The institution of public relation of United Kingdom was established in February 1948. It adopted the definition of public relation as the planned am sustained effort to establish   and maintain good will and mutual understanding between an organization and its public
While propaganda is the deliberate spreading of information or ideals to promotes a cause   

Corporate propaganda are propagandist claims made by cooperate (or corporations) nearly always for the purpose of manipulating market opinion to the benefits of their product or to divide public opinion with regard to controversial issues related to that cooperation and its associated business dealings.
The institute for propaganda analysis has a U.S based organization composed of social scientist and journalists. It is best known for identifying several basic types of rhetorical tricks used by propaganda name-calling, glittering generalities, euphemisms, transfers, and testimonial planfolics. 
The father of propaganda Edwards Bernays defined the profession of counsel on public relations as a practicing social scientist whose competence is like that of the industrial engineer the management or the investment counselor in their respective fields.  To assist client PR counselors used understanding of the behavioural sciences and applying them to sociology social psychology, anthropology, and history. 
Propaganda is generally as appeal to emotion, contrasts to an appeal to intellect. It shares techniques with advertising and public relations.  Advertising and public relations can be thought of as propaganda that promotes a commercial product or shapes the perception of an organization, person or brand. It is also use to influence opinions and believes.
There is a big difference between public relation   practice and propaganda.  Even though the two appears to look alike they are not the same their distinctive features are


1.  It recognizes along term responsibility and seek to persuade and achieve mutual understand by securing the   willing acceptance of attitude and ideal   
2.      It  can  succeed only when the basic policy is  ethical  and the means used is truthful. 
3.      In public relation   the ends can never justify the use of false harmful or questionable means
4.      The policy of public relation practice must always be positive and constructive
5.      The objective of public relation is to achieve consents 
6.      The intension of public relation practices is to achieve true dialogue but not so with propaganda 
7.      The methods of public relations involve compete openness
8.      Public relation practice strives for proper communication and understanding 


1.      Propaganda is an instrument of politics and therefore,  it is full of confusion and  unethical
2.      It is the power for social control and mass mobilization
3.      Propaganda functions as means of attracting followers and to keep them in line with the desire of the leaders.
4.      Propaganda does not call for ethnical content
5.      It is used mostly for self interest in order to distort the facts or to falsify them in order to achieve the purpose.
6.      The objective of propaganda is to build movement and mobilize the people even when the ideal of the movement is on negative intention
7.      Propaganda obscures openness and abhors proper communication and clear understating of parties involve 
They are both important to this understand of the public because   communication research largely focused on the influence of propaganda . One question researcher sought to  he utilized to  create behavioral changes  government that if they here to function efficiently. They could only do so with the ordinate cooperation of  their  citizens through the use of propaganda government could ensure that a  nation functioned to meat its  goal  but  could also consciousness
In government public relation specialist may be caused press secretaries. They keep the public informed about  the activities of the agencies and official  public relations  specialist  also arrange  and  conduct  programs to maintain  contact between organization  he  public  relation specialist handled  organizational functions such as media, community, consumer industry and  government  relations political campaign  interest group  representative conflict  mediation  and  employee  and  investor  relation.