For a country to develop there must be a determined will  to  march in progress on the part of all the citizens  the rulers and the  ruled alike . It requires a sense  of   dedication  to the course of progress .  Determination and dedication form the bedrock of  progress and any country that lacks this is doomed. Here lies our  (Nigeria ) major  problem and  obstacle  to progress. We have not had the luck of  having   leaders who   are  completely committed  to the course of nation building. We have not   had men and women who are rather prepared to render
if possible selfless service to the country. This is why our leaders can often afford   to spend huge sums of money in buying   obsolete machines for our use just  because they are assured of  10%  as a bribe.  This is why  appointments into posts are made on the   basis of man-know-man’  as the  slang goes in Nigeria. This is why key industries are to be located not in the places best suited for them but rather in the place that best suit  those in power.  This is why contracts   are awarded not to those who  can most effectively  execute their assignments but to those who  have  something to offer . Because the leaders do not show good  examples the  ruled cannot be   expected to do   better. Everyone is   only out to see a way of getting his own share of the ‘national cake’ even when he has  not contributed to the baking and   does not even know where that cake is being baked. For the entire region of West Africa to become developed there is need for a reorientation. There  is need for personal dedication to the course of justice and   to the course of  progress not just of  the  individual  but of the entire nation.  The moment we have the right people in power  is the moment much  of  our problems are solved. For one thing,  dedicated and enlightened  leadership  will lead to a better combination  of the scarce resources   for the development of   the country.   

Some countries   do not have  sufficient supply of trained  and skilled manpower necessary for all here development  effort.  The effect of this shortage is felt  both  in the planning of development strategy and in the execution of  the plans . For instance the first development plan in Nigeria (1962-1968) did not   reflect sound planning . This obviously reflects the shortage   of planning skill in  the  country. If  the plans are not coherent and consistent the execution is bound to meet with  difficulties. Even after the  plans have been drawn it   requires  skilled and  knowledgeable men and women to execute them.
This   shortage is further seen from the fact that we do  not  have a sufficient number  of men and women of sound managerial  ability. Some   business start and soon crumble just because the proprietors have not been able to manage them well. Many  do not have  any knowledge  of what  may be called scientific management.   A country that lacks managerial skill definitely has to fight an  uphill battle in  her march to progress
We have to realize that it is rather costly to import skills  because nations normally  try  to   avoid  their brains being  drained . In  this case   west  Africa requires   to embark upon a programme of  massive training of men  and women of high  caliber in different  skills, technical and managerial alike 

One of the reason why  industrial revolution started in  Britain   is that Britain  was able to  have a stable political system before most other nations. Stability connotes progress because progress is not a concomitant of chaos and instability. A harmonious  atmosphere is definitely more conducive to progress since the  creative nature of man is more easily   harnessed in such a situation.  At  least experience shows that a man who is constantly form  by   strife, internal and external, is not the best suited for  experimentation   and invention. In like manner a country that  is constantly  torn by strife cannot be expected to perform  wonders, development wise. For  one thing, there is always a  feeling of insecurity in such a place, investors are    scared away,  and people because they are not sure of what happens next, will  rather chose to enjoy in the immediate instead of postponing it with  the hope of a greater  tomorrow . This  to a great extent  accounts  for the slow progress in west Africa where political instability is rife . we hear of coups and counter coups. Not openly  this, a  country like Nigeria has  just come out   of a civil war and the present situation does not give much hope that    there will not be a repeat performance even in the immediate future despite the hard lessons that appear to   have  been learnt
The situation  in the country is not rally  a happy one even   though  one may look at it as a transitory stage in both the political and   economic  development of the country creative minds are needed to  formulated new political structures that will usher in a new   atmosphere that can  guarantee continued progress in the country  

