Microbiology is the study of organisms to  small to be clearly see by the  unaided eye that is micro–organism:  these include protozoa, algae, an fungi.
Some microbes example algae and fungi are large enough to be visible, but are still included in the field of microbiology. It has to been suggested microbiology, can be defined not, only by the size of organisms studied but by techniques employed to study them  (isolation, sterilization, culture in artificial  media). The  discovery of micro  organisms 

a.                   Invisible living creature were thought  to be responsible  fore  disease  long before  they were observed.
b.                      An Tonyvan Lecuwenhock (1632-1723)  constructed microscopes and was the first  person to observe and describe micro organism accurately the conflict over spontaneous generation.
a.  The proponents of the concept of spontaneous generation claimed living organisms could develop form non ceiling organism decomposing matter Francesco Redi((1626-1697) challenged  this concept by showing and  maggots on decaying in meat in converted to    present the entry of fly
Food microbiology can be defined as the study of micro- organism that inhabit meat or contaminate food of major fat.

1.           Involved in nutrient transformation process .
2.           Decomposition of resistant component  of plant  and animal tissue
3.           Role   in microbial antagonism,
4.           Participate in humus formation
5.           Predator of nematodes
6.           Surface blooming reduces  erosion losses
7.           Improve soil structure
8.           Involved soil structure
9.           Maintenance of  biological  equilibrium
G Rangaswami(2004) agricultural microbiology prentice Hal of  India 

FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY: Is  very   relevance to the worldwide  food service industry  makes, millions of dollars every year.  If there was no food service industry when tourists would be badly affected
a.           To detect food spoilage 
b.          Fermentation process
c.           Production of single cell of protein from a industrial waste eg molecules yeast in the hospitality business,  if one person  gets sick form food at  your establishment it has exponential negative effect, world of  month is a very power advertition device  it can be just as bad.
They  also contribute to the development, of new approaches to treat and prevent infectious disease. They used the latest genetic engineering and molecular   biological  technique.

1. here you will  also develop an  understanding of the  relevance of microbiology in environmental agricultural and industrial settings, the removal of pollutants. Suing micro –organisms and can recognition they play a key role in the cycling of molecules  in the biosphere has led to major growth of environmental microbiology. This  areas of bio mediation requires a grounding in  microbial physiology and  ecology plant  pathology is an important aspect of plant  microbe interactions and microbiology  area of  agriculture and quarantine    

Training in microbiology can  lead to  exiting career opportunities in medical and public health microbiology.  The  use of microbes to  produce  commercially  important products has a long  history,  but with greater  knowledge  of  the physiology and genetics of micro- organisms, this   area is expanding rapidly  to create new  career  options in microbial biotechnology. Microbiology  offers some of the most exciting   and challenging   careers in the fields of science  and  medicine. These includes research microbiologist  work in laboratories in universities,  biotechnology    companies and agriculture medical and veterinary institutes.   They investigate  the molecular and    physiological mechanisms   associated with infections  diseases  environmental processes on biotechnology  interpreting the role of micro –organisms in wound healing
1.      Identify the   microbiology of acute and  chronic wounds, risk factors for infection  and advantages   and disadvantages    of wound culturing
2.      Identify methods of delibratment and wounds for which are appropriate
3.      Identify systemic antibiotic  treatment options for acute.
The  role  of microorganisms in wounds   and their   effect on healing is  a debatable  issue when reviewing the clinical  relevance of microorganisms in wounds, however,  some general students can  be applied e.g
1.  the most common acute wounds  are postoperative wounds enthrone wounds  are defined as those  do not appear    to follow the normal healing process in  less than  4 weeks ,  these wounds are most commonly located on lower leg  foot  and pelvic region.
2.  The risk of infection is greater during the first  48  to  72  hours micro - organism isolated region, the  period should be considered clinically relevant until proven otherwise, chronic wounds –excepts for those in patients with diabetes   immunity are at low risk of infection, isolation of microorganisms  from chronic wounds usually represents colonization  rather  than  infection
Chronic wounds have chronic causes, for  example, reported pressure or  trauma for pressure   or diabetic naturopathic ulcers. After  the  cause of tissue deterioration  has been acceviated and necrotic tissue has  been removed, both acute and chronic  wounds progress through the same phase of healing: Homostasis inflemention, granulation epithelization, and maturation. 
During healing, if the source  of  injuring healing   is the source of injuring record these processes may  begin of freshly damaged  tissue, creating   an appearance of disorder.

