We the entire members of the above association wish to draw your attention to the following issues. At common law, there are certain reciprocal duties of employee and employer which, in the absence of express terms to the contrary is implied into all contracts of employment which includes the duty of obedience which is the fundamental duty of the employee is to carryout his duties in obedience to the reasonable and lawful order of his employer.

And the duty of co-operation which requires an employee to discharge his contractual duties in a manner that promotes the object of his employment, on that note we wish to inform you that bag stitchers, who we see as our employees don’t obverse these lawful duties, rather their see us, we the rice millers as useless people. So we sincerely request your quick interventions in addressing unlawful and non challent attitudes of bag stitches towards us the rice millers.

Secondly, the activities of the blanders in the rice mill industry, who uses incomplete bushels usually contains about 70-80 cups of rice instead of normal bushel measuring hundred cups of rice, and if nothing is done about  this unlawful attitudes, it is capable of tarnishing the existing reputation, image, custom and practice of the Abakaliki rice mill industry, on that note, we wish to draw your mind back to the fact that custom and practice are informal arrangement in workplaces or in particularly industry which have been regularly enforced or followed till they became established norms, so it has become an established norms of the Abakaliki rice mill industry that rice must be measured with complete bushel having fairness in mind, therefore we humbly request that the activities of the so called blanders should be checked and stop the usage of incomplete bushels in our noble industry so as to restore back the image and good reputation of Abakaliki rice mill industry and of course save our customers from daily cry of misrepresentation by the wicked blanders.

Thirdly, Mr. Chairman, we wish also to acquaint with you that one of the guiding principle or rules and regulation in Abakaliki rice mill industry is that, on no account should anybody bring milled rice but we know that in every general rule,  their must be an acceptation, so on this ground we wish to remind or bring to your notice the agreement we made during Hon. (name)’s regime that who ever brings milled rice into the industry shall pay stipulated amount to rice millers and to mill owners. But to our surprise people have been bringing into the industry broken milled rice, popularly called (name) and since then not even kobo has being received by rice millers, while mill owners have been receiving their own compensation, so we want to ask what happen to our compensation as agreed.

Finally, we also thank you, in no mean measure, in your efforts towards making sure that Abakaliki rice mill industry remains one of the best in the federation. Nevertheless, we are not so daft as not to understand the prevalent situation of the Abakaliki rice mill industry  today. But then, we don’t think we have any other better person that will solve these problems for us other than you sir. We therefore beseech you sir to come to our aid, and save the situation before it become deplorable.