Our tutorial for today is for any website/blog owner who is looking forward to join the adsense program to earn an income online. You may by now know about Google Adsense is the best pay per click (PPC) program on the internet. The No.1 search engine; “Google” pays a publisher some revenue in order for the benefit of placing their Adwords ads on blog or website belonging to these publishers. As a result, all webmasters know that Adsense is a very easy method to earn an income online.

However, nothing good comes easy; there is always a task to complete which must meet with Google Adsense Policy. Because of this fact, it becomes a problem for so many webmasterswho are trying to sign up for an Adsense account while other webmasters wish to have more than one Adsense accounts to earn money from their different ways (Google disapproved one webmaster with two accounts). This popped out the question; how to get Adsense account approved easily? – Answers are found below; just continue reading.
Be aware Google is too strict these days concerning where they will place their Adword ads. Those days of using a niche blog with totally no elaborate information on it are almost gone in the past. Google wants you to provide information to people and to give value to the internet users, so if your website/blog looks spammy, you will never be accepted into the Adsense program. In addition, they have many terms and conditions that you must agree to (Google Adsense Policy), and they can discontinue or ban your account anytime they wish without notice, with little warning via email, informing you know that your income stream has been stopped.

If any publisher is making preparation to apply for an Adsense account, he should be aware that Google wants to have an conventional blog or website that has been in existence for a about 3-6months in the internet with a few of good articles. After application, the publisher has to wait for an approval message via email approximately a week to a month. From research, we have found out that most people doesn’t likw waiting long to be approved, so we decided to let them know about other methods that can get any publisher approved more quickly in just 24hrs.

There are a few ways to accomplish this and get your Adsense revenue rolling in. Several sites online offer an adshare income, meaning they take 50% of your Adsense revenue, and you get the other 50% paid directly to your Adsense account. All you need to do is sign up for the site and then confirm you want to apply for a Google adsense account.

Some of these sites include:
1. – (like – is a site where you share videos, documents, ebooks and mobile applications with other users. You just register with this website to share revenue 50% of your income from this site. Then they will provide an option for you to register with Adsense. You just upload a few of free articles (such as joke, funny story, or old docs) from your computer to get approval quickly around 24h.

2.   Hubpages – (like – a micro blogging site where users can post short articles and add in other features, including Amazon links and videos. Google has much love for Hubpages, and if you apply for an Adsense account through this site, you have a pretty good chance of being approved.

3. – a social networking content sharing site with a 50% adshare agreement;

4.   Google’s own free blogging service (blogspot) – you set up a page and add content, wait a day or so and then apply for an Adsense account.

5.   Youtube – Signup on youtube, upload a video (copyright not acceptable) covered by you and apply for adsense with it.

6. – a site where you can register and follow four short steps, including completing at least 50% of your profile, upload 10 photos, post 2 blogs and most importantly, set your privacy policy on all of your content, including your profile to “everyone”, meaning everyone can view your content.

Please note that there are many other sites like the ones above that can be found online, you just need to do some searches to find them. Sign up is simple, and you instantly have a profile that you can utilize within minutes. Don’t be so surprised that Adsense accounts can be activated through these sign ups in as little as 24 hours. Once you have an active Adsense account, you can use the code on your other websites or blogs as you wish. And don’t worry about losing any revenue 50% on the income that you can earn from your own blog or website.

One Word of Caution – Note that you must adhere to Google terms and conditions; if you are adding Adsense to a blog, Google policy states that you MUST have a privacy policy, an “about” page and a contact page on your home page. If you do not, you will be violating their terms of service and you risk having your account banned without notice – Be warned.
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