vi)        He has been informed that on a specific day, the question of his dismissal shall be brought before the committee and that he shall be entitled to call witness and that his failure to appear shall not invalidate the proceedings of the Committee.
(vii)      The committee has investigated into the matter and make report to the Council which if it considers that the report should be amplified in any Committee for further inquiry or accordingly.
(viii)   The committee’s report has been finally accepted by council and disposal action taken by it on the matter.
(ix)        If the council does not approve the officer’s dismissal, and does not consider that any penalty should be imposed, the officer shall be reinstated forthwith and shall be entitled to the full amount of salary denied him if he was interdicted or suspended.
(x)           The provisions of these regulations are without prejudice to the powers of the vice-chancellor or council as provided in the law to maintain staff discipline, and institute disciplinary proceedings or measures in respect of staff as may be appropriate.

(12)     Surcharge for Loss of or Damage To University Property 
(a)   If at any time the university sustains a loss due to neglect or default of any employee, he shall be liable to make good he loss or damage up to the maximum cost as may be assessed by a competent authority appointed by the Bursar. Any sum due to such employee from the university shall be withheld to pay for the cost of the loss or damage.
(b)  Any employee who discovers a loss of cash stores shall forthwith report it to his head of department/unit, and if he fails to do so shall be held liable for such loss.

Right to Appeal
            Any employee punished under the foregoing regulations shall have
the right to appeal to the university council through the normal channels.

(i)        The Registrar has the responsibility for the discipline of all members of staff in the college.
(ii)       The college relies on the continuing good sence and devotion of duty of every employee to ensure that cases which may require disciplinary action are reduced to the barest minimum.
(iii)           A Head of Department/unit shall be responsible to the Registrar through the Dean/Head of unit where applicable, for the maintenance of the day-to-day discipline of, and among the staff assigned to his Department/unit in all matter relating to the college.
(iv)           There shall be a junior staff Disciplinary committee appointed by the provost to review cases of discipline of junior staff.
(v)              The Disciplinary committee shall deal with matters referred to it by the Registrar or the junior staff Appointments and promotions committee within the stipulated period of time.
Whenever in the opinion of the Registrar, a prima facie case of misconduct has been made against an employee and it is necessary to investigate the matter further with a view to determining the guilt or the appropriate disciplinary action, the employee may be suspended pending the determination of his case.
Disciplinary action may be taken against a member of staff for a proven case of misconduct. The following procedures for staff discipline shall apply:
(i)                The provost shall constitute a staff investigation panel. The junior staff Disciplinary committee shall consider the report of the investigation panel; The report of the Disciplinary committee shall be forwarded to the provost for consideration and decision of the A & PC.
(ii)             The following are the disciplinary measures which may be involved against an employee:
Deferment of increment
Withholding of increment
Making good loss or damage of college property.

(i)        An employee whose conduct or work appears unsatisfactory shall be given a query. If his explanation is considered by the Head of Department /unit as adequate, no further action shall be taken where the employee is not able to excuse himself, a formal warning may be issued to him (copying the Provost, the Registrar and other relevant Officers). In the case that a staff duly warn commits a similar offence, his case shall be referred to the Disciplinary committee by the Provost.
(ii)       The warning process for minor offences of in-efficient performance of duties shall involve drawing attention to the short-coming of the member of staff through informed talk, verbal warning and where the member of staff fails to improve his performance/conduct, a formal written warning shall be issued to him.

(i)        If the work and conduct of an employee is unsatisfactory, the Appointment and Promotions committee may defer his increment on the recommendation of the Head of Department/unit. If his short-coming persist, his increment will continue to be deferred unit evidence of improvement is shown.
(ii)       The period of deferment shall be fixed at the time the increment is deferred.
(iii)           No change in the incremental date for an employee shall be made on account of restoration of deferred increment.
(iv)           A deferred increment cannot be granted retrospectively because improved service later.

(i)        An increment may be withheld where, because of an employee’s short-coming, it is decided not be grant it and that he shall not be eligible for it until next incremental date.
(ii)       No increment shall be withheld without the approval of the junior staff Appointments and promotions committee.
(i)        The Provost may, in case of misconduct by a junior staff which in the opinion of the Provost is prejudicial to the interests of the college, suspend such a staff with half pay for not more than three (3)suspension shall forthwith be reported to the A &PC
(ii)       Before the expiration of the period of three months the case against the staff must be considered to determine whether to continue the suspension, to reinstate the staff or to terminate his appointment.
(iii)     If the suspension is to continue, terms, period and proportion of the affected staff’s monthly emoluments have to be determined.
(iv)      If the A &PC approves the reinstatement of the staff’s in this case, his/her full emoluments shall be restored with effect from the date of reinstatement.
(v)       Should the A &PC decided the termination of the staff’s appointment, such staff shall not be entitled to the proportion of his emolument with-held during the period of suspension.

(i)        Where an employee has been charged with a criminal offence whether or not concocted with the college, the provost may interdict him from his duties forthwith.
(ii)       Formal notice of interdiction shall be given to the employee concerned in writing. The notice shall state the date from which the interdiction takes effect and the reason of such interdiction.
(iii)           Where an employee has been interdicted, he shall be entitled to receive half of his salary.

(i)        An employee’s appointment may be terminated for general inefficiency in the performance of his duties, criminal offence, misconduct or for other offences as may be decided by the council/provost in council    
(ii)       A confirmed employee whose appointment is terminated shall be given 3 calendar months notice or alternatively paid 3-month’s salary in lieu of notice. Any leave entitlements accruing at the time of termination may be granted to run concurrently and terminate with the notice or if being terminated without notice, such leave may be commuted to cash. Such notice of termination of appointment may be calculated from the date on which the notice is given to the day numerically corresponding to that day in the following months less one day.
(iii)     An confirmed employee may have his/her appointment terminated without notice for good reason.
(iv)      An employee whose appointment is terminated for inefficiency may be allowed to stay in college quarters for a period not exceeding one month.

(i)        An employee whether or not under interdiction or suspension, who is found guilty of an act of gross misconduct prejudicial to the interest of the college shall be summarily dismissed and therefore shall not be entitled to receive any emoluments from the date of his dismissal nor shall he receive accrued pay including retiring benefits and traveling expenses.  
(ii)       An employee of the college shall be summarily dismissed.

(a)       If he corruptly accepts or obtains or causes a person to account or attempt to obtain from a person for himself or any other person any gift or consideration as an inducement or reward for doing or for failing to do any act in relation to the college’s affairs or business;  
(b)       If he falsifies to testimonial or personal records;
(c)       For failure to disclose any previous conviction for a criminal offence.

In the event of any acquittal on appeal the question of in service after reabsorption and payment of arrears of emoluments shall be determined by the college with the approval of the A &PC.
(iii)     Upon conviction of an employee on a criminal charge he shall be dismissed with effect from the date on which he was convicted.
(d)       If whilst he is employed in the college on a full-time day roll engages in full-time studies without approval of the college authorities.