Preamble/Supremacy of the Constitution

The entire members of ……………………. In order to promote peace, mutual understanding, unity among members and others hereby unanimously enact and give to ourselves the following rules and regulations.

All the words and expression in this constitution shall have the meanings and interpretations given to it by the members of …………… in general. The constitution is supreme and their provisions are binding over all member of the union.

Name of Title
This union shall be known and referred to as (Name of Association Here)
1.       The   registered office of the union shall be located at (Address Here)

Aim and Objectives
1.         To be our brothers keeper
2.         To foster unity, co-operation and mutual understanding among   members.
3.         To generate funds/revenue for the purpose of undertaking any    type of business and assisting members financially.
4.         To promote the image of; (Name of Association Here)

Qualification for Membership
1.       Membership of the union shall be open to all person (male) residing in Ebonyi State.
2.       Any person wishing to enroll shall write an application on the prescribed form of the union and must be sponsored by two financial members of the union. Such application shall be forwarded with a non-refundable fee of N2,500 (Two Thousand Five     Hundred).
3.       He must be a person of good  character and have 50% of members approval/support.

Dues and Registration Requirement
1.       Once enrolled, such person shall pay the membership fee of N5,000 with one cartons of beer.
2.       Pay out-standing monthly dues.
3.       Start paying monthly due
4.       New members are allowed to complete this payment in three installment within Two months.

Source of Income
The union shall generate funds/revenue through:-
1.      Membership registration
2.      Monthly dues
3.      Special Levy
4.      Fines
5.      Loans
6.      Donation
7.      Other generate from Business and social activities
Right of Members
1.      All members have equal right and privilege
2.      All members shall have freedom of speech and entitled to express his opinion during the meeting.
3.      All member have equal benefit.

If any one is found guilty of:-
1.   Absentism: Absent without written permission enclosed with           dues and geinue reason shall pay (amount here)
2.   Lateness: No reason for lateness, pay (amount here)
3.   Noise making (amount here)
4.   Truancy (amount here)
5.   Membership of any person may be suspended or terminated             when his activities/character run counter to the philosophies        and programmes of the union. (It shall be decided by 2/3 of members).
6.   When a member ceases to meet up with his monthly dues, levy,       fines and registration toward the union for a period of one year,             his       membership shall automatically be terminated without any       vote.
7.   A member may resign his membership after a minimum of one        month notice in writing to the chairman/secretary of the union            provided such member is not indebted to union
8.   If any member is on suspension or termination, he shall not be         entitled to any benefit.
9.   The union has the right to recover its money from members by        any possible means ranging from court action, police arrest and             ceasing of property.
10. Any criminal offences shall be treated by the police or judiciary
11. Motions for discussion and amendments of rules shall be     raised a with a support of 2/3 financial members of a general     meeting and such motion (s) if supported shall be listed in the   next general meeting for discussion       
1.2 Change of names shall be sent to the secret of the association not later than three weeks before the opening of any general meeting.
13. The constitution is subject to amendment in a general meeting and 2/3 support of members present.
14. No member is allowed to take legal action against co-member without reporting the matter to the association for settlement. Serious matter will be referred for legal action by the committee. Any body that violate the order shall pay a fine of (amount here)after every settlement of dispute, a fine will be imposed on the default.
15. Tenure of the executive committee the tenure of the executive committee shall expire by the end of two calendar years after which a fresh election shall be conducted to elect new officers.
16. Being drunk while the meeting is going on shall pay fine of (amount here)
17. Assault or scandalize of name of a member both in meeting or out meeting attract (amount here) as penalty.
18. Every member is required to provide the name passport and address of his/her next of kin.
19. No member shall use the title, name or symbol of the association for purpose of personal business
20. There shall be refreshment time to time among member it shall be determined by the general house.          

Benefit of Membership   
The union can only attend official invitation of members ceremony based on written card invitation within two week.

