Title page
Table of content
1.1             What is Environment?
1.2             What is Environmental Law?
1.3             What is institutional and legal framework?

2.1               From Bilateral Treaties to Creation of United Nations in  1945
2.2               From the Creations of the United Nations to Stockholm (1945 to  1972 )
From Stockholm to Rio De Janeiro (1972-1992)
2.3               The Period after Rio De Janeiro Till Date 

3.1             The  Colonial Period
3.2             The Post Independent Period
3.3             The Reconstruction Decade
3.4             The  Awareness Period  (1980 to date)

Recommendation and Conclusion

It is as well in this sense that the Black’s Law Dictionary  defines it to mean; 
The totality   of physical,  economic,  cultural, aesthetic, and social circumstances and factors which  surround and affect the desirability  and value of property and which also affect the quality of people lives. The  surrounding conditions, influences or forces which influence or modify

It is along this line too that the federal environment protection agency Act  defined environment as including “water, air, land and all plants and human beings or animals  living  therein and the inter-relationship which exist among  these or any of them”.

The basic difference between the  ordinary definition of environment and the strict legal definition is that whereas  the ordinary definition  stops at factors constituting  surroundings as the environment;  the strict legal   definition goes forward to include the interdependence of the factors and their mutual effects on one another.
However, we pitch our tent with the definition that says that environment is “the sum total  of all conditions that surround man at any pint in time on  the  earth’s  surface”.

What is Environmental  Law?
Environmental law has been  defined as:-
Legal strategies and procedures designed to combat the pollution, abuse, and  neglect  of air, earth, and water resources and to address the management of  the public  domain as well as the protection of health and the presentation of   scenic resources and open space
Environmental law is  a complex and interlocking   body of treaties, conventions, statutes, regulations and   common law that operates to   regulate the interaction of humanity and the natural environment, toward the purpose of  reducing  the impacts of human  activity.
In essence, to accede or ratify an IEL, the acceding or ratifying nation must have municipally appreciated the treaty. This is why third word countries find it difficult to ratify the climate change treaty because the issue of depletion of stratospheric ozone layer is a creation of industrialized western world. Third world countries, on this issue, often insist on debt-for-nature swap (that is waving their debts in other to comply) and creation of world-atmospheric-fund (that is raising a separate purse for atmospheric matters  in order to comply with the treaty which they feel would stall their developing as the western world). 58

Charges; an established or custom; a person who is a familiar sight in a locality; a collection of rules or law; institutional adj. Pertaining to an institution; having organized institution—14
The above definition shows roughly seven meanings the word institution could be employed. However, for the purpose of this paper, we take it for granted that the investing of a clergyman with his spiritual charge’, and ‘a person who is a familiar slight in a locality’ do not apply. The other aspects of the definition align with the further definition of institution, which we hereby adopt, as:
The commencement or inauguration of anything as the commencement of an action. The first establishment of a law, rules, rite, etc. any custom, system, organization, etc. formally established. An elementary rule or principle.. 15
On the other hand, ‘framework’ means “a basic structure which supports and gives shape, or a broad outline plan, ect. Thought of having a similar function” .16

Similarly, when Nigeria made the municipal law, FEPA 1988, nobody complained because there were state sanitation authorities doing similar jobs; but if National Assembly were to legislate that every day, every Nigerian would do ablution three times as environmental and or personal hygiene, majority of the southerners, especially Christians, would honour it in breach because the subject or issue is alien to them.

In essence, both international environmental and Nigerian environmental law mutually influence and affect the development of each other. The third noticeable comparison is that both laws often start in wishy-washy forms before attaining full and accalaimable heights. For instance, none of the fishery treaties of pre1945 era had a near universal application. Even, after 1945, no IEL was of near universal application until Rio declaration. Similarly, before the first environmental law in Nigeria (the Harmful waste Decree) aspects of environmental related provisions were scattered in our laws, here and there; and their penalties and enforcement were scattered and laughable.
Then, according to Analysis:
Prior to the establishment of (FEPA) Agency, the structure of the Federal protection of the environment was predicated on ministries and departments of government which were expected to deal with environmental problems related to their ministries functions. Thus, environmental protection was only an incidental protection function in the performance of the primary duties of these ministries and department. 59

Abroad to be a crime within a legal system. The legislating state, cannot, however, exercise such powers of arrest and trial in the territory of a state other than its own without the consent of that state 61. this is where the ultimate cooperation of  state parties to international environmental laws is needed so that foreign nationales who run global corporations emitting pollutions in any country could be taloned by their state of origin and prosecuted in view of the fact that they always bribe the government of their state of operation to keep mute.

