CHAPTER ONE: Introduction    -           -           -           -           -           -           1
1.1       Background of the Study -  -           -           -           -           -           -           1
1.2       Statement of the Problem    -           -           -           -           -           -           3
1.3       objective of the Study                     -           -           -           -           -           4
1.4       Research Question   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           6
1.5       Research Hypothesis           -           -           -           -           -           -           7
1.6       Significance of the Study    -           -           -           -           -           -           8

1.7       Scope and Limitation of the Study            -           -           -           -           -  8
1.8       Definition of terms -            -           -           -           -           -           -           9
CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review    -           -           -           -           -           10
2.1       Introduction  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -           10
2.2       Role of the small and medium enterprises sub-section
in the economy  -                 -           -           -           -           -           -           10
2.3       Objective of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria            -           10
2.4       Significance of the Small and Medium Enterprises                    -           10
2.5       Characteristics of Small and Medium Enterprises          -           -           11
2.6       Institutions and Opportunities Created by the Government
            to enable small and medium enterprises access funding           -           11
2.7       Problems of small and medium enterprises in Nigeria   -           11
2.8       Prospects of small and medium enterprises in Nigeria  -           11
2.9       A comparative analysis between indias small scale Industries
 (SSI) and Nigerians small and medium enterprises   -   -           -           11
CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology   -           -           -           -           12
3.1       Research Design       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           12
3.2       Source of Data          -           -           -           -           -           -           -           12
3.3       Population of Study -           -           -           -           -           -           -           12
3.4       Method of Data Collection -           -           -           -           -           -           13
3.6       Method of Data Analysis    -           -           -           -           -           -           13


            Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as defined by the National Council of industries refers to business enterprises whose total cost excluding land is not more than two million naira (N2,000,000) only.
            A lot has been said and written about Small and Medium Enterprises the world over. It has also formed the subject of discussion in so many seminars and workshops both locally and internationally. In the same token, government at various levels (local, state and federal) have in one way or the other focused on the Small and Medium Enterprises. While some governments had formulated polices aimed at facilitating and empowering the growth and development and performance of the Small and Medium Enterprises, others had focused on assisting the Small and Medium Enterprises to grow through soft loans and other fiscal incentives.     
            International agencies and Organization World Bank,  United Nations (UN), Industrial Development Origination (UNIDO),International finance corporation (IFC), United  Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), European Investment Bank (EIB) etc are not only keenly interested in making Small and medium enterprises robust and vibrant in developing countries but also heavily invested in them. Locally, the several non governmental organizations such as fate foundation Support and Training Entrepreneurship Programme (STEP), the Nigerian investment promotion commission (NIPC), the Association of Nigerian Development Finance Institution (ANDFI), as well as individual Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) have been promoting the growth of Small and medium enterprises in Nigeria through advocacy and capacity-building initiatives, and have continued to canvass for better support structure for operators in the Small and medium enterprises sub-sector, yet it seems that all these effort by different organization, agencies and individual has not been yielding positively as it ought to be - its objectives for creating it has not been achieved, the problems the polices was mapped out to solve has not been solved, many question being asked by investors and the masses has not been answered by government and fund raisers very well and that is why the researcher intends to enter into this research to know why this policy is not working well.
            Firstly, the researcher will find out the objective of the study, the significance of the study ,problems associated with the proposed topic to be researched on. Then try to provide answer to the question being asked by people then test the hypothesis of the study.
            Secondly, the researcher will study what other writers has written about the subject matter to be studied by him and then give his own view of the matter.
            Thirdly, the research will test the hypothesis of the study using the research method and tools he will use in the study in other to help him in his findings and enable him make recommendation on what he has find.

            In fact that Small and medium enterprises have not made the desired impact on the Nigerian economy inspite of all the efforts and support of succeeding administrations and governments gives a cause for concern.  Below are some statement of problem to be studied
(i)                Why is there lack of easy access to funding/credits
(ii)             Why is there high cost of packaging appropriate business proposal
(iii)           Why does bank discriminate in lending to small and medium enterprises Small and medium enterprises especial start-ups
(iv)           Why should government force Small and medium enterprises in Nigeria to provide some utilities such as road, water, electricity, transportation and communication  etc knowing fully well that there is inadequate, inefficient and at times non functional infrastructural facilities in Nigeria which tends to escalate the cost of operations
(v)              Why should there be even tariffs on produced goods in Nigeria and imported goods which most at times favour imported finished product.

