The commission shall be responsible for:
1.                  The enforcement and the   due administration of the provisions of this act.
2.                  The investigation of all financial crimes including advance fee fraud money  laundering-counterfeiting illegal charge transfers, future market fraud,  fraudulent encasement of negotiable instruments,  computer credit card  fraud,  contract scam, etc.
3.                  The  co-ordination and enforcement of all economic and financial  crimes  law and enforcement functions  conferred on  any other person or authority 

4.                  The adoption of measures to identify, trace, freeze confiscate or size proceeds derived from terrorist activities, economic and financial crime related offenses or the properties the value of which corresponds to such processed
5.                  The adoption of measures to eradicate the commission of   economic and financial crimes
6.                  The facilitation of rapid exchange of scientific and technical information and the conduct of joint operations geared towards the eradication of economic and financial crimes.
7.                  The examination and investigation of all reported cases of economic   and financial crimes with a view to identifying individual’s corporate bodies or groups involved.  
8.                   The determination of the extent of financial loss and such other losses by government, private individuals oar organization
9.                   Collaborating with government bodies both within and out side Nigeria carrying on functions wholly or in part analogous with those of the commission concerning
i.        The identification determination of the whereabouts and activities of person suspected of being involved in economic and financial crimes,
ii.     The exchange of personnel or other experts.
iii.   The movement of proceeds or prosperity derived from the commission of economic and financial and other related crime  
iv.   The establishment and maintenance of a system for monitoring international economic and financial crimes or order to identify suspicious transaction and person involved.
v.      Maintaining data, statistics, records and reports on person, organizations, proceeds, properties, documents or other times or assets involved in economic   and financial crimes.
vi.   Undertaking research and similar works with a view of determining the manifestation, extent, magnitude and effects of economic and financial crimes and advising government on appropriate interception measures for combating same
vii. Dealing with matters connected with extradition deportation and mutual legal or other assistances between Nigeria and any other country involving economic and financial crimes.
10.             The collection of all reports relating to suspicious financial transaction, analyze and disseminate to all relevant government agencies
11.             Taking charge of supervising controlling, co-coordinating all the responsibilities, functions and activities relating to the current investigation and prosecution of all offenses connected with or relating to economics and financial crimes.
12.             Maintaining a liaison with the office of the Attorney General of the Federation, the Nigeria Customs Service the Immigration and Prison Service Board, the Central Bank of Nigeria, the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation, the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, all Government Security and Law Enforcement Agencies and such other Financial Supervisory Institutions involved in the eradication of economic and financial crime.
13.             The co-ordination of all existing economic and financial crimes investigating units in Nigeria a
Carrying out and sustaining rigorous public  enlightenment campaign against economic  and financial  crimes within  and outside Nigeria, and  carry out such other activates as are  necessary or expedient  for the full discharge  of all or any of the function conferred on it under this Act.