The general belief of men society are that women are weaker, feeble, has poor reasoning faculties, sex, objects and only good in continuation to human race subsequently, women are degraded, exploited marched under feet and at times, killed by men Nnejiofo Nnajiofor” pointed that, this dehumanization is more pronounced in Nigeria in general and Ezza-South Local Government Area of Ebonyi state in particular. Women education has not been given its proper place in Ezza-south and also in Nigeria in general. In the olden days, women were not allowed to
express what they feel or what they want to be. They nowadays, are constantly being confronted by men who deny them their rights and exploit their situation to their selfish ends as a result, women become more contused and disturbed.
            Women education is disregarded in Ezza-South Local Government Area because it is seen to be a waste as women are regarded as servants to men. While male counterparts are given opportunities for sound education women are seem and treat as second class citizens. They are seen as people who cannot in any way contribute to the development of the society. Most of the times, they are given out in marriage to raise fund for the training of the male children.
            As a matter of fact, women in Ezza-South Local Government Area are mainly domestic servants usually used for commercial purposes. They are allowed to feature prominently in the farm, kitchen are usually engaged in short distance trade so as to be available whenever they are required to perform their traditional domestic function for which they are made for. But in a seminar organized by the world confederation organization of the teaching profession WCOTP (1980) stated that parties should take all appropriate measure to eliminate discrimination against women in order to ensure to them equal rights with men in the field of education in particular on the basis of equality of men and women.
            Looking at the condition of women worldwide, it is noticeable that they are being neglected and relegated to the background by denying them opportunities of being education.
            Ijere (2000) pointed that the false self is equate in some way with what other people tell to be, condition to be or define one as. The real self is presented in one or two ways. Either it is that which ties behind the false self and needs to be reviewed, described, or discovered, or is that which one defines oneself as being in process that originates from oneself alone and not influenced by opinions or judgment of others. Women should be allowed to search for this real self that is not prejudiced conditioned by men, religion, place, society and norms. When women are allowed to discover their real self and besides making use of it, women position in the society will no longer continue playing second riddle.
            Nigerian teacher organization development follow up seminar, Anambra state wing held from 14th to 19th January 1995, the same assembly in 1998 adapted in Indonesia policy statement on the women in education.
            This state;                   
            The same condition of carrier and vocation guidance for access to studies and for the achievement of diploma in educational establishment at all categories in rural as well as urban areas. This equally shall be assured in pre-school, general technical, professional and higher education, the same examination, teaching staff with qualification of the same standard and equipment of the same quality.
            Nigeria like many other third world countries do not take the education of their women seriously, the importance of women education have not being actually realized the way it suppose to be in Ezza-South Local Government Area.
            A historical review of women education in Ezza-South local government area show that only few girls were permitted by their parents to go to school during colonial administration. For many years education has favoured the boys and men at the determent of girls and women in Ezza-South. This discrimination against girls and women with regard to education has being seen to be one of the factors responsible for underdevelopment in Ezza-South Local Government Area. The number of boys out number that of girls hundred times. The girls who were even in school that time were withdrawn forms school and sent them to learn sewing machine and other domestic work and replace them with boys.
            Stories had it that the first girl to complete her first school leaving certificate in Ezza-Sough Local Government Area was regarded as not marriageable by men of her days with the result that she had to stay in her father’s compound for a very longtime since it is assumed that any girl with good family background suppose to get married between the ages of six to twelve years. This created a very bad impression to the point that parents who were eye witness to what happened regarded women education as economic waste. The parents rather let them accompany them to the farm instead of allowing the daughters to school.
            They believed that the education of girls is of no benefit to them because once they are married off they seized to be the members of their family and therefore see the education of women as useless venture. Ezza tradition concept about women education is so dishearting that only few families house hold produced women who are educated up to university level.

            The problem is that after many years of establishment of schools both primary and secondary in Ezza-South Local Government Area, female education is still been given second place at times no place in almost all the families. This has constituted not only a gap but political religious and social problems in the area. The study is intended to look into the factors that militate against women education in Ezza-South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.

            The study is designed to investigate problems militating against women education in Ezza-South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. Specially, the study is intended to:
1.         Determine the extent to which poverty among the people militate     against women education in Ezza-South Local Government Area.
2.         Find out how cultural practices affect women education in Ezza-      South Local Government Area.
3.         Identify how attitude of educated women militate against the             education of women in Ezza-South Local Government Area.
4.         Find out strategies to improve the education of women in Ezza-        South Local Government Area.

            The finding of this will be of immense value to parents, society, government and women.
            In the olden days parents prevent their daughter from going to school, but nowadays parents train more of their daughters as case of their sons. The parents will understand and know the value of women education.
            The society should modernize the cultural pattern of society and make it dynamic so as to banish such areas that affect women education.
            Government should give free education for girls and women to accommodate those poor families, this will help to promote women education. And thanks be to the government of Ebonyi state for giving education but government should also extend it to university level particular for girls and women.
            For the women, unlike the olden days when women were relegated to the background, women of nowadays comets with men in many aspects and in some case do better than men. To mention but few, women that have made names for themselves, we have people like Beatrice Webb, who was a famous a socialist theorist, Mrs. Fun Milayo Ronsome Kuti and Mrs. Margaret Ekpo, who moved against the paymnt of tax by women.
            Women should know that an educated mother is a pride of her children, even if she is not working to earn extra income for her family. Education mother takes proper care of her children at home she helps them with their studies outside the school hours. She dictates when her child is sick and how to administer first aid treatment. Educated women enforce in their children such qualities such as cleanliness, hard working, honest and a highly sense of responsibility. They know fully well that the family is nucleus in which the child first learn the appropriate behavioural patterns, values, attitudes and expectations of the immediate society as such devote more time to their children upbringing.
            Just like their counterparts, women in Ezza-South Local Government Area will begin to play so many important roles. Like Mrs. (C.J.) Lilian Nwankow chairman state primary education board (SPEB) 1998 Mrs. Barrister Usulor chairman women wing. Hon. (Mrs) Elizabeth Nwoke who was commissioner incharge of public affairs and Mrs. Josephen Aloke the formal secretary of Ezza-South Local Government Area under the leadership of honourable Sunday Ogodo.
            With the above the study will be very significant for mothers who advocate early marriage for their children instead of training them in the school thinking that educating female is a waste of time and money.
            The crucial role of women in the society demand that they should have sound education to equip them for social economic political and religious roles in the development of the society at large and their individual families in particular.

SCOPE OF THE STUDY            
            The study is aimed at surveying factors inhabiting against the education of female gender in Ezza-South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.
            Ezza-South is made up of three communities including:-Amuzo Community Amekka community and Ezzama community
            The study therefore restricted to select factors militating against the education of women various communities in Ezza-South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.

            The following research questions are formulated to guide the study effectively. The questions include:
1.   To what extent does poverty among the people militate against the         education of women in Ezza-South Local Government Area?
2.   What are the cultural practices that militate against the women    education in Ezza-South Local Government Area?
3.   What are the attitudes of educated women in Ezza-South Local   Government that affect women education?
4.   What strategies could be adapted by parents to improve the         education of women in Ezza-South Local Government Area?

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