These regulations sample is cited as the College of Education Regulations, Procedure for Appointment, and Condition of service. The regulations shall  be deemed to have come into operation from the date they are approved by council/provost in council…unless otherwise expressly indicated. (Ebonyi State College of Education is used for the sampling)

These regulations shall apply to all College of Education,  except where otherwise stated, shall supersede all other previous regulations. The regulations contained  herein shall not be rescinded or amended, or varied except by council/provost in council.

(1.)   In the event of any question or doubt arising out of, or in connection to this Regulation, the matter, except in financial issues, shall be referred in the first instance to the Registrar for clarification, interpretation or decision, and thence an appeal to the provost. In respect of financial matters, the question shall in the first instance be referred to the Bursar, and thence to the provost.
(2.)   Where a staff member is of the view that the interpretation of the provost  is prejudicial to him in so far as this terms and conditions of service are concerned, an appeal to the council/provost in council against  the decision of the provost. The decision of the council/provost in council shall be final.
(3.)   The pronouns “he”, “him” shall include the females.

In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires or permits, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:-
1.      The college means the Ebonyi State College of Education Ikwo
2.      Council means the Governing council of Ebonyi State College of Education, ikwo( as would be constituted)
3.      provost in council means the Provost and members of the college Management
4.      Academic board means the Ebonyi State College of Education
5.      Provost means the provost of  Ebonyi State college of Education, Ikwo
6.      Registrar means the registrar of the college
7.      Bursar means the bursar of the college
8.      College librarian means the librarian of the College.
9.      Department means any teaching or research unit or centre or school or an administrative or technical or other unit recognized by the council as a department in the college
10. Head of Department means a staff appointed, elected or designated as Head of a Department or Co-ordinator of a project by the provost
11. Committee/Board means a deliberate body with membership and terms of reference set up by the college and approved by the council/ provost in council or both.
12.  Confirmed staff  means an employee whose appointment has been confirmed in writing by the Registrar after an approved period of probation.
13. a. Contract Appointment means a duly made appointment for a specified period of not more than three years at a time with given conditions of service, and which terminates at eh date of expiration of  the contract, unless otherwise mutually renewed for another specified period by both the college and the contract employee.
14. regular appointment means a duly made appointment which can be held until retirement with entitlement to gratuity  and pension.
15. temporary appointment means an appointment to established post on non-personable terms and whose total duration does not exceed 24 calendar months.
16. Council means the Governing council of the university established under the university law.
17. Dean means the academic and administrative unit, institute, centre school or any other unit of the university as so recognized by the university council and senate.
18. deputy provost means the deputy provost of the college
19. academic pig means the academic and administrative head of the institute.
20. dismissal means removal of an employee form the service of the college a result of misconduct.
21. resignation means the termination of an employee’s service at own option
22. termination means the cessation of an employee’s service by the college authorities.
23. withdrawal from service means the termination of an employee’s service at his own option after serving for 5 years or more but less than 10 years.
24. unit means any functional component within an administrative or technical department.
25. emolument means the substantive basic salary of an employee holding an established post.
26. established post means a post of employment specifically provided for in the college budget estimates approved by council/provost in council     
27. schools means a school of the college consisting of academic departments established in accordance with the provision fo the college law.
28. family means a member of staff, his spouse if any, and children as defined as defined above
29. financial year means the period from 1st September of one year to 31st August of the next year.
30. head of department means a person appointed by the provost as head of department or as acting head of department and such other person who, by virtue of his office is designated as head of department.
31. incremental data shall be 1st October of any year.
32. inefficacy means a series of acts of omission, incompetence, or misbehaviour which of themselves are not serious enough to merit proceeding for misconduct but of which the cumulative effect shows that an employee is not capable of discharging efficiently the duties of the office which he holds.
33. institute means an academic unit basically for research and instruction in a specialized area.
34. junior staff means all staff of the university on HATISS 01-05
35. labour code means the labour code of Nigeria and includes all the labour legislation currently in force in Nigeria.
36. leave year means the period from 1st January to 31st December of the same calendar year.
37. librarian means the college liberation
38. long vacation means the period of about three month between the end of one academic session and the beginning of the next one.
