Classification understood as typology is closely  related to definition as the Aristotelian formula  of “genus and differentia specifia” makes  it clear. any  definition, whether it takes this classic logical form or  consist of listing  characteristics,  attributes, or synonyms is intended to isolate and demarcate the boundaries of its subject matter.  Thus, as  difficult as it is to have a specifically agreed definition of the concept of terrorism, it is also impossible to get a generally accepted classification  of the typology of terrorism. Each person classifies as he deems fit to do
in relation to certain factors . But the question here is what are the objective criteria  for analyzing terrorism? There are a long  list of possible variables, based on the scope, method and objectives of terrorist. seven of such variable  have been identified for the purpose of analytical  convenience. These according to Shutz (1978) are causes,  environment , goals, strategy, means,  organization and participation.
Causes may be  broadly conceptualized as  anyone or  any array of observable economic, political, social and or psychological factors.  Conditions underlying the decision to resort to the use of extra-normal political violence  is  quite varied and complex. These generalized long –term factors and short term factors. in the case of non-revolutionary terrorism, long-term  causal factors might include prolonged societal inequities, political disenfranchisement, or  economic depression, while  short causes could be the result of a rapid  upsurge of ethnicity, relative deprivation or government repression. The environmental  variable is conceptualized on the basis  of geographical spheres. These environmental variations may be broadly classified into internal environmental(within the nation state ) and   external environmental (global  or systemic levels ) categories.
Goals on the other hand, are the  objectives at  which terrorism is directed, for example, in the case of revolutionary terrorist, the long range or  strategic objective would be to assist in the overthrow of the established order, while  the short term tactical  /objectives might include disruption  of the governments  controls, demonstrations of the governments strength  and building solidarity within the movement.  strategy may be conceptualized as overall  plan, all necessary actions, policies, instruments and apparatus for the achievement of the terrorist goals, means  are categorized as any and all capabilities and  techniques utilized  within   the broader  strategic frame work to achieve the goals projected. 
Capabilities available may include the most primitive or the most sophisticated forms   of weapons,  mobility, electronic media manipulation, tactical communication, etc.  the techniques utilized can range from kidnapping, barricade and hostage, forms of  bombing, armed assault or ambush, hijacking  skyjackings, rail derailment, hostage-taking, threats  incendiary attacks or  arson, assassination, chemical bacteriological or radiological pollution, participation is broadly conceptualized to refer to the type of individual who takes part in political terrorism as well as various  types of political leaders who employ political terrorism to achieve their political  goals.
Terrorism is not uncommon  in various parts of the glob. most persistent and pernicious one is associated  with the Palestinian resistance movement PLA and PLO, the  case of Belfast, the Al-Qaeda movement, the Red  Army, etc to mention just a few. the  devastating role of  terrorists have made the united Nations  to adopt the law of wars and embarked on other measurers  aimed at  controlling the menace, especially after the September 11, 2001  attack on the U.S  and the  recent terrorist attack in Great –Britain  inspite of this, the incidence of terrorism continues  unabated. Now, let us examine the typologies of terrorism.