In the same way an International Criminal Court can issue arrest warrants on even a serving state president for genocide, it can be extended against even a serving president who blocks extradition of environmental law criminal. Thus, necessary new extradition treaty could be made and international environmental law tribunal could be set up because there are more than 1000 treaties in existence today; and no other area of law has generated such as large body of conventions on a specific topic.” 62.

Fifthly, the present ongoing Rio + 20 earth conference should be used to access real compliance with Rio declarations and to disseminate research findings in the area of environmental technology and especially as concerning air pollution because it appears to be the most hazardous aspect of the environmental degradation. The horror of air pollution is captured Dr. E.O. Akanki 63 thus:

Human experience reveals that it is the drama of death by air pollution that stirs up society to control efforts. But air pollution is also a slow poison, a silent killer. When air contaminants are low, the effort on human health is not immediate but cumulative. Therefore, serious damage may be done health wise long before it is noticed. As in the case of the cadmium poisoning in Japan in 1950, the brewing damage may take years ‘before it rears its head in a severe disease and ultimately death in susceptible victims. The cumulative affect of air pollution in man may result in “birth defect”, “reproductive disfuntions”, “genetical mutations” and “ieurological disorders”

The sociology of knowledge about Kari Mannheim is  the   study of the relationship between  thought  and the social  context within which it arise and of the effects prevailing  ideas have on society. It is not a specialized area of sociology but instead deals with broad  fundamental questions about the extent and limits of special  influences on individuals live and the social –cultural   basics  of our  knowledge about the world.
The sociology of knowledge   was pioneered  primarily by   the sociologists Emil Durkheim and Marcerl mans at the end of the 19th  and beginning of the  20th  centuries.  Their word  deal directly with how conceptual through   language and logic could be influenced by the sociological milieu out of which they arise. “Primitive”  group mythology to argue  that system of classification are collectively based and that the division with these systems are derived form social categories.

Karl Mannheim ideas in believed that relativism  was a  strange mixture of modern and ancient beliefs in that it contained  within itself a belief in an absolute truth which was true for all times and place  the ancient view most often associated  with Plato and condemned other truth  claims  because they could not achieve  this level.

According to Plato in the study of knowledge:  knowledge is called epistemology Plato famously   defined knowledge as “justified true belief however, no single agreed upon definition of knowledge exists through there are numerous theories to explain it.  The  following quote form Bertrand Russell’s theory of knowledge” illustrates the difficulty in defining knowledge:  the question how  knowledge should be defined as perhaps the most important and  difficult of the three with which we shall deal.

Knowledge acquisition involves complex cognitive process perception, communication, association and reasoning while knowledge is also said to be related to the capacity   of acknowledgment for human being  



Knowledge is a familiarity with  someone or  something, which  can include  facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired through experiences or education,   it can  refer to the theoretical  or practical understanding of a subject. It can be implicit (as with practical skill or expertise  ) or explicit (as  with the theoretical  understanding of a subject ),  it can be more or less formal or systematic (1) in philosophy,  the study of knowledge is called epistemology; the  philosopher Plato famously defined knowledge as  “justified true  belief”.  However, no single agreed upon definition  of  knowledge exists, through there are numerous theories to explain it.  The  following quote from Bertrand Russell’s “theory of knowledge”  illustrates the difficulty  in defining knowledge”
Knowledge acquisition involves complex cognitive processes: perception, communication, association and reasoning; while knowledge is also said  to  be related to the capacity of acknowledgment  in human beings (2)

Theories of knowledge
Robert Reid, knowledge (1896). Thomas Jefferson building, Washington, D.C
According to Emil Durkheim seen that sociology knowledge is the study of the relationship  between  human thought  and the social context within which it  arises  and of  the effect prevailing ideas have on societies. It is  not a specialized area of sociology   but instead  deals with broad fundamental questions about  the extent  and limited  of social influences on individual lives and the social culture basics of our knowledge about the world. While neither author specifically coined nor used the term sociology of knowledge their work is an important first contribution to  the field. The  ideas of Emil Durkherim is concern in functional  analysis in involved in valv-judgments and oversteps  and oversteps the realm  of empirical discipline the claiming that all aspects  of a society institution roles norms etc  should serve a purpose and that all are indiscipline the claiming that all aspects of  a society institution roles  norms etc should  serve a purpose and that all are indispensable for the long time survival  of  the society., (1938-17)  Emil claimed that the standard of  ethical conduct should come from social facts., our ideas  of ethics must be  derived form the observable manifestation of the rule that are functioning  under our eyes,  rules that reproduce them  in systematic form (1938-23).