1.3       OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY                          
            The high degree of poverty and unemployment with their attendant high crime rate in Nigeria has been of great concern to the various governments (federal, state and local) as well as the civil society. All and sundry have been seriously agitated as to what to do in order to reduce the crippling poverty ,high level of ignorance, disease, high infant mortality rate and the rather embarrassing high unemployment rate in Nigeria. Given the vital and salutary role and contribution which Small and medium enterprises play in other developed and developing country and considering the on-going reforms by the government of Nigeria, which are primarily aimed at creating wealth, reducing poverty, generating employment, re-orientating values,  and stimulating real economic growth. It becomes necessary that we should study, better still do research on how the Small and medium enterprises in Nigeria will contribute towards the achieving  of the vision.
            Therefore the objective of the above topic to be researched on if our economy is expected to grow and develop is as follows:-
(1)              To identity the major problems, challenges and constraints, which have militated against the Small and medium enterprises from playing the vital role in the Nigerian economic growth and development.
(2)              To find out the key causes of the low utilization or patronage by Small and medium enterprises of the Small and Medium Industries Equity Investment Scheme (SMIEIS).
(3)              To ascertain first hand, the opinions, feelings and the pulse of some key Small and medium enterprises operators as well as professionals in the Small and medium enterprises sub sector of the economy with respect to the unhealthy state of Small and medium enterprises in Nigeria.
(4)              To make appropriate recommendations for solving or at least alleviating the identified problems and challenges of the Small and medium enterprises
(5)              To know the role of CBN or the government towards the improvement of the utilization of Small and medium enterprises fund.      

            The proposed researcher intends to research on some questions being asked by people concerning the overall management of the Small and medium enterprises  in Nigeria and problems militating against the Small and medium enterprises in Nigeria, knowing why such question is being asked and find a way of making contribution towards the solving of those question. Such questions are as follows:-
(i)                Why is there problems, challenges and constraints militating against the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) from playing their vital role towards the Nigerian economic growth and development.
(ii)             What are the causes of the low utilization or patronage by Small and medium enterprises of the Small and Medium Industries Equity Investment Scheme (SMIEIS) fund.
(iii)           What are the feelings and pulse being passed through by some key Small and medium enterprises operators considering the unhealthiness of Small and medium enterprises in Nigeria.
(iv)           What is really the role of CBN or the government to improve the utilization of the SMIEIS fund
(v)              What are the appropriate recommendations for solving or at least alleviate the identified problems and challenges of the Small and medium enterprises.
1.5       RESEARCH HYPOTHESES       
(i)        H0:      The CBN or the government has not played a very big role     towards the utilization of the SMIEIS fund.
            Hi:       The CBN or the government has played a very big role            towards the utilization of the SMIEIS fund.
(ii)       Hi:         There are no cause for the low utilization by Small and           medium enterprises of the SMIEIS fund.
Hi:         There are cause for the low utilization by Small and     medium    enterprises of the SMIEIS fund.
(iii)     H0:      There is no recommendations made so far for solving or at     least alleviate the identified problems and challenges of the     Small and medium enterprises
            Hi:       There is recommendations made so far for solving or at           least alleviate the identified problems and challenges of the     Small and medium enterprises
(iv)      H0:      There are challenges, problems and constraints militating       against the Small and medium enterprises playing there vital       role in ingrain economy.
            Hi:       There is no challenges, problems and constraints militating    against the Small and medium enterprises playing there vital       role in ingrain economy.

The proposed researcher has seen that there are many polices that the government has introduced into the economy to help redirect it but it has not fulfilled the purpose for which it was introduced. Therefore the proposed researcher intends to carry out a research to know why the aim for which Small and medium enterprises which is among the policies introduced by the Nigerian government has not been producing perfectly which it was aimed at. Also to study its objectives, challenges, problems and constrains militating against the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria and find a way to solving it having in mind that the main beneficiary of this project is the masses of this country and the investors, though government will also benefit from it through tax etc.

            The areas to be used for this research shall be some selected small and medium enterprise in Aba, Abia State and few from Enugu of which we will be looking at one hundred and twenty (120) Small and medium enterprises in these areas.
            The limitations or barriers that the researcher might encounter in view of his research are on the area that their might be unavailability of Data, Time and fund, resistance of respondents and materials.

1.8       DEFINITION OF TERMS               
(i)       SMEs -           Small and Medium Enterprises
(ii)      CBN                -           Central Bank of Nigeria
(iii)   SMIEIS       -           Small and Medium Industries Equity Investment Scheme  
(iv)      DFI                  -           Development finance Institutions
(v)   ANDFI      -           Association of Nigerian Development Finance Institutions
(vi)      FF                    -           Fate Foundation
(viii)   NIPC               -           Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission
(ix)      UN                  -           United Nations
(x)       IFC                  -           International Finance Corporation
(xii)    DFID               -           Department for International Development
(xiii)   EIB                  -           European Investment Bank

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