Economic and financial crimes have increased all over the world essentially because of the negative deployment of Information Technology (IT) for private but selfish advantage in order to put these twin crimes  under check in Nigeria,  the federal  government had to establish the commission .  The economic and financial crime commission (EFCC) was created in December 2002 through an Act of the national assembly.  The commission began operation in April 2003, when its board was inaugurated section 40 of the EFCC Act 2004 defines Economic and
Financial Crimes to mean the non violent criminal and illicit activity committed with the objective of earning wealth illegally either individually or in a group or in an organized manner thereby violating exiting legislation governing economic activities and its administration and includes any form of fraud such as administration and includes any form of fraud such as involvement in narcotic drug trafficking , money laundering, embezzlement, bribery, looking and any form of corrupt  malpractices, illegal arms deal, smuggling, human trafficking and child labour, illegal oil blundering and illegal mining, tax  evasion,  foreign exchange malpractices including counterfeiting  currency, theft or intellectual property and piracy, open market abuse,  dumping of toxic waste and prohibited goods.
However, there is a difference between economic crime and financial crimes. Although both crimes are pandered Offenses with an extremely thin line separating them. All economic crimes are financial crimes, but not all – financial crimes are economic crimes.
Economic crimes are those crimes that have a damaging effect on the economic and political system of the country. There damage to the international image of the country is more important than the direct financial loss.  These include corruption, embezzlement of public funds, take currency, smuggling, drug trafficking and so on. Section 46 of economic and financial crimes  (establishment) which includes the non –violent criminal and illicit activity   committed with objective of earning wealth illegally, any form of   fraud, money laundering, illegal oil bunkering, tax evasion, dumping of toxic waste and so on. Financial crimes on the other hand are those committed not only with the intention of getting funds and financial instruments. These include advance fee fraud, trafficking and counterfeiting. 
From the foregoing, it can be seen that, all economic crimes are financial crimes but not all- financial crimes need be economics crimes.  Whatever form they take, the objective is to earn wealth illicitly.
The EFCC mission is to curb the menace of corruption that constitute the log in the wheel of progress, protect national and foreign investment in the country, instill the spirit of hard work in the citizenry and  discourage ill gotten wealth, identify illegally acquired wealth and confiscate them  build  an  upright workforce in both public and private sectors of the economy and contribute to the global war against financial crimes. The EFCC is charged with the following responsibilities among others
Enforcement and administration of the Act in the overall context of preventing, detecting, investigating and prosecuting all cases of economic arid financial crimes in Nigeria
My observation or recommendation on EFCC and ICPC. There is no much difference between the two of them but it appears that Nigeria enjoys duplication of things. How many people have they prosecuted and imprison to serve as deterrent others. I have not seen their achievement so far.  The merger of the anti-graft agencies, the ICPC and the EFCC is not in the best interest of the country’s desire to fight corruption. I believe there are many criminal cases for both to pursue adequately without any difficulty. Government only needs to clearly define the functions of each of the agencies, and to ensure that they are properly funded, with their staff well – train and equipped with modern knowledge to fight and eradicate corruption in its entirely.