Today in the word as the  case may be in medical science  the  use of enzymes in the diagnosis of diseases is one  of the  important benefits derived from   the intensive research in biochemistry   since  1940. Enzymes have provided the  basis for the field of clinical chemistry, it is however only in  the recent past few decades that interest  in diagnostics emzymology   has multiplied . in and  industries genetic engineering, scientists   have been  button putting  genes that   makes enzymes  from  human being into food crops  in a dramatic extension of   genetic

An  enzymes has been identified that may be a powerful new  tool for fighting   alzheimers  disease  (BACEZ ) is the enzyme that has been found  to destroy betaamyloid  a toxic protein fragment that litters alherimer  patients brains. The most common memory disorder is  alheimers disease affecting over  5.5  million  Americans. The use of important enzymes  in medicine include   killing disease  causing micro organisms, prompting  would helaing anddiagnosing  certain diseases, use of enzymes  as  direct pharmacentical products 

Enzymes that would  be normally  found in  the  liver, leak into the  blood steam . by testing the blood for alternative enzyme activity,  liver damage damage can be confirmed. Enzymes can be used to  detect and measure the maount of  glucose in the blood. The amount of glucose  in the blood and urine is a crucial indicator in the diagnosis of diabetes, this  is when there is a deficiency of  insulin refuting  in high glucose   levels in the blood. It is detected using the enzyme glucose oxidize  which is impregnated onto a strip  of papel, and  a bio sensor.

This instrument uses glucose  oxidase as its biological   system the  enzyme catalyses the  reaction between glucose and oxygen to form gluconis acid The biosensor then uses the  amount of gluconic acid produced to indicate the quantity of  glucose and  oxygen that was in the blood  which is indicated by a colour   change Enzymes are very important  when coming to diagnose disease, this is because  if enzymes are present where they should not  be, then something may be wrong  for instance in the case of a damaged  liver . enzymes that can be normally  found in the  liver, into the blood stream 

Enzymes in blood   clotting 
Enzymes are very importantin preventing excessive blood clotting and reducing the tendency for platelets and red blood  cells  to clot  . because of enxymes  part in removing  metabolic waste and improvement circulation processes for example, trypsin and chymotrypsin can be used in fibrinolysis, this is a process that   dissolves blood clots. One use  in the case of thrombosis, this is when blood clots form a damaged blood vessels. If these clots are carried to an small  artery and may become blocked  a heart attack or stroke can b ecuased. This can be treated with enzymes such as trypsion and protease . digestion of the insoluble fibrin clot takes place and because the enzymes are proteins, it results in a conversion to  amino acids, consequently freeing the  trapped blood cells and eliminating  the clot. This  process sis called filminolysis  opposite to  the prevention of clotting, the  enzymes protease can be used as a deriding agent, they are used to clean the wound and accelerate the healing process 

Enzymes can also   be used in drug manufacture where the synthesis of  drugs is difficult therefore enzymes are used to perform the chemical procedure. Enzymes can  be used to aid digestion where they are used to supplement  amylase, lipase and protease produced mainly   by the pancreases  

An example of lactose  into intolerant   people where they require lactose  as their bodies are not producing it. Mold pencillium notaum  are  enzymes used in production of  antibiotics particularly penicillin. The major pharmaceutical products  produced using enzyme technology are the antibiotic, semi – synthetic  penicillins 

Antibiotics are  chemical  substances produced by micro organisms  which  are effective indilute  solution in preventing the spread of other  micro –organisms. Most   of them inhibit growth rather than  killing the micro organism on which   they  act  upon. One of the best  known antibiotics  is penicillin discovered by Alexander Fleming in  1928 . It was  found that it acts  on growing   bacteria, killing them  and preventing their growth .
 It is believed that it compete  with paraminobenzoic  acid   for the active site of an enzyme