This research work assessed the Healthy Care Financing in Nigeria, using primary health care financing of Ebonyi State as a case study. This was done with a view to finding out the impact of such funding in the health sector. It aimed at finding ways of alleviating health care problems in Ebonyi State; moreover, it focused on the pursuance of federal government assistance to ensure a conscious and consistent policy in providing health needs of people of Ebonyi State.
The researcher in order to bring this work to bear collected both primary and secondary data was collected and analyzed using the method of Chi-Square to test the hypothesis. The researcher observed that health care financing has no significant effect on Nigeria economics growth. This was because resources are not adequately provided for running the primary health care service. As a result of poor financing of the primary health care in the areas, there is rapid increase in the frequency of children and maternal mortality. For that reason; adequate funding should be made available to run primary health care programmes in the areas. Policy on the criteria and mechanism for allocating the extra budgeting funds as regards to health care financing to local government areas should not be over looked.
Title page                                                                   i
Approval page                                                          ii
Dedication                                                                 iii
Acknowledgement                                                   iv
Abstract                                                                     v
Table of contents                                                     vi
1.0       Introduction                                                  1
1.1       Background                                                   1
1.2       Statement of problem                                  4
1.3       Objective s of the study                              7
1.4       Statement of Hypothesis                             8
1.5       Significance of the study                            8
1.6       Scope and limitation the study                  7
1.7       References                                                    8
  CHAPTER TWO Review of Related Literature           9
2.1       Concept of Health and Health Care Delivery                    9
2.2       Concepts of Health Care Delivery                                    13
2.3       Components of Health Care Delivery System in Nigeria  14
2.4       Concepts of Primary Health Care                                      16
2.5       Primary Health Care Financing in Nigeria                       19
2.5.1 Health Financing by the National Primary Health
Care Development Agency (Nphgcda)                       22
2.5.1 Human Resources of the Primary Health Care (PHC)  24
            References                                                             26
CHAPTER THREE: Research Design and Methodology      27
3.1 Collection of Data                                                                     27
3.2 Techniques for Data Collection                                               27
3.3 Sources of Data                                                                          28
3.4 Design of the Questionnaire                                                    29
3.5 Location of the Study                                                               29
3.6 Population of the Study                                                            30
3.7 Sample Size Determination                                                      30
            References                                                                            34
CHAPTER FOUR: Data presentation and analysis of result   35
4.1       Characteristics of the Sample                                            35
4.2       Test of Hypothesis                                                               45
            CHAPTER FIVE:
Summary, Conclusion and Policy             Recommendation                 50
5.1       Summary of findings                                                           50
5.2       Conclusion                                                                            52
5.3       Recommendations                                                                          
            References                                                                            54



The basic needs in rural development include certain essential services provided by and for the community at large such as safe drinking water, sanitation and health services. Health care implies the provision of conditions for normal, mental and physical development. It includes health protection measures, promotion of health, prevention of sickness using curative and preventive medicine in all its ramification, Onokerhoraye (1995) noted that health like foods, shelter and clothing is a basic human need. Good health, therefore, constitutes an essential aspect of socio-economic development, since it is a major component of the quality of life as well as a pre-requisite for high levels of productivity.
            Nigeria began the process of reorganizing her health care (PHC) approach following the Alma Ata declaration of 1978, with the aim of achieving health for all (Obionu, 2007:11).
            Monekosso (1992), observed that primary health care is the first level of contact of individuals, the family and the community with national health system, thereby bringing health care as close as possible to where the people live  an work. Because of the need to administer sound health to the people to ensure economic growth and development, the State government assumed some specific notes which include amongst others, health care financing, training of personnel, technical assistance, supervision, planning and evaluation of primary health care.
            Therefore, health care financing is a term used to refer to the funding of health care system in a particular society. Funding health care in Nigeria is from a variety of sources that include budgetary allocations from government at all levels. International literature precisely United States of America identifies three sources of health financing to include public source, Quasi-public source and private sources. Health care financing, particularly since 1980s, has been very low.
            Government health care funding is only about 0.2 percent of GDP (UNDP 2000). This amounts to $2 per capital as health care subsidy whereas health care expenditure per capital is $ 15. in other wards, the government is responsible for only about 13 percent of the entire health are expenditure in the economy. This implies that social safety nets for less advantage members of the society are virtually non-existent.
            Meanwhile, the Federal government is not unmindful of the crucial rate of the health sector in national development. The problems of allocating scarce resources has always made it very difficult to allocate and satisfying the minimum requirement in terms of health sector financing. In order to save this drastic situation, government should be given serious consideration for the establishment of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and the National Health Development Bank (NHDB).  The development of health care in the grass roots has been immeasurable. The support giving in both the Local and International Sources of funding has been tremendous. It has made a great impact on the basic health nutrition, water and sanitation, immunization materials and child health nutrition, health education, family planning and education guinea worm as well as man power development.
            The introduction of several projects and programmes added a bit towards the alleviation of health situation in Nigeria. The allocation of funds from various sources and agencies enable them to carry out some of their desired programmes. Health financing in Nigeria has actually developed up to a commendable stage. Primary health agencies have been able to carry out their activities to several levels ranging from the federal Level to the Local Government Level. Special attention will have to be given to the services carried out in different local government areas with financial assistance of other different bodies.
            Primary health care in the local government area which is the main target areas, has achieved a lot. Therefore, most attention is needed in rural areas concerning their health situation so as to increase the life expectation of the people in the area.

