1.         Information Acquisition and Sharing
            Knowledge creation and sharing involves the sourcing, collection, storage, processing, dissemination and interpretation by individuals, groups institutions, government and countries required in order to understand, react, and relate knowledgeably to personal, communal, environmental, national and international conditions and developments, as well as to be in an advantageous position to take appropriate decision (Mbacbrid et al, 1980).

            In nutshell communication is inextricably entwined with knowledge for strength, power, and love; it’s very vital in providing and acquiring a common fund of knowledge, which enables citizens and groups from all nations and people to operate and live as effective and relevant members of the society in which they lie in and by so doing, foster meaningful social awareness cohesion and integration for more productive public life.

2.         Education and Training
            Mass media remains about the most potent force and mobile vehicle for enhancement and promotion of education in the communities and the nation at large. Much of media activities are instructive and education oriented, as the constant bombardment of the mass media audience with a preponderance of news, facts, ideas comments, experience and messages has led to the massive transformation of the human minds, thereby equipping mankind with the requisite knowledge to function effectively in chosen locations and areas. These various mass medium of communication (information).
·                     Radio
·                     Television
·                     Films
·                     Camera
·                     Books
·                     Newspaper, magazines
·                     Rosters, billboards and a lot more have greatly helped in brining education down and closer home to our door steps. The features, articles, opinions, editorial, instructional and many more have many more have drastically and positively changed the life of many of our people.

3.         Formational and Development of Self Concept
            Cooley (1902) reveals that our self concept is a reflection of how we see ourselves in the responses of other people to us. Normally, when we communicate, others observe and assess our communication behaviorus in the light of our gait, poise, gesture, body movements and carriage, facial expressions, eye direction and contacts, vocalic etc and react to them. These reactions, expectedly, help us to determine and decide what we are and concurrently develop and improve or at the other extreme, dampen our self-concept.

4.         Maintenance of Global Cooperation and Peace   
            As Amodou M’Bows (1980) posits, communication is at the heart of all social intercourse. Whenever man have come to establish regular relations with one another the nature of the system of communication created between them, the forms they have attained have largely determined the chances of bringing communities together or making them one, and the prospect for reducing tensions or setting conflicts whenever they have arisen. The ensuring submission by M’Bow clearly points to the overriding need for interdependent and interrelationship among people with the understanding that no man is an Island unto himself. We all need one another to make the world go round and a better place for all to live in. we need others just as they need us, a kind of symbiosis for the provision and enjoyment of basic needs of life, in decision-making, as helping hands, for companionship, as life partner etc go as to support, guide and assist one another, especially in fighting our common enemies.

5.         Opinion Leadership, Motivation and Mobilization
            Communication, through the functional services of the mass media, provides this needed direction and guidance to the mass of the people by exposing them to such issues of public controversy and importance, prepare them towards taking a firm stand on burning issues, and offers sound platform for debate and discussion. Certain events of national significance such as the infamous IMF fund, OIC membership controversy deregulation of oil sector etc, are usually given salience by the media through their various publicity network and the a gender-setting functions. The mass media do not tell us how to think or force us think along a prescribed pattern; but, they however succeed in shaping and presenting to use what to think about. Agenda are shaped and we are at times thoughtfully tribalised and given patterns or lines to toe when we think (Lippman w, 1922, Cohen, B. C., 19630).

[6.       Promoting the Spirit of Democracy and Servicing the Political System  
The mass media effect this service by providing relevant information and setting agenda that will generate enlightenment, mass discussion, commentaries, opinions and debates on public affairs. The a gender-setting function is a major source of institutional correlation between the mass media and politics; for, it is what the media considers politically expedient that ordinarily merit people’s interest and opinion.

7.         Nation Building and National Integrating
            Macbride et al (1980) encapsulate the integration functional role of the mass media to involve the provision to all persons, groups and nations of access to the variety of message, which they need in order to know and understand each and one another and to appreciate others living conditions, viewpoints and appreciations. The media popular broadcast channels of radio and television play dominant roles in this regard by producing the required message that enable different people, groups and nations to understudy, understand and appreciate one another’s unique and positive attributes towards national unification and integration or what the government call national rebirth.

8.         Attitude and Behaviour Change
            It is clear that the mass media could influence people’s way of life by encouraging them to adopt new life style such as family planning oral dehydration therapy, breastfeeding or to drop old and bad habit, criminal activities, drug addition, female circumcision etc.

In summary, the contemporary civilization for better national development is the mass media oriented that we learn almost everything we know through mass communication: - the newspaper, magazines, books, televisions, radio, film among others. If the media fails to say it, who else can? But the media must be free from the shackles and constraints of their owners and sponsors the government and their agents, excessive anti-media legislation and control, undemocratization  unprofessionalism in the industry and many others.