Financial institutions under the supervisory purview of the CBN   are the deposit money banks the discount houses, primary mortgage institutions, community banks, finance companions bureaus –de-change   and development finance institutions.
The supervisory function of the CBN is structured into institutions. Banking supervision and other financial institutions. Banking   supervision department carries out the   supervision of banks and discount houses while the other and other non-bank financial institutions department supervises community banks and other non-bank financial institutions. The supervisory process
involves both on site and off site arrangements.
In line with the CBN Act, 2007 one of the principal functions of the central bank of Nigeria is to “ensure monetary and price stability” in order to facilitate the attainment of the support the economic policy of the federal government, the Act provides the constitution of a   Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) which will comprise the governor as the chairman 4 deputy governors two members of the board of directors of the bank, three members appointed by the president and 2 members appointed by the governor
The implication for the formulation of monetary policy is that with the new mandate derived form CBN Act and the composition of the MPC; monetary policy credibility of the bank will be strengthened. This is because monetary policy will how be conducted in a more open and forward looking way
            Overtime, the CBN has recognized that achieving stable prices would require continuous resentment and evaluation of its monetary policy   implementation framework to enable it respond to the ever-changing economic and financial   environment. It is against this background that the bank introduced a new monetary policy framework that took effect on 11th December 2006. The ultimate goal of the new framework is to achieve a stable value of the domestic currency through stability in short –term interest rates around an “operating target”.  The interest rate,  “operating target” rate ie the  “monetary policy rate” (MPR) serves as an indicative rate for transaction in the inter –bank money market as well as other Deposited Money Banks (DMBs) Interest Rate
The main operating principle guiding the new policy is to control the supply of settlement balances of banks and motivate the banking system to target zero balances at the CBN, through an active inter-bank trading or transfer of balances at the CBN. This is warmed at engendering symmetric treatment of deficits and surpluses in the settlements account so that for any bank, the   cost of an overdraft at the central bank would be equal to the opportunity cost of holding a surplus with the bank.


The implication for the formulation of monetary policy is that with the new mandate derived from the CBN act and the composition of the MPC; monetary policy credibility of the bank will be strengthened. This is because monetary policy will now be conducted in a more open and forward looking way.


1.      Bank for International Settlements  - The Role of Central Bank  Money in Payment Systems (Pg 9)
2.      Mankiw, N Gregory (2001) Principles of Macro Economics 
3.      Follow-Up on Samuelson And Monetary Policy
4.      Krugman, Paul: Wells, Robin (2009) A Mainstream Introductory   Text In Macroeconomics 95th Ed )
5.      Mainsteream Intermediate Text In Macro Economics 
6.      Excresns Series, St Louis Fed
7.      Federal Reserve Education  - How Does The Federal Create Money
8.      Mankiw  2002
9.      Mankiw Money Supply And Money Demand  : A Model Of The Money Supply
10.     Krugman and Wells 2009
11.   Mankiw  - Money and Prices in the Long Run
12.  Krugman and Wells (2009), Money, Banking & Federal Reserve System: Reserves, Bank Deposits and Money