a.   International Politics(Political Relations):  Since politics is defined according to Aristotle as who gets what when  and how, then international politics is viewed as those processes which relate to competition, negotiations and conflicts about which state gets what and on what  terms in the international  arena. The end battle of states is power acquisition and enhancement, ie “power politics” for a generation of political scientist, the international system is imagined as a cockpit struggle for power. States take over the international society to attain a rank, prestige and security. All these are geared towards the survival of a state. International politics arises when actors meet or exchange note
or by some other processes, discuss, debate, argue, negotiate or seek accommodations and compromises with the aim at achieving binding agreement or settlements. For instance, Nigeria in 1970 defeated Niger Republic (OAU) candidate to secure the non permanent seat in the Security Council to her favour. In 2009, Nigeria won South Africa as UN non-permanent Security Council member again, Nigeria won the leadership of world trade and investment after 60 years of such a position in Africa under the ministry of Olusegun Aganga, minister of trade and investment of Nigeria in 2011.  Nigeria also successfully campaigned and won the position of secretary general of the common-wealth against Malcolm fresher of Canada. International politics also involves political alliances such as the non- aligned states pressure in the United Nations and in the common wealth especially the placing of sanctions on South Africa which culminated in majority rule in South Africa in May, 1994. however, the  cold war politics and  détente between the  united states and former soviet union (now  common wealth  of independent states)  played a vital  role in alliance built up in the world.  Finally, while international relations comprise all international politics, international politics does not cover all international relations.

b. International  Economic Relations: One of the basic relationship between states is the improve  the  economic well-being of the citizens  and  in the end, state power and international  status. These actually depend on establishment of economic relations with other states.  This can be done   through international  trade,  commerce,  transfer  of capital and technology, commodity and payment  agreements  (currency exchange policy ) and the   important relation between poor and rich states (less developed, developing and  advanced economic or the “north south”  division. This may also  involve states going into economic alliances in what may  be regarded as “developmental regionalism” such as the European union, OPEC, ECOWAS,  to mention but a few. This further involves the contribution and possible gains from world financial institutions like the IMF and IBRD. The entry of states into these ties is based on the philosophy of being part of global economic and financial policy that will be beneficial to the comity of states. Issues such as undue protectionism, law of the sea, granting of soft-loans and soft debt repayment format had been carefully presented but not very successful. The reason is that these economic relations have not been really beneficial to the less developed states that informed to call a now international economic order (NIEO). It is partly for this that the Nigerian government opted for a new foreign economic policy thrust of “Economic Diplomacy” in 1988. 

c. Cultural International Relations: This involves cultural, social and intellectual relations that link many states and actors. With regard to social, it means sporting activities such as the Olympic Games. The assumption is that competitions foster close relationships and peace between states.  With regard to culture, it include festivals that promote  peace and unity such as world black  and African Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC)  held  in  won by  Agbaniderigo from Rivers  State.  It also comprises intellectual associations such as scientific conferences and educational exchange programme etc.

d. Private International Relations: These are the interactions between citizens and group 0f citizens of different nation states. This relation shows itself as a visitation, commerce etc. government do not get itself involved really but provide   regulatory services like issuing of pass ports,  visas,  stamps or foreign exchange for their peaceful conduct. Apart from the above four broad   sub-fields of international relations, other sub-field such as strategic studies, international organization and international law have gained prominence. This is due to the dynamic nature of the discipline.  Strategic studies is the meeting point of the social sciences and the humanities. it talks about the issues of military relations  among actors such as NATO,  the  defunct war saw pact, the bagdad pact, conference on European security, the ECOMOG as in African  sub-region etc. it also  deals with regional studies of certain strategic zone  of the world and  their  implications in general.  It also deals with insurgency and counter insurgency movement of armed guerrilla forces intelligence and countries intelligence e.g. Niger establishing counter terrorism department in 2011 to counter a group of terrorists known as Boko Haram , Somalia reinsurgency in  Ethiopia  and us establishing counter tourism department to fight against terrorism in the world.  Israel /Palestinian  insurgencies over west Bank and Gaza, US war  ships sailed  and lined at the pacific  ocean between India and China, ready to attack Afghanistan and Pakistan insurgencies on boundary  (land ) dispute.
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