The researcher  having analyzed the  availability, adequacy and  utilization o f instructional  resources in  the NCE programme   of the national teachers instituted  in  Ebonyi  state, I put   towards in  this section  some  recommendations with the hope that if  accepted and implemented, they will help   to improve teaching and learning in  NCE /NTI  programme in Ebonyi State   and   these   include.

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1.       More lecture halls and rooms  should be made available to  students enrolled  in  the  NCE  /NTI DLS programme in  Ebonyi State.  The halls should  be   made  conducive    for   learning.  The national   teachers institute  can  also  construct   their own hall with  the
necessary   modern facilities to make  teaching and learning  enjoyable.
2.      More  comfortable  seats  should be  made available for the students  for  better teaching  and learning  condition
3.      Library facilities should  be made available to enable student  have  access to books  and journals for  research  purposes. The  library should be  mad e conducive  for effective learning
4.      Language laboratories should   be  made, available to encourage students  interest in  different  language, this  will  also encourage  effective  communication  among   ethnic groups.
5.      All  the required  instructional resources should be made available in adequate  measure  and  the coordinators should ensure effective utilization  and  care  to ensure  that teaching and learning  is effective and enjoyable
Suggestion  for further  studies
This work serves as a  significant  contribution  to knowledge concerning  the  availability adequacy   and utilization   of instructional resources in the NCE  programme of  National Teacher Institute in Ebonyi State  
That researcher wish to submit  that further investigations can be carried out on this very topic in other states  of the federation . it could be conducted  on  the following
1.       The effect of adequate  instructional  resources on  teaching and  learning  
2.      The  negative impact of inadequate   resources for   teaching and   learning
The  role of  federal  government  in  providing   adequate instructional  resources for  effective  teaching    and learning in Nigeria  schools.