The packed cell volume (PCV), also called haemoatocrit is the proportion of blood volume occupied by the red blood cells after centrifugation in a capillary tube and is typically about threee times the volume of haemoglobin level, for instance if the haemoglobin of a patient is said to be 12 the PCV shoud be 36. this parameter can be used to calculate the mean cell volume (MCV) and mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC). 

It is used to screen for anaemia when it is not possible to measure and also for the diagnosis of polycythaemia  vera and to monitor its treatment usually measured in liter/liter (Cheesbrough; 2006) or percentage (pearson, 2001).
Adult men: 0.40 – 0.54 (Cheesbrough, 2006.
Males 40 – 55% (pearson, 2001).
45.5 = 6.5% (Ezeilo, 2002).


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