A  total of  twelve(12) rice cultivars were collected from Ebonyi  rice  farmers at  their milling  industries. Four (4)rice cultivars,(R8, Mars,  Sipi,  and 306)            from  each  of the  sensational  zones of Ebonyi  state and  were stored in cool  and dry  container at room temp 27%.
Physical characteristics  determination
Bulk density determination  

The method of Singh (2000) was used. About 200g of sample were  weighed using metler balance. The sample were gently filled into 500ml measuring cylinder. It was taped gently  for 30times on the laboratory bench for final denunciation of the sample level.  Then the final level was recorded and calculated as the Balk Density(g/ml)=     ere determined after           
Weight of sample (g)
Volume of sample (ml)

Milling property Determination.
The head rice yield and percentage broken milled rice were calculated by determining the whole and broken milled grains respectively from 20g portions by  hand picking as described by (lwasaki  1987)  the following  were determined after milling the paddy sample.  the head rice yield, the total quality of whole grains recovered  from sample and calculated as follows:
 Head rice = weight of whole rice x 100
Weight of milled                  rice   x   1
Broken grain yield: the total quantity of broken grains recovered from sample expressed mathematically as broken grain yield=  Weight  of  broken  grain x 100  1 weight of  milled rice x  1
3.2.3 Length and width of  Raw  and cooked  Rice. FAO (1972) method  was  used 12 grain of  each variety was  picked at  random followed  by  the measurement  of  their length  and width  using  venire  caliper  calibrated in mm.
                                    Length / Width  ratio =
                                    Average length of rice (mm)
                                    Average  width of rice (mm)  

Cooking properties Determination. 
 About 5g  of  raw samples was weighed carefully, turned into a  measuring cylinder that is  filled up to 25 ml mark with water.  The
A simple completely randomized  design was used  while analysis of variance was adopted in analyzing the data. Mean separation was done using  Duncan’s new multiple range Tests, Steel and Terrie (1980) and least   significant  different  (LSD) to establish  if there were significant  different between the sample.
Onwuka  G. l (2005) food  analysis and instrumentation mutation.
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