question of what is organizational commitment and its determinants have
generated a lot of argument and disagreement among organizational bahaviour
scholars (Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001; Bentein, Vandenberg, Vandenberghe,
& Stinglhamber 2005; Solinger, van Olffen, & Roe, 2008).
Notwithstanding the lack of consensus, there appear to be dominance of opinion
that commitment sojourns along three main dimensions affective, continuance,
and normative (Meyer & Allen, 1991; Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001; Bentein
et al., 2005). In their conceptual definition, which reflects the affective
components, Porter, Mowday, & Boulin (1974) involvement in a particular
organization.” Using stronger words, and apparently building on Porter et al’s (1974) definition, Meyer & Allen (1991)
define affective commitment as, “the employee’s emotional attachment to
identification with, and involvement in the organization” (p. 67).
foundation Hospital and Diagnostic Centre (NFH) is a project of Niger Welfare
Foundation, a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Nigeria. Niger
Welfare Foundation was formed in 1990 by a group of professionals to promote
health and educational projects that would improve the health status and the
educational level of a wide range of people. So far, the Foundation has carried
out projects in Oyo, Lagos, Edo and Enugu States. Niger Foundation Hospital is
the largest project of the Foundation.
Foundation Hospital (NFH) is a non-profit institution that has been set up to
offer good quality medical care to the general public with a focus on the
inhabitants of the South- eastern part of Nigeria. The project is meant to make
a tangible contribution to the healthcare system in the Southeast which like
many other parts of the country-has for some time now suffered from poor
healthcare facilities.
medical care given at the hospital is based on Christian principles of respect
for human dignity. The hospital strives to maintain sound ethical practices in
the care of each sick person. In addition,
counseling and spiritual attention are made available to patients and their
relations who desire them. Spiritual care in the hospital is entrusted to the
Catholic Prelature of Opus Dei.