39. misconduct means any conduct which is prejudicial to the good name and reputation of the college, and discipline and the proper administration of the business of the college. Without prejudice to the generality of this definition, misconduct includes corruption; dishonesty; drunkenness in the course of duty; false claims against the college or any of its constituent part; insubordination; negligence of duty; falsification or suppression or unauthorized destruction of accounts or records; unauthorized dissemination or disclosure of college information records; conviction fro a criminal offence other than traffic or sanitary offences or the like; absence from duty without permission from place of work; the performance of all other acts which are inconsistent with, or failure to perform acts which are essential for the proper execution of duties for which the member of staff was employed; disobedience of any order issued by any legally constituted authority of the college; failure to appear to or answer questions or queries satisfactorily in any investigation before any person or body designated by the college or any of its constituent bodies for the purpose of investigating any matter provided for in or arising out of any of the affairs of the college, or these regulations. For the avoidance of doubt, misconduct includes any act of omission, utterance or publication which has the effect of embarrassing, or tarnishing the good name of or brining into ridicule, the college, including the senate, the council, and the officers of the college.
40. officer when used without qualification means staff member in an established post.
41. place of normal domicile means the appointee’s place of origin, unless where the college decides otherwise on proven grounds.
42. promotion means elevation to higher grade based on merit
43. accelerated promotion means a promotion granted to employee before he has spent three years on his grade level because of his showing exceptional ability on attaining the minimum adequate experience normally required for promotions.
44. double/triple promotion means a promotion to two or three grade levels above a staff member’s current grade level granted to him for exceptional performance on appraisal for promotion.
45. public service means any service or employment recognized by state/federal ministry of establishment and which ranks as such for the purpose of the federal Pension Act (cap. 346)
46. re-grading means advancement to another grade done in order to overcome an anomaly in initial appointment. This is not regarded as promotion.
47. retiring age means retiring age of 35 years of service or 65 years of age, whichever comes first.
48. Junior staff means a member of junior staff of the college as here defined.
49. Child means, in relation to a member of staff, natural offspring, a step child or legally adopted or mandated child aged not more than 18 years or not more than 25 years if still in full time education, who is unmarried, not in gainful employment and whooly dependent on the member of staff concerned.
50. family in relation to a staff means his/her spouse and children up to a maximum of four who is below the age of 18 years or, if over that age but not more than 25 years, are still receiving full time education.
51. established post means a post of employment specifically provider for in the college estimates approved by council/ provost in collection for the avoidance of doubt emoluments of an offices shall not include by allowances such as responsibility allowance or acting allowances etc.
52. date of appointment means  the date on which an employee assumed duty with the college.
53. promotion means elevation to employment of higher grade and status based on merit. For this purpose an upward regarding to correct a previous anomaly in appointment shall not be regarded as a promotion.
54. incremental Date shall be 1st October of every year.
55. session or Academic year means the period of 12 calendar months, which begins on the 1st of October of a given year to 30 September of the next year.
56. public Service means service which ranks as such for the propose of the federal pension scheme
57. Misconduct means any conduct, which is prejudicial to the good name and/or reputation of the college and/or of discipline and the proper administration of the business of the college. Without prejudice to the generality of this definition, misconduct includes corruption, dishonesty, drunkenness in the course of duty, false claims against the college or any of it constituent posts, insubordination, negligence of duty, falsification, suppression or unauthorized destruction of records. Unauthorized disseminations or disclosure of college information or records, conviction on criminal offence, absence from place of duty without satisfactory reason, the performance of all other acts which are inconsistent with, or failure to perform acts which are essential for the proper execution of duty for which the member of staff was employed, disobedience of any other lawful order to proceed on leave or a posting or any other lawful to appear or refusal to answer questions or questions satisfactorily in any investigation before any persons or body designed by college or any of its constituent bodies for the purpose of investigating any matter provided for in or arising out of any of the affairs of the college or these regulations. For the avoidance of doubt misconduct includes any act of omission, utterance or publications which has the effect of embarrassing, or tarnishing the good name of or bringing into ridicule, the college including the academic board, council provost in council and/or the officers of the college.
Criminal offence means stealing, false pretences, extortion, forgery, official corruption, and such kindred offence involving moral turpitude as defined in the criminal code of Nigeria and as may from time to time be defined in any criminal or penal code in force in any part of the federation of Nigeria.