Political  injustice involves the violation  of  individuals  liberties , including  the denial of voting rights or due process, infringement on rights to  freedom of  speech or  religion, ad inadequate protection  from cruel and unusual  punishment. Such  injustice often stems from unfair  procedures, and involves political system in which  some but not others are allowed to have voice and representation in the  processes and  decisions  that affect them. This sort of
procedural injustice can contribute to  serious social problems as well as political ones. If  voting or litigation procedures, for example,   are perceived to be unjust, any outcome they  produce is  liable to be unstable and produce conflict. In  addition,  any procedures   that are carried out  in  a biased manner are likely  to contribute to  problem of  religious, ethnic, gender, or  race discrimination. When  the procedure in  question  has to do with employment or wages, such issues can lead to serious economic and social problems.     

L.C  Ezeaku (1997) Positive Discussions in  Economic  Uruowulu
Obosi, Pacific College Press Ltd

Black J. (1997)  Oxford Dictionary of Economics . Oxford  : Oxford  
University  Press.

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November   1984

A.G  Frank, “ The  Development of Underdevelopment”
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Underdevelopment of   Countries. World Problems Issue Online