The field experiment will be carried out in the research  Farm of Faculty of Agriculture and natural resources management Ebonyi state University ,Abakaliki, located at latitude 06 19’ 407’’N, longitude 08 07’ 73’’E and  an altitude of 447m above sea level. The experiment will be carried out  in July, 2012.The experimental field will measure 37m long by 8m wide given a total area of 296m; The total area will be manually cleared using a matchet and cultivated with large blade dwarf hoe.
 Plant spacing and weeding regimes will form the treatments in the study and will be replicated
three [3] times in fifteen [15] plots making a total of 45 plots. Each plot will be measured 2m × 2m   (4m) with 0.5m in between plots and 1m in between blocks.
       The experiment will be carried out as 3×5 factorial in a randomized complete block design (RCBD);that is 3 plant spacing (PS) (60cm×40cm,60cm×45cm and 60cm×50cm) and 5 weeding regimes (WR)(0,2,4,6 and 8 weeks) as shown below ;
     Plant spacing (PS) will be
Ps1 =60cm×40cm
Weeding regime (WR) will be
WRO = 0 week      
WR2 = 2 weeks
WR4 = 4 weeks
WR6 = 6 weeks
WR8 =8 weeks.
 Treatment combination will be
WROPS1 = 0 week and 60cm×40cm
WR2PS1 = 2weeks and 60cm×40cm
WR4PS1 = 4 weeks and 60cm×40cm
WR6PS1 =6 weeks and 60cm×40cm
WR8PS1 = 8 weeks and 60cm×40cm
WROPS2 = 0 week and 60cm×45cm
WR2PS2 = 2 weeks and 60cm×45cm
WR4PS2 = 4 weeks and 60cm×45cm
WR6PS2  = 6 weeks and 60cm×45cm
WR8PS2 = 8 weeks and 60cm×45cm
WROPS3 = 0 week and 60cm×50cm
WR2PS3 = 2 weeks and 60cm×50cm
WR4PS3 = 4 weeks and 60cm×50cm
WR6PS3 = 6 weeks and 60cm×50cm
WR8PS3 = 8 weeks and 60cm×50cm

        The seeds will be sown directly to the field with 2 seeds per hole to a known depth of 0.5 cm and three (3) plant spacing.
Fertilizer Application
         NPK 15 :15 :15 is mostly used for production of vegetable crops to enhance its growth and yield, it will be applied using band placement method .
Weed Control
      Weed will be controlled manually by hand weeding or hand pulling at the interval of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after planting.
 This vegetable crop will be harvested when matured and still succulent. And will be harvested at interval of 2 to 4 days.
It matures when it lack turn dark green after 2 months of planting.
 Data to be collected
  .    50% germination will be recorded
  .   vine length of 4 tagged plants per plot at 5 week,
  .  number of branches at 5 weeks
  .  number of leaves at 5 week
 .  Number of fruits per plot
.   Weight of fruits per plot

Statistical Analysis
         Statistical analysis of data will be based on the procedure for a randomized complete block  design (RCBD) for factorial experiment as out lined by Steel and Torrie (1980). Seperation of treatment means for significant effect will be by F-LSD as described by Obi (1986) and okporie (2006).

Preliminary Anova Table
Sources of variation
   D. f
Detail of D.F
(3-1) =2
(15-1) = 14
2 x 14= 28
(15 x 3 -1)= 44

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