This tenancy agreement made this ….. day of ….. 20 ……  between (NAME)  residing in  the same  building  of which one of its  vacant room is to be let out  situate at  (address) example;  No  15 Ibe Street  Abakaliki  Ebonyi State of  Nigeria   (hereinafter  referred  to as  the “landlord”)   of the one part and Mr./Mrs.  …………………….. a native of   ………....…………….. (here-in-after referred to  as the “tenant”)  of the other  part
1.                  In  consideration of the rent and the tenant covenants   hereinafter  reserved and  contained the landlord hereby  demise unto the tenant the premises known as  one /two  room(s) 
and situated at  the above address with the appurtenances there to  (Hereinafter called the demised premises )  for  the  ……………………… day of  ………… 20 …. And in payment of one years rent.
a.                   To pay all charges in respect of electricity consumed upon the premise and in default should pay the penalty for  reconnection. 
b.                  Not to do or  permit to be done any  structural  adjustment or addition to the room(s)  without  the  consent of  the landlord
c.                  Not to assign sublet, underlet or part with possession of the demised premises 
d.                  Not   to store, bring upon the premises any articles  that may tend  to cause  annoyance,  damage   or disturbance  to other tenants.
e.                  Not to use or permit to be used on the demised premises or any  part  thereof   to be used for any illegal or immoral purpose
f.                   To  participate in the cleanliness of the compound, kitchen   and toilets when its  your turn to do so or in other cases
g.                  Not to cook inside the room(s) for no reason whatsoever.
h.                  That once it is  10pm  the gate of the compound is locked till the following morning  
i.                    Note that this tenancy agreement is only for one year from the date of this agreement but may be renewed if your conduct is condusive   
j.                    Fighting is  prohibited and punishable

NOTE also that failure to adhere sickly to the above  inscriptions  may attract your eviction  from the  house
That  I  Mr/Mrs  ………………..…………………………………… who is presently residing at  no ………………………. in  Ebonyi State of Nigeria, a …………………………… by profession  hereby  stand  as surety  to the said  tenant as named above. I hereby state that the above  tenant  is of unquestionable character and will observe all the conditions herein that during the pendency of this agreement,  if  he seizes  to observed   any of the  clause as enshrined in this  agreement I will advice that he  be quitted  without  delay.   
In witness hereto the parties have hereunto set their respective hands and seal the day and year first above  written

……………………              ……….……………             …………………..
Landlords Signature          Tenants  Signature             Surety’s  Signatures