For a country to develop there must be a determined will  to  march in progress on the part of all the citizens  the rulers and the  ruled alike . It requires a sense  of   dedication  to the course of progress .  Determination and dedication form the bedrock of  progress and any country that lacks this is doomed. Here lies our  (Nigeria ) major  problem and  obstacle  to progress. We have not had the luck of  having   leaders who   are  completely committed  to the course of nation building. We have not   had men and women who are rather prepared to render if possible
selfless service to the country.

This is why our leaders can often afford   to spend huge sums of money in buying   obsolete machines for our use just  because they are assured of  10%  as a bribe.  This is why  appointments into posts are made on the   basis of man-know-man’  as the  slang goes in Nigeria. This is why key industries are to be located not in the places best suited for them but rather in the place that best suit  those in power.   

This is why contracts   are awarded not to those who  can most effectively  execute their assignments but to those who  have  something to offer . Because the leaders do not show good  examples the  ruled cannot be   expected to do   better. Everyone is   only out to see a way of getting his own share of the ‘national cake’ even when he has  not contributed to the baking and   does not even know where that cake is being baked. 

For the entire region of West Africa to become developed there is need for a reorientation. There  is need for personal dedication to the course of justice and   to the course of  progress not just of  the  individual  but of the entire nation.  The moment we have the right people in power  is the moment much  of  our problems are solved. For one thing,  dedicated and enlightened  leadership  will lead to a better combination  of the scarce resources   for the development of   the country.