1.      Identification of common endemic diseases in the community. Endemic diseases are so described when they are only found among specified people in specified country.
2.      Promotion of the prevention of diseases in susceptible individual through immunization.
3.      Supply of appropriate drugs for treatments of diseases.
4.      Training and supply of adequate number of well qualified health personnel e.g doctors, nurses, midwives, health educators, pharmacists, laboratory, technicians etc.

5.      Provision of health care facilities and ensuring their fair and equitable distribution.
According to Nigeria national policy on health (1996), national health system shall be developed at three levels (Nonye 2005:90. These include;
i.        Primary health care or basic health care
ii.     Secondary health care or specialized health care
iii.   Tertiary health care or comprehensive health care. 

            The term primary health care dates back to 1920 in England when Lord Dawson reported on first contact medical care and the promotion of primary health centre (Nonye 2005:10).
            In a joint conference on primary health care sponsored by WHO and UNICEF in Alma-Ata in Russia in 1978, PHC was recognized and defined as essential health care based on practical scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individual and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-reliance and self determination (Obionua, 2007:1).
            Primary health care is therefore regarded to mean:
            Health approach which integrates all the community level elements necessary to make an impacts upon the health status of the people. An approach which is integral part of the national health care system. It makes into account the fundamental human needs necessary to improve living condition of individuals, families and communities.
            These needs include preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative health measures, and community development activities. The particular problems that give rise to high incidence of diseases in Nigeria for which PHC, if properly managed, could tackle are identified below:
·         The kind of health activities of the community
·         ignorance of correct health practice, culture, taboo, food preference.
·         Poverty associated with poor nutrition, poor housing
·         Poor personal hygiene and environmental sanitation
·         Lack of good quality water (portable water)
·         Too many children being born
·         Lack of facilities for treatments of diseases and preventing diseases.