A man came in  existence in that village,  the got  married to two (2) wives,  his wives got pregnant  at once and gives birth to male child both of them so the two boys grew up. So  the son to the  second wife,  did not love  his step brother  because of their  fathers  wealth  he  bought  biscuits  and  poisoned the  biscuits and give to his  step brother  (the son  of the first wife) and he  left with his  dog whose name is (boobom)  so they reached at a point on their
way , he  became hungry, so he wanted to eat that  poisoned  biscuits, his dog over related  and snatched the biscuit away form him and  it fell down, he picked it again, and hi dog still  fall it again so he  get annoyed and his dog pick the biscuits and ate, the died , so he  carried the dog and started carrying shouting  (Boobom! Boobom!!)  on his  way  home  he reached at a place where seven  (7)  jobless boys was setting down,  the seven boys ask him, what happen , he reply that his dog at e biscuits and die.  The boys carried the dog away from him, went and  cook and eat the dog and all of them die after eating it when the boy went and see that the seven boys that carried his dog have eaten it and die  he starts running again at a pint he was very tired and was doing like some body who was drunk because of hungry and thirsty that he is feeling. On  the way as he was running he saw  a man  who was drinking his horse and sweet  was flowing form the mans body  he stop him and use his hand to took the sweat  in the mans body and drink it and get a little strength and starts his journey, he enter into another village where it is  said that the king is the wisest man  and there is know questions he can not answer and  that the king said that if  anybody should ask him question and  he  (king) can not answer it he  (the king) hand over the kingship  to the person, people was coming from different village  to ask question and the king will answer, so  when the boy heard it he went to the king and tell him that he will ask him question and he (the king) will not be able to answer it. The  king said to him that it is not possible, that people who is  bigger than  him  have ask question and he (the king)  answer how much more a small boy like him,  the boy insist  that he can do  it and you will not answer it  and the king ask him to ask the question and if he don’t ask the question  he will  be  kill, the boy said to the king “my brother  give me biscuit, biscuit kill boobom  boobom kill seven people, water that  did not come from heaven nor earth  I  drink it  king  what did I say”.  The king thought  of the word that he  said and reply to him that he said his brother give him biscuit, biscuit kill boobom boobo kill seven people  and  the  king did not know what the meaning of water that is not form heaven nor earth and  I drink  it  and he ask the boy to go and come back in  7 days, the boy came back  in seven days and still  ask him question to the king as usual and the king still answered but still did not know what the meaning of  ‘water  that is  not  from heaven and earth I drink it”   the small boy was ask to answer the meaning of   water that did not come from heaven nor earth and I drink it” and answered them and said that what it mean is  sweat and he drink it, the king was ask to  give his ruler ship to the small boy  since he (the king)  said, and the king did as he said and the small boy become  the king in that village.


1.  In this life we are today, know body knows every thing. You need the help of another people to survive whether you are rich or poor just as it is said that “with the coming together of the two hands the fly will be killed”, which  means that unit is strength . Unlike the rich man  in  the  story number one (onyekam) who  did not want to consult anybody to train his  children since he was illiterate and did not  want his children to be illiterate also.  Pride is not good because with  pride, we disqualify what   we have in our society  and also neglect the people we should meet for advice either in one way or the other just like the rich man in the story onyekam who wanted to train his son to mount to something in life did not want to consult anybody because he wanted  them to be the best in the village  not knowing that it can only be possible with the  help of others  around since he did not know what to do and where to start.
We  should try and associate with people in  anywhere we are and also let them know  our problems, because you never can tell if the  person you are telling your problem can  be of help to you and we  should not follow  the wrong steps that our parents or friends   are doing because it  will not do any good to us. Unlike the three sons of the rich man  in  the story who proudly follow the  foot step  of their father and did not want to let  anybody to know their needs instead there was busy going from one gathering place or the other to learn something which can not help because you cannot learn  what you did not thought.
It is not everything we hear that we will say out and also  not everything that we see that we can go to watch, we should always try to know the right source of anything before we can speak out and also try to avoid  to go  to some places  because it  might lead  us to problems, just  like the three sons of the rich man who did not want to know the meaning of every words that they  hear as there traveled instead there start speaking what  there  don’t know  the meaning and also did not  want to avoid going to watch something’s which lead to their arrest by  the police.   


1.                  Pride: The theme of  pride in the story is seen in the life of the rich man and his three sons,  because he was rich he decide to train his sons to the  highest level in their village but out of pride he id  not want to ask anybody in their village  how  to start since he did not know, his children in their hand out of pride also did not ask anybody on how to start with the money their father give to them.  
2.                  Ignorance :  The theme of ignorance is  seen in the life of the sons of the rich man in the story onyekam, instead of them to ask people  on how to start with the money their father gave to them in other to learn but out of ignorance there will go from one place there is gathering to another only hear people speak, because there was ignorance of what people speak and did not want to ask  for the meaning which later lead  to their arrest by the police 
3.                  Honesty:  In this story, the theme of  honest is seen in the  life of the rich man who in his mind had wanted to train his sons to be the best  in their  village. The rich man promise to train his sons which he did honestly   irrespective of how it happens. It was also seen in the life of his sons  whom honestly return to the father when  there learned how to speak.


Language:  The language use in this story was easy and simple to analyze. The oral artist uses third person narrative, which make him to use words like them, he, there and him.
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