Increased agricultural productivity depends primarily upon the acceptance of cultural and technological changes at the rural farm level. Peasant farmers can achieve higher farm yields only if they adopt recommended scientific farming techniques in place of their traditional practices.

But new practices are often complicated and based on complex scientific knowledge and therefore difficult for illiterate farmers to understands to adopt and successfully use improved farming techniques, rural farmers must understand them and to do so, they require effective teaching by the agricultural extension service.

The government agency or ministry responsible for   promoting the adoption of new scientific farming practices through educational procedures. 

Education is basic to improve living conditions schooling or literacy have been widely re-organized and accepted as a means of increasing knowledge about new opportunities in the  community.

Education does not only create a favourable mental atmosphere for the acceptance of new ideas but it positively changes the overall attitude of the individual towards live and progress. 

Thus, we cannot achieve agricultural development or increased agricultural productivity on the rural farm level, except through the provision of basic agricultural education, particularly the informal type also, the adoption of new ideas, techniques and innovations to improve farming  or rural life has been found to depend largely  on educational, economic and socio-cultural standard of the people.