For the laboratory diagnosis of the samples l both automation  analysis and  manual:
3.9.1  For the  staining of thin  film:
3.9.2  Method Used: Leishmann staining method

This is  based on the fact that  leishmann stain is a type of romanowsky stain which contains  eosion Y which is a cidic anionic dye and azure B and other thiazine  dyes which are basic
cationic dyes. When diluted in buffered water  ionization  occurs eosion stains the basic components of blood  cells, e.g  hemoglobin stains   pink-red, and the granules of   eosinophils stain orange-red . azure B and other  methylene blue derived dyes, stain the acidic components of the cells. Nucleic  acids and nucleoprotein stain various shades of mauve-purple and violet,   the  granules of basophils stain dark blue-violet, and the cytoplasm of  monocytes   and  lymphocytes stains blue or  blue-grey . the staining  reactions fo romanowsky  stained pre PH  dependent which is why the stains  are  diluted in buffered water of specific PH (cheesbrough , 2000)  

1.      using clean grese –free slides placed a drop of blood in the center of a given slide about  1 cm from the end
2.      Without  delay a spreader was placed  in front of the drop at an  angel  of about  45o C to the slide.
3.      Moved the spreader slightly backward  so as  to make contact with  the drop
4.      The drop was spread out quickly  along the  line  of contact
5.      With   the steady movement of  the  hand, the  drop was spread along  the slide 
6.      Allowed to air-dry, labeled and fixed without  delay using methanol  for  1 minutes
7.      After  2 minutes of fixation, stained with  leishmann stain without  over-flooding
8.      Added  twice  the volume of PH  6.8  buffered water ensuring that it was well  mixed
9.      Allowed to stain for  10minutes
10. Washed  of the stain with tap water
11. Wiped the back of the  slide gently with cotton  wool and place in the draining rack for the slides to dry completely.
12. Counted the cells microscopically using  oil immersion objectives