(i)  It is premeditated: Planned in advance rather than an impulsive act of rage.
(ii) It is political: Not criminal, like the violence that the group such as the Mafia use of get money, but designed to change the existing political order.
(iii)  It is aimed at civilians: Not at military targets or combat-ready troops
(iv)   It is carried out by sub-national groups not by the Army of a country.
There are certain limitations in the CFR,s criteria. First, due to the level of sophistication in the strategy employed by the terrorists, it may be targeted at both civilians and military. The attack on pentagon (September 11, 2001) is a typical case. Several attacks especially suicide-bombing have also been carried out against us military base and personnel in Iraq. What distinguishes terrorism from other military confrontations or conventional war is the element of surprise. Second, the official security agents of the state may perpetuate certain state sponsored terrorism against real or perceived enemies of the state. The mass murder of millions of Jews in Germany prior to World War II a good example. 

According to Wilkinson (1986), he noted three important reasons to explain this difficulty, first, terrorism is frequently employed in a number of undifferentiated ways to mean variously a concept, Human activity, Felony, specific event. An emotion, method of intimidation or condition of being terrorized-second, is the concept of terrorism itself is emotion-laden because it has expensive content, the function of which is to evoke feelings, attitudes or emotions. Inherent in this usage is the notion of fear with the consequence that the concept automatically acquires an emotive meaning. The emotive quality causes distortion when attempting to communicate a precise meaning. The third is the problem of achieving a precise definition, one that would be universally acceptable. Thus, English words such as terror, terrorize, terrible, terrorism and deterrent are derived from the Latin verbs terrier that means to tremble or cause to tremble and deferred that means to frighten. The definitional problems and the divergence of political perspective which produce them, have practical consequences. They have impeded the building of international norms and international co-operative practices. 

Hence, two schools of thought have made effort to define terrorism in two different perspectives. Namely; the liberal and the Radical view points. The liberal scholars use the concept of terrorism in a pejorative connotation. If one side to a dispute succeeds in attaching the terrorist label to its opponent, it has gained an important psychological advantage. This group of scholars attaches the label of terrorism to some acts of violence, whose under lying objective they do not accept. Edward (1978), for instance, defined the concept as the use or “threat of use of anxiety including extra-normal violence for political purposes by an individual or group, whether acting for, or in opposition to established governmental authority when such action is intended to influence the attitudes and behaviour of a target group wider than the immediate victim. 

For sample (1987), terrorism is defined as a clandestine act of violence against non-combatants for the specific purpose of bringing political change. According to him, terrorism is usually characterized by a very of tactics, such as assassination, hijacking, kidnapping, sabotage and by the exploitation of innocent victims to affect a third party. It is intended however, to produce fear in a population in order to force the existing system to meet the terrorists demands. The Northern Alliance that helped America to remove the Taliban regime in Afganistan were seen as freedom fighters rather than terrorists. For example, the United States does not describe the group currently fighting for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq as “terrorists”. Still, other similar groups fighting for homeland and freedom in the Middle East and United Kingdom have been listed as terrorist groups. Palestinian liberation organization (PLO) has been tagged as one of the terrorist groups. This by implication, one man’s freedom fighter is another’s. This explains why the United Nations General Assembly members have refused to agree on who is, and is not a terrorist. On that note, it is important to note that radical scholars see terrorism as a form of protest and political participation.