            Health care financing implies the sponsoring of necessary conditions that guarantee normal, mental and physical development and functioning of human being individually or collectively. It entails the provision of curative and protective medicine for the populace in a particular area.
            Enugu State still lays behind in primary health care financing compared to other States in Nigeria. This trend is attributed to poor budgetary allocations assessment over the years. Health institutions are not given priority in the scheme of things. Government on their own has not been constant in coming to the aid of the council areas
            Another major obstacle to the adequate health care financing is lack of medical experts particularly in the rural needs of the people in the rural areas. Enugu State lacks a good number of highly trained medical personnel, the few in service are not resident in the communities where they serve. rather, they visit intermittently to the health centers. Onuora (1999:120), has observed that the number of problem this has generated was better imagined than explained     
            The problem of insufficient modern facilities in health establishment in the rural communities in Enugu State is yet a serious threat.
            Ugbaja (1996: 86) , observed that  there is the problem of non-availability of drugs prescribed to the patients. most of the times, patients are told that the drugs prescribed for them are out of stock. the resultant effects of this ugly development is that the patients would resort to any source to obtain drugs in order to survive.
            Moreover, the location of the health centers are not within the reach of the people in various communities. In most cases, the sitting of the health centers experiences bureaucratic bottleneck. It is very unfortunate that in those communities, transport system is not easily attainable.
            It is pertinent to note that the above issues can be dissolved in a good number of ways. Here, there should be strict adherence to budgetary provisions to health institutions to ensure that adequate supplies and sponsorship are made as when due. The research will at the same time look into the shortage of supply of medical-experts in various communities and to ensure availability of drugs in a health centre in various localities.
            The above problems gave rise to the following research questions:-
(i)                 To what extent has inconsistency by government and non-governmental agencies affect the level of financing of primary health care in Enugu State?
(ii)              How does lack of professional medical experts contribute to poor performance of primary health care in Enugu State?
(iii)            To what extent does insufficient modern facilities contribute to the establishment of health centers in Enugu  State?
(iv)            How has non-availability of prescribed drugs affected the performance of primary health care in Enugu State?
(v)               To what extent has non-incorporation of community leaders in decision making process affected health care financing in Enugu State?

            This research work aims at investigating the ways in which primary health care receives financies in Nigeria that is how primary health care is being funded in Nigeria. Specifically, this work tends:-
1.                  To find out the impact of such funding on primary health care sector.
2.                  To find out ways of alleviating health care problems in Enugu State.

1.4       STATE OF HYPOTHESIS       
H0:      Health care financing has no significant effects on the primary health care administration in Enugu State.
H1:      Health care financing has significant effect on the primary health care administration in Enugu State.

            The study would be significant to Enugu State in particular and Nigeria in general, as they would use the findings and recommendations to improve on their contributions as it concerns health care funding.
            The study would be significant to various rural communities in Enugu state as it would show them how they could be mobilized to realize the health policy objectives of local government councils in the state.
            Finally, the study would be of high significance to potential researchers in this area of study since it would provide them with a possible search in for future study as far as health care financing is concerned.

            The scope of the research study covers the whole primary health care centers in the state. The study is to cut across all section of the (17) local government areas, as they would constitute the necessary population. This research covers the period between 1985-2010.

The major constraint to this research work include:
i.     Time: the time allotted for this study was short. This is a study that would have taken a year for a more comprehensive study to be attained
ii.  Finance: This sis another constraint to the study. This study required the researcher to visit all the relevant health centers or clinics in Enugu State. This meant a substantial amount of money was to be provided for transportation, photocopy of document, production of copies of questionnaires to mention just a few.

Onokerhonaye Andrew, G. (1995), Population growth and Provision of Social Services in Nigeria, the Benin Social Science Series University of Benin.  
Morekosso, G. L. (1992), An Organizational frame work for Achieve Health for all Developing Countries, International      Journal of Health, Primary and Management vol7, 3-23.    
Obionu, C. N. (2007) , Primary Health care for Developing     Countries. 2nd Edition, Institution for Development studies           University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.   
Federal Ministry of Health (1986), National Policy FMOH, Lagos