Esthetics from the Greek word Ethikos means behavioural pattern. Ethics of a business can be seen as the behavioural pattern towards business, it deals with the judgment concerning rightness or wrongness, virtuous and Vicious, approval and disapproval of an action.

Social responsibility means eliminating corrupt, irresponsible or unethical behaviour that might bring harm to the community its people or the environment even before it happens. Therefore, ethics and social responsibilities is concerned in the way companies conduct their business in an ethical way, tasking account of their impact economically, social  environmentally and in terms of human rights.

Problems And Challenges Of Ethics And Social Responsibilities Of Business Organization/Environment In Nigeria
1.      The lack professionalism in Management Styles: Many Nigeria managers do not perceive social responsibility as one of the key functions of management. The managers lack of social skills to deal with social matters.
2.      Many  Nigerian enterprises are very small in size and their financial strength precludes the consideration of social responsibility as a task that must be seriously considered. Some of the other large companies are owned by foreign firms whose main pre-occupation is profit maximization. Some of these firms see social responsibility as a patriotic gesture best undertaken  by indigenous businessmen to help their country.
3.      Involvement in social activities could adversely affected the economics health of a business enterprise. It is contrary to the basic function of the business. For example business enterprise may want to maximize profit or organization market share which is the objective of the organization. Many companies involve themselves in social activities because of the tax exemptions or the income spent on special purposes.
4.      Lack of Supplier and Customer Relationships: Many organizations lack basic positive supplier and customer relationships. This thereby leads to the stunted growth of their organizations.
5.      Lack of Sustainability: Basic social responsibility and sustainability practices in supply management are not practiced by many organizations.
6.      Lack of Confidential and proprietary Information: Some business organizations do not protect confidential and proprietary information. They lack basic database systems that save basic information for future use.
7.      Reciprocity: Many officials of organizations usually involved their selves in improper reciprocal agreements with the authority, thereby making the vision of the organization to be destroyed.
8.      Applicable Laws, Regulations and Trade Agreements: Many employees and employers of labours sometimes failed to know and obey the letter and spirit of laws, regulations and trade agreements applicable to supply management.
9.      Lack of Professional Competence: Many business organizations lack developed skills, expand knowledge and conduct business that demonstrates competence and promotes the supply management profession.

Some common problems and challenge of ethics and social responsibilities of business environment in Nigeria are:
1.      Conflict Of Interest: This is a situation in which a business decision may be influenced for personal gain.
2.      Whistle Blowing: This is concerned with employee’s disclosure of illegal, in moral or unethical practices in the organization.
3.      Loyality Versus Truth: Business people expect employees to be loyal and truthful but ethical conflicts may arise.
4.      Honesty And Integrity: Telling truth and adhering to deeply, felt ethical principals in business decisions.
5.      Discouragement reporting unethical conduct.
6.      Those who report violation are not protected from retaliation.
7.      Managements leissez affairs attitude to employee especially bon ethical violation.
8.      Social responsible firms are likely to be less efficient and may be driven out of business by more efficient competitors willing to single mindedly pursue-profits.
9.      Firms that give profit are more likely to fail and become a detriment to society because jobs and stockholders investment are lost.
10. Inability To Provide Adequate Training For The Work Force: Several training programs aimed at encouraging ethical practices within their organizations. Such programs do not attempt to teach what is moral or ethical but, rather to give business mangers criteria they can use to help determine how ethical a certain action might be.
11. Despite these implication the restructurings, cutbacks, and layoffs of recent years have made ethical behaviours harder to encourage.
12. managers in restructured  or downsized organization cannot monitor employees day to day behaviors. hard expressed employees need flexibility, authority and ethical leadership to create an environment in which to make principled decisions.
13. We must respect their dignity and recognize their merit.

Akinyemi, A.O. (2002). Effective Business Training and practice: ethical side.
Crane (2008). The Oxford handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility,
Ekpo-Ufot, A. (1990). Exploratory study of indiscipline in Lagos, Unpublished research work, Department of Business Administration, University of Lagos.
Eso, K. (2007). Twentieth anniversary lecture in honour of the memory of Chief Obafemi Awolowo. Sunday Tribute. 1568, p.10.    

FACULTY:  FARM