Prostitution is generally referred to as the oldest profession in the world. This assumption probably stems from the fact that it is a trade derived from sexual relations, which is a first act of carnal and spiritual knowledge shared between a man and a woman. Some jocularly remark that, if the bible regarded as a collation of homilies, has stores of heroes that engage in the act, then it should be the oldest profession. The enlistment of a prostitute in the bible story recognizes the profession.
For the purpose of an introduction, “prostitution is the act of trading sexual relations between two consenting adults for a consideration”. It also means the use of ones skill, ability etc in a way that does not show its true value.

It is a trade which has been lucrative from time immemorial. However, it is only rewarding in terms of financial gratification, but there are risks involved in the practice of prostitution. More often than not, the players are unwilling and are victims rather than consenting persons. With this, factors such as vulnerability to vicious criminals come to the fore.
According to Farley,
Prostitution is sexual harassment, rape, battering, verbal abuse… a violation of human rights. It causes harm to women, whether it is being sold by one’s family, running away from home and then being pimped by one’s boyfriend or payment of college tuition, working behind a glass in a strip club… these are all forms of prostitution that hurt.

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