In the opinion of Akpakpan (1991), a government’s success in the use of fiscal policy especially government expenditure, depends on its honesty, dedication and the efficacy of its officiate. Akpakpan (1994) argue that in the case of Nigeria, the pumping of money into the economy by the government contributed to the persisted inflation in the country. Akpakpan opinion is that extra government expenditure has been directed to inappropriate use. 

He that, but for the stealing of funds by people of position of authority extra expenditure would result in inflation though with less harsh consequences. Thus, the extra expenditure even in it’s proper use, would have caused inflation but because in that case the money spent would have generated or raised incomes for many more members of the society in the process, many more people would have been able to cope with the resultant inflation.

            According to Maro (1996), government expenditure is utilized as a tool of deflationary economic policies to reduce aggravates demand, hence reduced by cutting government expenditure. The government reduces inflation by cutting expenditure and by increasing taxes. Critics blame the government and the policies implemented for the inflation in the country.
            According to Akpakpan, the problem of inflation is the consequence of the abused of fiscal policy, especially government expenditure.