World War I
The first  world war broke out when a  Serbian  nationalist  seeking to free slaves  from Austrian domination  assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, heir  to the throne of Austria-Hungary at Sarajevo in June  1914.1 
Before the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, there were already conditions which could cause war even with the slightest provocation. For instance,  two hostile  alliances  had  been  entered
into by Austria- Hungary, Italy and Germany  against France, Britain and Russia. The functioning of triple alliance and triple entente portend danger as the atmosphere was charged, though the triple alliance was a military pact in which an attack on one means attack on all others, triple entente was not a military alliance purposely against Germany’s bid to rule the world.
The efficacy of the  triple alliance as a military pact was tested after the  assassination, the  assassination led  Austria to declare war on Serbia on July  28 russia mobilized  its troops to defend Serbia from Austria. This made Germany to declare war on Russia on  1st  august on  3rd  august,  Germany declared war on Russia’s  ally France.
            The German aggression on a neutral state, Belgium  brought  Britain into the war.  Britain went to Belgiums defence and declared war on Germany on  4th august.
            Historians have not agreed on who were responsible  for the outbreak of war.  The allied forces who won the  war insist that war guilt belonged to Germany alone.
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