A landlord is someone who owns and let's a land or premises while a tenant is the one who rents land or property from a landlord. A tenancy is usually for a specific period of time and this could be a week, month, year or a number of years. The length of the tenancy suggest the basis for the determination of the tenancy agreement. Generally, a week tenancy requires a week notice to quit the premises, a month tenancy requires a month notice, a quarterly tenancy requires a three month notice while a yearly tenancy requires a six months notice.

At the beginning of a landlord/tenant relationship, both parties should understand their basic rights and responsibilities to each other; they should also communicate their expectations to each other. A few of such tenant's right include quiet possession of the flat, office space, warehouse, our any house as the case may be, proper maintenance of the exterior of the property by the landlord, no unauthorized intrusion from the landlord or his agent(s), no disturbances from the neighbors or their activities, among others. Once a landlord accepts a tenants request to rent the premises, the relationship begins. When the tenant signs the lease agreement and or pays the rent, the legal contract to move in activates.

Following, are some tips to note before you sign that lease or rental agreement as a tenant.
1. Visit the place at different times of the day and ensure that you feel safe and secure every time you visit.

2. Ask as many questions as necessary to ensure that you are comfortable with the decision you are about to make. Ask neighbors especially, about the electricity supply, water and security situation in that locality.

3. Drive around the area and try to locate important places like shops, market, church, school, major roads etc.

3. Request and complete a walk-through to access any damages on the infrastructure.

4. Read the lease/rent agreement carefully and have a legal professional read it over before signing.

5. Be reasonable in your requests and finally, make sure you get in writing every promise from your landlord because when push turns to shove, verbal promises do not get anything done, but written agreements do.