             The supply of capital in the country is far from being adequate. The general poverty really leads to low level of capital formation . It  is a vicious circle.  In many cases the execution of the national   plans have been positively hindered by the shortage of capital. Money  is a strongman that must not be  taken   for granted if any country must  develop. It is the key to many problems.  definitely its influence is being strongly felt in the  different countries of west Africa . Because of the shortage many of these countries are forced into canvassing for loans that are often obtained on very unfavourable terms. Earlier it has been pointed  out that the total wealth of  any country to a great extent l  depends on the amount of capital equipment that is available and  being utilized. Poverty makes it difficult for  a country to build  up  a   large stock of capital equipment . This is the case with west Africa I order to  break though  this vicious, circle, the cooperation  of   all and sundry is needed. People should be prepared to forgo immediate  enjoyment for a bigger  one in the future . A country  that  must develop must be prepared to make sacrifices . This is  the main lesson one can lean from  Russian experience 

As already mentioned , the poverty in west Africa   has led to many of the countries  seeking loans from some of the advanced  countries. In many cases these counties have tended to  depend mainly on these foregoing loans or gifts   for the financing   of their development projects.  It is  an age long adage   that he  who pays the piper dictates the tune and so the  benefactors and not the beneficiaries often dictate the projects   for which   their aid would have to be utilized . In this case one  would not expect them to finance any project that will seriously  compete with their own industries even when it is  clear that such  projects are veresentaila in the country 
In many cases the donor country requires that any  loan granted must be sued in purchasing equipment from her. This restricts   the freedom of the recipient country to make the best bargain  in the buying process not only this, the  equipment often given in  the form of loan are of obsolete   technology. This definitely does not   make for high efficiency in production. For  one thing, in some cases  the spare parts are not available since the manufacturers no  longer produce such equipment . As a result of this most of the  equipment soon become out of use because the spare parts are  not available . Because of  the  restriction on their freedom  to choose from which country to buy they are often forced to buy  even at high prices whereas similar equipment can be obtained  elsewhere at a much lower price
not only the above, we have to note also   that in some cases the expected assistance may not be forthcoming . such  can easily   thwart national plans as was the case   with Nigeria plan of   1962-1968.  Much of the money needed for the plan execution   was to come from outside sources but to our dismay it  was  not forthcoming. This  emphasized the need for us to rely on  our own  resources for our development  efforts 

Britain and France had ruled the different counties of West  Africa during the colonial era the different nations were more or  less forced to specialized in the production of the raw materials  needed by the industries in Britain and France.  Industrialization was   least pursued . after  these  counties   had regained political independence they continued   to produce  mainly these raw materials, may be because of structural difficulties   involved in switching production to new lines, despite the fact that  the fluctuating demand for these products have persistently led to  fluctuations in prices of the products. This very much  has  affected the income earning power of the different countries  .  In order to ameliorate the situation one would suggest that  the economics should be restructured in such a way that  what  is produced is what best helps  us to  improve our  income earning  power

Agriculture which has been the main occupation in the  country ahs more or less been stagnating there has not been much improvement in the system . This really retards our  ability   to raise capital for development and   also leads our continued   importation of even foodstuff  from outside  sources. This, for sure, drains our foreign   exchange and thus makes it difficult for use to import capital equipments  of  modern technology . If productivity    in agriculture has been increasing steadfastly our income  per capita would  also   have been rising significantly, ceteris paribus . But   because of  the relative stagnation not  much has been achieved   in this direction. If  agriculture unproved, its salary effects   will  bear even on  the other sectors of the economy because   of the fact that the different   sectors of the economy are  linked together. The  effect of any improvement in any of  them  shows  itself  on the other  sectors

            Most of the counties have not got   adequate   power  supply.    This is a handicap to industrialization in particular and development in general.  Revolution in power supply has been one of the  greatest  phenomena that really geared  the  world economy an the onward direction . For  instance Germany owes  much    to the development of electrical industry. The importance  of   power supply need not be over emphasized. Rural areas are being deserted    and no industries are being attracted mainly   because   these rural areas have not got any supply of   electricity it is because people have recognized the importance of power supply need not be over  emphasized.  Rural  areas are  being deserted and no industries are being attracted mainly  because these rural areas have  areas  have  not  got any supply of electricity. It  is because people have recognized the importance of power supply   in  any development  process that  there  is an incessant call  for rural electrification  as a developmental  strategy   supply of  electric light to the rural   areas will  help half mass  exodus   from these   rural area, attract  industries  to live in well lighted rooms  is an   aspect of development .

