To review chapter one of the book titled …. Even when the  topic says…. But the author cross carpeted to other angles as he discussed about
1.      The  scramble of African
2.      The British colonial policy
3.      The France assimilation policy to mention but a few but  the main fact is that all discussions in the chapter  gears  toward development in African states which Nigeria  is not left  out.
It all started when four  European countries scramble  to colonized  African  state.  These
four main countries are the main countries that ruled African state. There are British, France, Belgium and Portugal, among them  France adopted the  policy of assimilation and association 
The  European studied the problem of the third  world countries which African was included.
The major characteristics of these countries include the   fact that they have
a.      A  non –industrial and non technological culture
b.      High rate of illiteracy

A  notoriously bookish type of education
Abundance of unskilled or semi-skilled labour  high rate of unemployment or unemployment  they are generally poor economically and  political instability
Even when their  major  objective of colonizing African states is for economic exploitations.
Another  characteristic is that given the high rate of  illiteracy, the  masses often lack  essential information for operating in modern society, and because of their ignorance  they do not participate  actively or  fully in national development as a result of their lack of confidence in  themselves and in their abilities.
As I earlier said, that all discussion in this chapter  gears towards  development of African state,  development must not be seen narrowly here. Some  see development  as  economic  progress,  political  stability  ,  proliferation of social organizations and cultural institution, but  development is more than all these. It is  also about the overall quality of life  and especially  the  achievement of self  fulfillment goals  by the individuals being able to  participate actively in structural and  restructuring of their own affairs their  total environment and the decisions that affect their life daily . it therefore  involves  an attitude of mind an approach to life in which  may  accepts to be  considerable extend that he is the master of his own fortunes and therefore  can personally actively  participate and  intervene in social engineering in order of attain his socio – economic , cultural   and political  objectives   as a citizen. In  this vain, I would like to conceptualize  colonial  leadership  and development. 
It is the structural  changes  and liberation of man from  exploitation and oppression “perpetrated by international   capitalist bourgeoisie and  their internal collaborators. Real development  involves a structural transformation of  the economy, society, polity, and  culture  of  satellite that permits the self  generating and self perpetuating use and development of  the  peoples potentials (Offiong , 1980) 
African  states  are not developed, there  are underdeveloped according to Charles Anderson the prolific American writer and (Offiong  )  that  what makes a country  under development is 
1.      How long a country remains  as a backward  capitalist system,  mass cleavage widens rural urban inequalities  increase, city slums grow,  unemployment increase, agricultural production  stagnates,  birth  rate remains high, diseases on high  side and many others.
As Walter  Rodney  rightly  remarked African under development can be  answered  at two level.  Firstly, the operation of imperialist system  earns major responsibility for African economic  retardation by  drawing  African wealth and by making it impossible to develop more  rapidly the resources of African nation.
African nations commemorated the historic rights of the early  60s  when the colonial flags were lowered, and in their places new ones    whistled accompanied by anthems, clearly audible in the heat of the  sun. Thus they had independence and freedom was there’s one would have  expected that the demand for  independence was prompted by a waviness  I self government as a basic human right, that self  determination was   supposed to guarantee a mutually beneficial relationship amongst  all African state and the rest of the world, and that demand for  independence was  indispensable with the desire for development but   as  most  African countries   enter into the  threshold of their third  decade, as  independent nation, I have enough evidence to prove that political  independence was  indispensable with the desire   for  development.  But as  most  African countries, enter into the threshold of their third decade as  independent nation,  I have enough evidence to prove that political   independence has not yet come to the realization   of African dream. This  great failure becomes glaringly manifest when we consider  the roles played by African nations to underdeveloped Africa.
In the  main an  analysis of party politics in  African nations will  reveal a preponderance of political instability. Beginning with black  Africans first military take over in Togo  in  1963 , through the subsequent  dozens of violent seizures of government in  the  intervening year, to the more  recent event, of the same  like, in Liberia, Ghana , upper Volta guinea and Nigeria. 
The refrain of charges  of corruption, economic mismanagement , degenerate self  interest, among the ruling class,  criminal neglect of the under – privileged and  massive electoral fraud, has  become as original as an over worked cliché
But if these admittedly  culpable misdeeds are sufficient grounds for over throwing a constitution, then the mind boggles as to how many of the mind  boggles as to how many of the worlds democracies deserve to be under military rule
The  saddest problem that has successfully hindered political  maturity in  Africa, quite apart from the frequent wastage of experienced leaders in the   resultant lack of continuity, brought about by sudden unpredictable  switches   in  directions . Just when it seems that a country is  setting down, something  goes  bang! And at come  crashing continent . secondly, one has to  deal with those   who manipulate the system and those are either agents or unwitty accomplices  of the said  system.
Certainly, there  is no  doubt that  the  western world has played and are  still playing tremendous part in the exploitation and under development of Africa for the development of  Europe.
African nation themselves played some roles to under developed Africa down. I will ponder a little over Buhari and his regime, an officially sanctioned report  stated that the Buhari coup promoted a plot by younger officers to sieve power. This at a time serves as the political cultures of most African states. Hence for   political cultures  reflect a peoples temperament and sometimes may be the cause  of under development.
The quest to development  Africa many role where played  by African nations to  develop Africa OAU  are not left out, its interest  are for the co-existence  among all African states non interference in the  internal affairs of African  nations and respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty  of African states, have in one way of the other fallen victims of the selfish and  unbridled political ambitions of some African nations
Furthermore, the contemporary history  of Africa is  release with causes of Africans  gaining political power through the assistance of their external allies.
As we look back into the history  of our continent , we cannot escape  the fact that  we have for long been the victims of foreign domination.  African  nations have failed to realize this simple fact. One would have thought   that  a change in the status quo will come about when the African  countries  come together to take a common stand against their  exploiters . but as  of  today the African nations are backanized, thereby making the divide and  rule policy of the rich and powerful  nations very successful. 
With a very few exception, it is sad to admit that Africa is ill –served by  the  current conglomeration of what posses for leaders through the  continent . when asia and latin  America  produced great leaders who inspired and incited the  imagination not only of their  compatriots  within their borders but of all the rest of the world,  including  the  developed  world, Africa has produced only  one  Nyerere and maintained him in power  while we have  hindered the  lumumbers, the murtalas and exiled  or  locked  imperialists , our donors , our money- lenders,  our patrons  masters and  our  trading  partners” (national concord , Dan 9th  1984)  
The  government of Nigeria has passed  from one hand to  the another and when a nation finds itself careered from one style of administration to another, it cannot harmonies the sustained  desired  of  its  people  with its style of response. Many  Nigerians who  have  attained the age of awareness of rational  analysis  would classify   their experience sicne independences, as unsteady  and traumatic . they have passed from  heights of hopes to depts. Of disappointments
This from one stage to another in Nigerians development, leaders have  been  unable , due to the turn of events, to give and sustain a lasting answer to the question
What is Nigeria and  where is Nigeria going?  
In-fact, I have enough reasons to believe that the trouble with Nigeria and African in general is simply and squarely a failure of leadership  (Achebe, 1983)  our underdevelopment stems from the  fact that   our   leader are unable or  unwilling to rise to the responsibility  hall mark of true  leadership.
The  African should understand that no great and  stable  nation can be built on the slippery slope of  permanent  uncertainty. 
Our leaders and all Africans  might  of   necessity take a  critical look at the individual and collective  roles we have  played in putting Africa  in such a terrible state.