Very few with the educational plug areas would be that the extension of schooling has had less to do with planning norm than with pressure placed on the political system by a rescind volume of public demand. National systems of education rarely grow in an ordinary fashion in response to fix man power target since political elite are almost uniformly obligated to respond to the expressed education needs of their constituencies. 

Indeed, the mass of this population in most of the new states is usually more exercised over the distribution of education benefits than any other matter and the nations “fair shares” in the allocation of measures of education is far more than that of economy expediting the rapid
expansion of primary schools has largely being dictated by political necessities but this becoming increasing true of secondary school development ( Jane’s 1965).

The problem of equity

What distinguished most of the new nation is a general commitment to equity of education opportunity that was hardly evident in the earlier stages of western development?
The progressive, slow democratization of education system in economically advanced nation has provided a model that most developing area is anxious to emulate. At present how- ever provision of secondary schooling however the term is define, will be a realization goal in most area in orientation (Arnold, 1964).