    Corruption defined as the abuse of public power for personal   ends  has  always   existed. During recent decades, however it has grown both  in terms of geographic extent   and intensity. Since the mid  1970s. it  has infiltrated virtually every country  in the world. It was  hoped   that  the  easing of political and economic restrictions that characterized  the  1990,  after the end of the cold war would   have gone  some  way to reducing this  phenomenon.  Through increased openness resulting   from political pluralism   and the freedom of the press, the process of  democratization   should, under normal circumstances mobilize   efforts to  overcome corruption. However, emergent  democratizes  are still fragile  and  seen  to find  the task of  tackling  established self interests  a  formidable one.

In  broad terms, political corruption   is when government   official  use their governmental  power for illegitimate   private   gain. Misuse of  government  power for other purposes, like repression of political opponents and general police brutality, is not considered political corruption   illegal acts  by private persons or corporations not directly involved with   the    government is  not   considered political corruption either.   Illegal acts by office holders  constitute political corruption only  if the   are directly related to their official duties  
All  forms of government are susceptible to political  corruption  forms of corruption vary, but include bribery,  extortion, cronyism,  nepotism, patronage, graft and  embezzlement while   corruption may  facilitate  criminal enterprise such as  drug  trafficking,  money   laundering   and   trafficking, it is not  restricted to these   organized l crime activities. In some counties corruption is so common  that is expected    when  ordinary business   or citizen  interact with government officials.   The   end –point   of political corruption is a kleptocracy, literally   ‘rule by thieves” what   constitutes illegal corruption differs depending  on  the  country   or jurisdiction certain political funding practices that are  legal in one place may be illegal in another. In some countries government officials have broad or not  well defined powers,  and   the line  between  what is  legal and   illegal can be difficult to draw

Political  injustice involves the violation  of  individuals  liberties , including  the denial of voting rights or due process, infringement on rights to  freedom of  speech or  religion, ad inadequate protection  from cruel and unusual  punishment. Such  injustice often stems from unfair  procedures, and involves political system in which  some but not others are allowed to have voice and representation in the  processes and  decisions  that affect them. This sort of procedural injustice can contribute to  serious social problems as well as political ones. If  voting or litigation procedures, for example,   are perceived to be unjust, any outcome they  produce is  liable to be unstable and produce conflict. In  addition,  any procedures   that are carried out  in  a biased manner are likely  to contribute to  problem of  religious, ethnic, gender, or  race discrimination. When  the procedure in  question  has to do with employment or wages, such issues can lead to serious economic and social problems.     

Economic  injustice involves the  state’s failure to provide individuals   with basic   necessities of life, such as access to adequate food  and  housing ,  and its  maintenance of  huge discrepancies   in wealth . In  the  most extreme   cases of misdistribution, some  individuals suffer from poverty while elite  of that society   live in  relative luxury.  Such  injustice can stem  from unfair hiring procedures, lack of available jobs and education, and insufficient health care  all of these conditions  may  lead individuals  to believe that they have not received a  ‘fair  share  of the benefits and resources available in  the  society.

The   reason behind the underdevelopment of underdeveloped  states is  the  lack of determination. If people and the government work together for the better future of their nation  they can do, but problem is this  who to start and where  to start because  the  system is very weak . I believe developed states not guide properly to underdeveloped nations, developed nations take  them as their  competitor. Yes, underdeveloped states can be  develop with the help  of proper utilization of wealth  ,  resources, and  labor.  The main  focus of underdeveloped states  should be  on the education of their people, because educated people and skilled people can  play the fruitful role in  the  development of  country

L.C  Ezeaku (1997) Positive Discussions in  Economic  Uruowulu
Obosi, Pacific College Press Ltd

Black J. (1997)  Oxford Dictionary of Economics . Oxford  : Oxford  
University  Press.

Report of the Conference of FAO 4th Session. Washington D.C, 
November   1984

A.G  Frank, “ The  Development of Underdevelopment”
Development.  Hooool comesta??? Critical Concepts in the Social  Sciences  (2005)

Underdevelopment of   Countries. World Problems Issue Online