  Agricultural  microbiology   is a breach of microbiology dealing with leant  associated microbes and plant and   animal  diseases it also   deals with the microbiology of soil fertility such as  microbial   matter and soil nutrients  transformations.


bacteria ; more dominate group and equal to one half of the microbial bio mass in soil population  100,000 to  several hundred millions for gram of soil autochthonous – zymgenous groups majority are heterophony.
common soil bacteria arthrobacter,  bacillus, clostridium, microcccus) 
actinomy cetes
Intermediate group between bacteria and fungi,  numerous and widely distributed    in soil. Abundance is next to bacteria  104 –108g soil  70%  of soil  actinomycetes are streptomyces  many of  them are known  to produced antibiotics  population   increases with depth of soil.

Fungi: Numerous in surface layer of  well aerated and cultivated soils  dominant in acid  soils.  Common general  in  soil are Aspergillus, mucor,  penicillum trencherman, alternaria ,  Algae  found in most of the soil  in number ranges from 100 to  10,  000 per g
Protozoa; unicellular: population ranges from 10,000 to  100,000  of  soil most of the soil forms are flagellates, amoebae or ciliates.  Derive their nutrition by devouring soil sectarian.  Aboundant in upper, larger of the soil. They are regulating the biological  equilibrium in soil by micro –organisms in  food which may be ingested 
a.      Indicator organism: For example finding coliforms may indicate 
b.      Contamination problem E. coli would indicate fecal contamination
c.         Proteins, fats aid  carbohydrate:  excellent substrates for a verity of  micro –organisms, meat a fish  poultry, eggs and milk are example of high protein foods, milk,  fruits  and vegetables contain sugars  which can be fermented
d.      Dry foods generally resistant to microbial activities what little  H20 there may be saturated with solutes and thus be inhibitory with increasing H20  such as high humidity, molds tends to be  the initial spoilage  organisms 
e.       Food preservation: that is prevention at spoilage

i.                    Keep micro organism
ii.                 Inhibit microbial growth and activity 
iii.               Remove micro –organisms
iv.               Kill micro organism
v.                  Inactivate enzymes in foods

B.  Methods of  control microbial  growth in foods
i.        Keeping organism out keeping  utensils and food preparation  are  (e.g),  plate, spoons etc .
ii.     Removing organisms (e.g) filtration  of liquid foods like  soup
iii.   Low   temperature:  Tend to habit  microbial activity could  temperatures  (e.g) (freezing ) are  not  sterilization  methods by any  means
vii.  High temperature: choice of a suitable time. Temperature combination to kill pathogenic and spoilage\ organisms depends on type of food expected food microbiology is very important in any substance consumed to provide natural support for the body . it is usually of plant or animal origin, and  contains  essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins  vitamins.
Bioorganic amines: Are important nitrogen compounds of biological important in vegetable  microbial and animal cells, 
1. They  can  be detected in both raw and processes. Some   toxicological characteristics and outbreaks of food   poisoning are associated with histamines and   try-amine. Secondary amines   may  under go nitrification and  from nitro amines. A better knowledge of the factors controlling their  formation is  necessary in  order to improve  the quality and  safety of food. 


a.        Spoilage  of good problem of contaminating   organisms causing undesirable  change in food that may be improperly kept. In lab, we will be determining the  contamination level in bamburger by the dilation plating  method. Also  when we make sausage use will be purposely  contaminating one  batch  with a greening organism”)
b.       production of some food : use of  bacteria and   other  micro-organisms to  cause desirable changes in raw   product such the finished product  benefits by longer shelf  life and  improved taste  and appearance. (In  196 we make savage aid compare batches made  without  starter culture)
c.        Food : food borne illnesses (diseases)  pathogenic organisms transmitted  via food and also toxins produced by micro –organisms in  food may be ingested  
indicator organism:  for example finding coliforms may indicate a contamination  problem E . coli would indicate fecal contamination.