1.   Wedding Ceremony: The Union will give the person the sum of (amount here)
      The invitee will give the union two carton of beer, ½ carton of malt, one fried chicken, small cooler of rice and one bag of pure water.
2.   Traditional Marriage: Just as in weeding ceremony above.
3.   Child Dedication: The union will present to the person, the sum of (amount here)
      The invitee will present one carton of beer, ½ carton of malt and rice.
4.   In the event of death of an active and financial member, His/ her next of kin shall be entitled to a condolence purse of (amount here), fifty thousand naira.
5.   Where a member dies, the credit passes on to his next of kin. Such credit must be cleared before receiving the condolence purse.
6.   Any member who loses his/her spouse shall be entitled to a condolence purse of (amount here).
7.   Where a member mother or father die, he shall receive a condolence purse of (amount here).
8.   Where a member child die, he shall receive a condolence purse of (amount here)

Any member who fails to pay his levy within the stipulated time shall pay 50% of the money as penalty. The EXCOS deserve the right to plan and make arrangement over any ceremony we are invited      

ARTICLE NINE               
Organizational Structure
1.   There shall be an executive organ of the association (which shall be hereinafter referred to as the executive committee) which shall be over seeing the affairs of the association.
2.   Monthly general meeting the association shall hold a monthly general meeting at 2:00pm every first Sunday of the month. Venue shall be at individual members house (rotational) as to be decide by the general house.
3.   Executive committee meeting:- there shall be an executive committee meeting every month before the general meeting and also when ever emergency arises as shall/be convened by the chairman.
4.   Attendance: in each of these meetings, a register of attendance shall be maintained.
5.   Minutes shall be read in every general meeting and shall be adopted by two financial members who were in the previous meeting.
6.   Sub-committees:- The chairman in consultation with the executive committee can appoint sub-committee when ever the need arises and tenure determined.

Executive Committee           
The executive committee shall comprise of eleven (11) elected officers of the association. This include:
1.                  Chairman
2.                  The Vice Chairman 
3.                  The General Secretary
4.                  The Assistant General Secretary
5.                  The Treasurer 
6.                  The Financial Secretary
7.                  The Publicity Secretary/Public Relation
8.                  The Legal Adviser
9.                  Provost
10.             The director of social
11.             Patron

Government of the Association 
1.         The government of the association shall base on the decision taken in a general meeting, executive and emergency meeting.

1.   Election shall be open ballot
2.   Voting shall be by stand up and show hand.
3.   Members shall nominate people present during election to be voted for.
4.   The executive committee shall appoint/nominate electoral committee before an election can take place. Such member of the electoral committee can be voted for, if nominated for a particular post. 
5.   All financially up to date members are eligible to vote and voted for during the election in the general meeting
6.   For all positions, a member is deemed elected if he/she has a simple majority of the total votes cast during election.
7.   A serving officer may be re-elected, if they are not found quality of any offence.
8.   the minimum qualification for any position shall be WASC or it requirement.
9.   In the event of dissolution of the union the assets and liabilities of the association shall be divided within the members in equal share. Such decision can be taken by 90% registered and up to date financial member

Functions of the Officers

The Bank Signatories
The Bank signatories shall consist of four member:-
1.   Chairman
2.   Secretary General
3.   Treasurer
4.   Financial secretary
5.   We have agreed opening a savings account with Zenith Bank Plc.
6.   Chairman: The chairman shall approve expedition not exceeding the sum of N5,000 (five thousand naira only)
7.   Executive committee: The executive committee have the power to recommend and approve expedition not exceeding N100,000 (One hundred Thousand naira only)
8.   General House: Any expedition exceeding N100,000 (One Hundred Thousand Naira) shall be approve in the general house
9.   There shall be monthly allowance paid to the members, of the executive as approve in the general meeting.

1.                  Name one
2.                  Name two

Prepared by the above committee vetted by (Name of Association) Branch and approved by the Chairman of the association.

__________________                                            ____________________
Chairman                                                                    Secretary General