Technology has integrated nations and the world has become a global village. The economy of most nations in the world is accessible through the aid of electronic via the internet. Since the electronic market is opened to everybody it also includes eaves droppers and criminals. False pretence finds a fertile ground in this situation. Some perpetrators of this crime usually referred to
in Nigeria as “ Yahoo boys” are taking advantage of the e-commerce system available on the internet to defraud unsuspecting victims who are mostly foreigners, thousands and sometimes millions of naira. Cyber crime is increasing astronomically each day as the internet continues to permeate every nooks and crannies of our society and no one can predict the next dimension. This work is therefore a response to the ravaging effect of cyber crime in Nigeria. The work is divided into five chapters. Chapters one is the general introduction. Chapter two talk about the classifications of cyber crime. Under chapter three, the writer discusses the legal instrument for the prevention of cyber crime in Nigeria. In chapter four, the impact of cyber crime on the Nigerian economy is discussed while chapter five is the conclusions. The methodology used is to rely on primary and secondary source of material. Internet sources are very useful due to the nature of the work.

Title page:     -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -             i
Certification:            -           -           -           -           -           -           -               ii
Dedication:   -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -             iii
Acknowledgement:  -           -           -           -           -           -                           iv
Abstract:        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            v
Table of contents:    -           -           -           -           -           -           -               vi
Table of cases:          -           -           -           -           -           -           -             x
Table of Status:        -           -           -           -           -           -           -              xi
Table of Abbreviations:      -           -           -           -           -           -                xii

Chapter One:           GENERAL INTRODUCTION
1.0       Background of the Study:   -           -           -           -                             1
1.2       Statement of the Problem:  -           -           -           -                             4
1.3       Research Questions:            -           -           -           -           -               6
1.4       Objectives of the Study:     -           -           -           -           -                7
1.5       Scope of the Study:  -           -           -           -           -                          7
1.6       Significance of the Study:  -           -           -           -                               8
1.7       Methodology:           -           -           -           -           -           -              8
1.8       Limitations of the Study     -           -           -           -           -                  8

Chapter Two
2.0       Classification of Cyber Crime:      -           -           -           -                   10
2.1       Introduction: -           -           -           -           -           -                         10
2.2.1   Computer:     -           -           -           -           -           -           -             10
2.2.2   Crime:            -           -           -           -           -           -           -            11
2.2.3   Cyber Crime  -           -           -           -           -           -                         11
2.2.4   Economic Crime       -           -           -           -           -           -              12
2.2.5   Internet / Cyber Café           -           -           -           -           -                13
2.2.6   Software/Virus         -           -           -           -           -           -               13
2.3       Types/Incidences of Cyber Crime -           -           -                               14
2.3.1   E-mail Scams / Spam           -           -           -           -           -               14
2.3.2   Cyber Stalking          -           -           -           -           -           -             15
2.3.3   Hacking         -           -           -           -           -           -           -            16
2.3.3   Computer Vandalism           -           -           -           -           -                17
2.3.4   Piracy             -           -           -           -           -           -           -           17
2.3.5   Money Laundering  -           -           -           -           -           -               19
2.3.6   ATM Fraud    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           20
2.3.7   Internet Pornography           -           -           -           -           -               22
2.3.8   Illegal E-Lotteries    -           -           -           -           -           -               23
2.3.9   Theft of Communication Services -           -           -                                23
2.3.10 Other Incidences of Cyber Crimes            -           -           -                   24

Chapter Three
3.0       Legal Instruments for the Prevention of Cyber Crimes in Nigeria            29
3.1       Introduction  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           29
3.2       The Criminal Code Act / Laws       -           -           -           -           -   29
3.3       The Copy Right Act -           -           -           -           -           -            34
3.4       EFCC Act       -           -           -           -           -           -           -        35
3.5       Advanced Fee Fraud Act    -           -           -           -           -           - 36
3.6       Money Laundering Act       -           -           -           -           -           -  37
3.7       The Draft Nigerian Cyber Crime Act        -           -           -           -     37
3.8       International Instrument Pertaining to Cyber Crime      -           -           40
3.9       Challenges Faced in Prosecuting Cyber Crimes in Nigeria        -           42
3.9.1   Jurisdictional Issues            -           -           -           -           -           -   42
3.9.2   Evidential Issues      -           -           -           -           -           -           - 44
3.9.3   Extradition Issues    -           -           -           -           -           -           - 45
3.10    Effective4nss and Relevancy of the Agencies
Set-up to Combat Cyber Crimes in Nigeria          -           -           -                46

Chapter Four
4.0       The Impact of Cyber Crime on Nigerian Economy         -           -        48
4.1       Introduction  -           -           -           -           -           -           -          48
4.2       Reasons for the Rise in Cyber Crime in Nigeria -           -                     48
4.3       Perpetrators of Cyber Crimes         -           -           -           -           -  51
4.4       Emerging Cyber Crimes Method in Nigeria         -           -           -       53
4.5       Economic Impact of Cyber Crime in Nigeria       -           -           -       56
4.6       The Social Impact of Cyber Crime in Nigeria      -           -           -       59

Chapter Five:          CONCLUSIONS:     
5.1       Observations -           -           -           -           -           -           -           61
5.2       Recommendations   -           -           -           -           -           -           - 66
5.3       Conclusion    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           70       

ESSO West Africa Inc. V. T. Oyegbola 1999 I NWLR 194 SC  -           -        45
Oguma Associated Co. Nig LTD V. IBWA Ltd (1998) I NSCC Vol.19 -           45
Rv. Manning (1990) 2g App. 461  -           -           -           -           -           -    43
Rv. Manning (1990) 2g App. 461  -           -           -           -           -           -    43
San Lelis V. Badgley 136 F. Sup 2d 139 (US) (2000)    -           -           -         45
St. Clair V. Jonney’s Oyster and Shruinp 76. F. supp 2d 733755 (US) 1999 -    44
Tolliver V Federal Republich of Nigeria 263 F. Supp. 2d. 873 (US) (2003)-      44
United States V. Johnson (208) F Supp. 3d. 633 7th Cir. US (2000)-   -           44

Advanced Fee Fraud Act Cap A6 LFN 2004 S. 5 (1)
Constitution FRN 1999 (as amended) S. 36 (12)           
Copyright Act Cap (38 LFN, 2004 S.I (1)
S. 18 (1) – (5)           
Criminal Code Act Cap C12. (28 LFN 2004 SS. 440, 421, 451 (6) (F-g)
SS. 419          
SS. 451, 419, 419    
EFFCC Act Cap E1 LFN 2004 SS. 6,7,18,19,20 & 21,46
Evidence Act Cap E14 LFN 2004 SS. 76,77,78,90-98,100,101           
Money Laundry Act Cap M18 LFN 2004 S. 14  
NCC Act Cap N33 LFN 2004        
Telecommunications and Postal Offence Act Cap. T4 LFN 2004 S. 3 (h)

Articles 23, 24
Article 22     
Council of Europe Convention on Cyber crime 1999
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relation 1969
Article 31

ATM               Automated Teller Machine
CIA                 Central Intelligence Agency
COE                Council of Europe
DSTV             Digital Satellite Television
EFCC              Economic and Financial Crime Commission
GNCS             Global Network for Cyber Solution
GSM               Global System of Mobile network
IWS                 Internet World State
ICT                  Information and Communication Technology
ISPON          Institution of Software Practitioners of Nigeria
NWLR            Nigerian Weekly Law Report
QB                  Queens Bench
USA                United State of America
UK                  United Kingdom

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