It is pertinent to note that different scholars from various fields of human endeavours have viewed education in different perspectives as well as its planning trend. Prior to this, Coomb (1970) sees educational planning as the application of rational systematic analysis to the process of educational development with the aim of making education more effective and efficient in responding to the goals and needs of its students and the country. 

Relating his definition to the present Nigerian system of education, his concepts as regards to Universal Basic Education (UBE), this type of education is meant for all and sundry everywhere provided they meet up with the demand of educational system of the modern society. The concept in relation to the present Nigerian education system is designed to make education more effective and efficient. It is also designed to respond to the needs, goals and aspirations of the students in particular and the nation at large which can be achieved through effective educational planning and implementation. The present educational system in Nigeria is well planned and organized so as to portray Coombs definition. This entails the application of systematic analysis to the development of education. The present Nigerian system of education is planned, the number of children/students to be enrolled per year, tutorial staff, non tutorial staff qualified and even the effective deployment to schools for accreditation, procurement of instructional materials, remuneration of workers or staff and supervision.

It is planned to overview what the education system will look like in future so that the situation will be controlled thereby accepting Coombs definition. Hierarchy in authority: the present Nigerian system of education is also designed in a sequential order, for example, the three tiers of education planners or controllers. They are the federal ministry of education, controlled by the minister for education, state ministry of education controlled by the commissioner for education and the local education authorities. Each of these bodies works together and abides by the decision of the superiors. They are the educational planners and policy makers who contribute to the development of education.

In conclusion, the prudent planning of educational system in any society requires articulation from qualified educationalists that are experienced, organized and resourceful so that the educational goals’ attainment will be reached within a specific period for national development in all ramifications. Therefore, government must release fund adequately for the actualization.