According to Marx Weber it is possible to say anything   useful and general about the subject matter and scope of sociology could  we say for i.e  the sociology   is the discipline  that uses empirical  methods to arrive at hypotheses and theories about  major social groups, social processes and social patterns or does a definition like this suffer  from both too much abstraction and too much specificity.
The philosophy are interested in considering  general question like these because it reflects a basic intellectual   strategy with a long tradition in philosopher to attempt to formulate a description or  definition of a  certain kind of intellectual pursuit and then to consider the means through  which this  goal  might be satisfied.
The ideas of Marx Weber is  interest about  the must be traced to  the life-condition and the historical situations of those  who uphold them. For examples its not sufficient to state that the ideas of bourgeoisie   distinction must be make between those ideas that emerge at the beginning of the  bourgeois era and those that come at it height.

In sociology deals  with the social and group origins of  ideas in its brief history as  a  field of study it has  included  the  entire ideational realm (knowledge ideas,  theories and mentalities)  in an attempt to comprehend hold that realm is  related to particular social and how the mental life of a  group of  people arise within the context  of the groups and  institutions in which those people  live and act.  Moreover   recently its subjected   matter has included   not only a society’s  authoritative ideas   and formal knowledge but also which operate in the realm of everyday life (Swidler A.  Arditi) ideas of the social natural of knowledge the sociology  of knowledge has  been described as an approach or   sub-discipline that has no unified field but  only series of theoretical works and research agendas. Despite this characterization  the sub-discipline of the  sociology of    knowledge  is a recognized field of endeavor that  continues to draw new generations of  sociologist .

According  to merton-1945-1957  is that sociology of   knowledge its  a study  only are insofar as it  explains  the time and circumstance of its emergence, acceptance or observation.  
It can be sad lesson is the importance of the human spirit. Mannherims sociology   of knowledge in contrast has  a  dual  program on the one hand, it may  limit itself to scheler’s   alongside of this value –free conception of relations between organized claims about the truth of things and the social  activity environment such cultural production massive  fact that any philosophical   theory of  knowledge must recognize   and that the sociology  of knowledge consequently come upon central epistemological and metaphysical problem of  knowledge even if it begins with the more modest  ambitions  in the manner of academic sociology.
The Merton idea was concern the present chapter  will not  retry  the philosophical case frequently made against  we  are content to reopened, most   recently in the name  of most structuralize  and postmodernist movement of thought. 
We  proceed to a reconstruction of sociology   of  knowledge secure in the belief  that  he is  exemplary in his honesty about difficulties encountered in the attempt to distinguish his unfinished philosophical.

According to Macmillan (Karl Emil Weber)  noted  that the importance of subjectivity  in social sciences makes creation of fool proof,  universal law much more difficult than a natural sciences and that the among of  objective knowledge that social science may achieve  his precariously limited 
            There is no absolutely  “objective” scientific analysis  of culture … all knowledge of  cultural reality  is   always   knowledge from the   particular points of view  an   objective  analysis of culture invents which  proceeds  according to the thesis that the idea of   sciences is the  reduction of empirical reality to laws  is meaningless because  knowledge of social laws is not knowledge of social   reality but is rather  attaining this end. Max Weber,  1897

The sociology of knowledge about Kari Mannheim is  the   study of the relationship between  thought  and the social  context within which it arise and of the effects prevailing  ideas have on society. It is not a specialized area of sociology but instead deals with broad  fundamental questions about the extent and limits of special  influences on individuals live and the social –cultural   basics  of our  knowledge about the world. The sociology of knowledge   was pioneered  primarily by   the sociologists Emil Durkheim and Marcerl mans at the end of the 19th  and beginning of the  20th  centuries.  Their word  deal directly with how conceptual through   language and logic could be influenced by the sociological milieu out of which they arise. “Primitive”  group mythology to argue  that system of classification are collectively based and that the division with these systems are derived form social categories.
Karl Mannheim ideas in believed that relativism  was a  strange mixture of modern and ancient beliefs in that it contained  within itself a belief in an absolute truth which was true for all times and place  the ancient view most often associated  with Plato and condemned other truth  claims  because they could not achieve  this level.


 Rules for the Study of Natural Philosophy”, Newton  1999
pp.794-6,  from the General Scholium,  which follows Book
3, the  System of the World.

PLATO (427BC-347 BC)

Karl Mannheim(1893-1947)GB 172 MAN. DATES OF  CREATION,

Robert Merton (1945-1957) Robert Reid, knowledge (1896).
Thomas Jefferson building, Washington, D.C

Marx Weber (1946-1949) black expressions at book club

Emil Durkheim (1933-17)
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