Information and Communication Technology has become a vital player in the national development of modern society. Methods of gathering, processing and dissemination of information have dramatically changed in the modern era with the advent of ICT.

ICT has an impact on:

Aspects of society

ICT has contributed to increase productivity of goods and services relevant to
and almost all other sectors in Sri Lanka

ICT in the Health Sector
E-channeling Research and Innovation
Medical testing & reporting
Maintenance of Medical History Records
In house management
Remote surgery

ICT is used in education under

ICT for learning
Online courses/exams
Huge collection of subject related electronic materials and methodologies(Lessons, Tutorials, simulations etc.)
Learning Management System(LMS)
Educational fora, video conferencing,
CAL(Computer Assisted Learning)
School net

ICT for teaching
Hypermedia tools Simulation, animation, modeling, audio and video
Huge Collection of Subject Related Materials (Lessons, Tutorials etc.)
Modern Learning / Teaching Methodologies
School Management Systems
Web sites related to Education Management

ICT in Agriculture
Introduces modern machinery and equipment
Provides information on seeds that maximize harvest and preservation of products
Provides awareness in the field of modern Agriculture Fertilizers Pesticides
Provides information on modern techniques in horticulture and in agro technology
Research on farming, animal husbandry
Virtual/competitive markets for agricultural products

ICT in Industry
Provides information on modern tools, equipment, machinery
Provides software on designing and modeling
Provides know how on the use of new techniques in various industries including self employment E.g. hair dressing, beauty culture and apparel
Provides facilities for advertising and marketing
Facilitates office automated systems
Electronic processing saves energy and time
Increases productivity, efficiency and accuracy
Minimizes paper work
Provides on-line jobs
Facilitates tele-commuting
Provides infrastructure facilities for call centers

ICT in Banking Sector
Credit Cards
Inter Bank Money Transfer
On-Line banking (e-banking)
Image Processing Cheque Clearing Systems
Money Grams etc.

ICT in Insurance Sector
On the Spot Claims
Medical coverage using electronic cards

ICT in Share Market
Provides information on current foreign exchanges
Provides facility to deal with the share market

Issues in the use of ICT
Health & safety

Social Issues
Digital divide is the division of people according to the accessibility to ICT Resources. There is a gap between those who can access ICT resources easily and those who can not access.

Ethical Issues
Unauthorized access etc.

Legal Issues 
Violation of Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright, Patent

Security Issues
Hardware Protection
Computer must be protected from outside threats
Software Protection
Programs must be protected from various threats

Hardware protection
Your computer should be equipped with
A UPS(Uninterrupted Power Supplier) to avoid risk of sudden power failure and fluctuations.
Surge protection safeguard against lightening and thunder.
Stabilizer to control voltage.

Environmental factors to protect your computer
Your computer should be kept in a
dust free,
Dry (moisture free),
Smoke free environment.

Logical Security
The software and the data in your computer can be protected by

Malicious codes
The expression “malicious code” has been used by analysts to describe the category to which Virus ,Worm ,Trojan Horse falls

Computer Viruses
A program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes.
All computer viruses are manmade. A computer virus attaches itself to a program or file so that it can spread from one computer to another, leaving infections as it travels. Much like human viruses, computer viruses can range in severity. Boot Sector Virus
File Virus
Macro Virus
Multipartite Virus
Polymorphic Virus
Stealth Virus

Boot Sector Virus
Replaces or implants itself in the boot sector—an area of the hard drive (or any other disk) accessed when you first turn on your computer. This kind of virus can prevent you from being able to boot your hard disk.

File Virus 
They infect applications. These executables then spread the virus by infecting associated documents and other applications whenever they’re opened or run.

Macro Virus 
Written using a simplified macro programming language, these viruses affect Microsoft Office applications
A document infected with a macro virus generally modifies a pre-existing, commonly used command (such as Save) to trigger its payload upon execution of that command. A document infected with a macro virus generally modifies a pre-existing, commonly used command (such as Save) to trigger its payload upon execution of that command.
Types of computer viruses

Multipartite Virus
Infects both files and the boot sector–a double shot that can re-infect your system dozens of times before it’s caught.
Polymorphic Virus

changes code whenever it passes to another machine; in theory these viruses should be more difficult for antivirus scanners to detect, but in practice they’re usually not that well written.

Stealth Virus
Hides its presence by making an infected file not appears infected, but doesn’t usually stand up to antivirus software.

Worms spread from computer to computer, A worm takes advantage of file or information transport features on your system, which allows it to travel unaided. The biggest danger with a worm is its capability to replicate itself on your system

A Trojan Horse
It will appear to be useful software but will actually do damage once installed or run on your computer. When a Trojan is activated the results can vary.
Some Trojans are designed to be more annoying than malicious (like changing your desktop, adding silly active desktop icons) they can cause serious damage by deleting files and destroying information on your system.

Precautions to protects the computer systems
Avoid infected disks and flash drives.
Avoid downloading infected executable file.
Be careful when opening e-mails with unfamiliar addresses.
Use the latest version of an anti virus program and run it regularly.

Antivirus program
A utility program that searches storage devices for viruses and removes any that is found. Scanning software looks for a virus in one of two ways If it’s a known virus it is removed from your system. In the case of new viruses it quarantines (isolates) the questionable program.

Some popular antivirus software
PC cillin
A firewall is a system that prevents unauthorized use and access to your computer. A firewall can be either hardware or software.The most popular firewall choice is a software firewall.
Firewall software

Spy ware
A general term for a program that secretly monitor your actions while they are sometimes evil, like a remote control program used by a hacker, software companies have been known to use spy ware to gather data about customers.

Health and Safety Issues
Ergonomics & health issues
Repetitive Stress Injuries
Eye Strains
Electro-Magnetic Field
(EMF) exposure

To avoid Repetitive Stress Injuries
The keyboard should be at elbow height, and at a distance and angle that allow you to keep your wrists straight. If your chair doesn’t have arms, use a pillow to support your arms. Adjust your chair so that your feet are flat on the ground and your hips are slightly higher than your knees.Keep your feet flat on the floor. Don’t slouch(bend).
Keep your head in a “neutral” position. Relieve neck strain by looking back over your shoulder while sitting up straight. Hold for 10 seconds, then slowly turn and look the other way. Relax shoulders by rolling them backwards and forwards.Reduce muscle tension in your hands by spreading your fingers wide apart. Hold, and then make a tight fist

To avoid Eye Strains
Your head should be about 18 – 30 inches from the monitor. Blink frequently so your eyes don’t get dry. Clean the screen every once in a while to remove dust that has become one with your screen due to static electricity. Refocus your eyes every ten minutes or so by looking away from the computer and briefly focusing on an object at least 20 feet away.